Cape Cod Canal- What’s in your bag, video with Dave Anderson

After a long wait, stripers have started to infiltrate just about all of theirs usual locations. The migration is on the way with the main body of large fish still ways away from reaching its northern range in Massachusetts and Maine. But they are coming and we have already seen  one of the better spring runs in New Jersey this year and lets hope that it continues northward.

No doubt about it that cape Cod Canal has been an epicenter of blitz fishing last few yeas. In my opinion it has surpassed Montauk as “the” destination  along the striper coast. Unfortunately in recent years Montauk has lost its white bait blitzes , either due to lack of fish, bait or different migration patterns, one cant know for sure. But its clearly evident something is a bit “off”. Hopefully with dominant 2011 class of fish in the surf the good times will return soon, but till then many will alter their plans around moon tides and camp out at the Canal. Does it make it that much more crowded? You bet. But that is the nature of the beast, regardless what place is hot, it will receive attention from increased number of anglers looking to cash in on the action.

Surfcaster’s Journal Online Magazine managing editor Dave Anderson has been fishing the Big Ditch for many years and is more than qualified to give advice on what works for him when to comes to lure selection when fishing the canal. As always, these things are very subjective, there is a dude out there that will be upset because someone does not mention a pink Bomber as  their goto lures or a 14 oz cod jig.

Here is a look at Dave’s Canal Bag in a new video from the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine

2 comments on “Cape Cod Canal- What’s in your bag, video with Dave Anderson

  1. Joe GaNun

    Nice video. Going to have to make it up to the ditch someday. No scientific evidence here but…I believe that the 2011 YOY class has already been slaughtered. All I’m seeing and hearing about this year is big and micro as in 1 YO. Additionally with all those big blues we have been seeing in the last few spring / fall runs those micros are toast. Hoping I’m wrong.

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