The winner of great Salty Lure Kits giveaway is …

The winner of  great Salty Lure Kits giveaway is …..whitey…
Please get back to us at with your mailing address within 5 days. If you don’t, No Soup For You. 🙂 
Thanks again to Scott from Salty for making this possible. Check out his website for some holiday gift ideas, dude has more items in his store the Cabelas. And make sure you stop by his booth at this winter show and tell him thanks for supporting us at here at SJ.
Another Giveaway coming up shortly….but first, I need a favor from you guys…..
On the  side, right underneath the Facrebook logo you are going to find a “poll”.
Its nothing more then a test poll to see how does it work. We are setting up to start voting for some sick STRIPERTHON 2010 prizes and I want to make sure that the poll works.
So even if you don’t own a VS or you own a dozen of then, vote for something, just so I can see what is going on
On the way to the beach for hopefully more video…I might even make a cast this time instead of watching our Rod Guru Lou Caruso nail a fish on every cast while I am relegated to being  a camera man 🙂



18 comments on “The winner of great Salty Lure Kits giveaway is …

  1. Ron D

    OK- I voted but when I voted on the blog home page I only had the option of 1,2 or 3. Now as I’m typing this I see options up to 5 and I was able to vote again!
    (Here in CT were lucky to be able to vote even once! 🙂

  2. Zeno Post author

    i think i found a problem…there should only be “How many VS reels do you own: and 5 options
    let me know if you see anything diferent…
    guys, this is just a test, I don’t care if you down own any VS reels, just click on the poll sio i can see if its working

  3. Zeno Post author

    it seems like i had two polls up at same time, thats why some of you seen difernt things and managed to vote twice
    RonD…let me know if you can vote again or any of you that voted already ,can you do it again ?

  4. Zeno Post author

    geez…you guys are too much, I asked for a favor to test the blog, not to borrow your wife.
    This is not the place where you can get your zingers in…..sigh, i am going fishing

  5. woodwker99

    Good Go fishing…isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Keep up the good work Z. oh and by the way…. the montage at the top of my page stopped working!

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