Rainy Wendsday

I am sorry if I caused any confusion when I wrote to vote with an email you registered with to the blog. I meant that you should use the same email you registered at the blog when you vote. However, voting is taking place on the blog and not via email. Only few people got confused by this but we took care of it and sent them to blog to vote. No harm, no foul. Don’t count the chickens before they hatch either, I had to delete few votes due to ineligibility

The winner of two beautiful plugs from Charlie at Choopy Lures (http://www.choopylures.com/) is …

Terry Farell… bunnie37@verizon.net

Congrats dude, you have 5 days to get back to us with the shipping address. Contact us at info@surfcastersjournal.com

One pet peeve I have to get off my chest.

We gave away a crapload of stuff and are more than happy to do so. We pack it, label it and take it to the post office. All we ask is that you supply us with shipping address. I don’t think it’s our job to email you that you should check the blog so you can find out that you won’t. Don’t you agree?

Some of the fathers of the kids in the Junior Contest are not too responsive either. I emailed each one of them and asked for them to send me their shipping address so we can send their child a t shirt, a beautiful lure yet only half of them responded.

Am I missing something ?

I don’t mind putting an effort to come up with catch and release contest, giveaways or edit videos but when I ask for winners to send us their address or requiring the winners to check the blog, its because I don’t have time to fart. So help me out here folks….

here is the picture that didn’t make it into a striperthon contest. Yeah, I know I am eligible to enter my own picture but could not bring myself to do it. We try to stay away from anything that could be looked at as questionable, better safe than sorry. Besides, I watched her and 5 of her sisters swim away that night. I don’t need a prize to tell me that if I have another night like that in next 20 years I will be happy as pig in the mud.

13 comments on “Rainy Wendsday

  1. nick g

    Nice fish! That’s great you let them swim to fight another day. I agree with you, people should only enter the contest if they read the blog every day. Heck, I read it about 4 times a day lol. Great job with the contest and all of the giveaway’s, you guys are doing a lot of great things for the fishing community. A big thumbs up!

  2. Nancy Brown

    Not too much you can do when people don’t respond. Maybe pick another winner after a certain amount of time. I don’t remember when I signed up if I clicked on something or not but I also get an email everyday about what’s going on at the blog. I see who wins (never me) and then I go to the blog and read the “complete story”. So you have given us more than enough opportunity to respond and respond quickly.
    Zeno you worry too much. I don’t want to preach but this is a little advice I gave my Mother because she was constantly complaining about some of her children not “caring” about her.
    I told her that she needed to stop complaining about the ones who don’t care and start paying more attention to the ones who do.

  3. Chris A

    Zeno and crew…. I have never seen such awesome pictures in my life then form this contest. I hate looking at pictures of a stage and many dead stripers for our pleasure. This is why I try not to be involved in contest with that type of character. To me there all winners because we all know how good it feels when we release a stipers of that size. Congrats to all.

  4. John R


    I check the blog every day, religiously. So just pick me as a give-away winner and you won’t have any problem getting a response.

    Not sure I would have voted for your picture, had you entered it, but I think you should have entered, just so we could see another picture of a fish being sent back to the deep water.

    Gteat stuff!

  5. njplugger


    That’s a real beauty!
    Good going on a great night.

    Re the response of the winners: It is unfortunate that people sign up for things & then dismiss the whole deal, not just your contests.

    In my opinion, the problem is with the attention span of “some” folks these days.

    If it’s not slam bam. Then that’s it!

    Sorry for the mini rant, but to tell you the truth you see that kind of stuff all the time in all types of dealings.

  6. woodwker99

    Z, It’s been said you can lead a Man to the beach but you can’t make him fish….or something like that. Anyway you guys do a great job and I’m one of your readers who gets sullen when I go to the blog and there’s a day missing…but then I understand. You have to fish sometime too.Keep up your hard work. And really nice fish in the Picture…. If I could vote for two you would get my second vote…hahaha. Keep letting the big ones go to fight another day, My grand kids thank you. – Rich.

  7. David K

    Beautiful fish! We all appreciate the hard work you do. Most of the time, it may seem unappreciated, but as a newbe to surf fishing, we love your blog. I have learned a lot and taken your recommendations to heart. The pliers and the lures you suggest and test. Also have your books! Bought it. The video that the contributor did on the legend, bought that. Someday, will buy a custom from him.

    Keep up the good/hard work. And most of all, thank you to your wife!!! For letting you, or actually, putting up with this labor of love, to benifit ppl like me.



  8. mark m

    I always liked that photo Z. I think so many folks are busy these days that it is hard to get back to the computer I guess? Who knows, but I hope it works out for everyone. Good luck!

  9. Dennis

    Hi Z,

    Nice pic….people can be frustrating…..hang in there
    Hopefully there’s a couple more good fishing days left before the 15th….a looooooong off season.

    peace Dennis

  10. Ed

    Hi Zen, I registered yesterday and saw your email this morning. Hadn’t entered a picture. Haven’t had one nearly as nice as the one above, let alone this year. Was hoping you were going to give me the surf casting combo I asked Santa for.

    People are busy and many don’t get onto their PCs every day. Perhaps the shipping address could be made part of the registration process. I didn’t register for the C & R contest but think its a neat idea. Perpetuate the species and all.

    I would have been happy to give you my street address when I signed up for the blog, actually, I thought I had. I am excited to see the journal, especially now since NJ Angler has closed their doors.

    Don’t get frustrated, put any unclaimed prizes up for a random drawing from members who have provided their shipping info.

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