Yellow eyed devils

How does that old joke goes  ” Boy I just flew in and are my arms tired!”

Substitute “flying” to coming off the beach. My elbow is wrapped up so tight in ice I am afraid circulation will get cut off.

Silver Fox and I ran into a school of bluefish last night that we are going to remember for a long time.Zeno-3

You know how we call early bluefish” racers”? Long and thin, all head and no body in the spring?

We’ll these were not that type. There were the fattest, meanest blues I’ve seen in a long time outside month of November. They were so thick around the belly, I could barely get my hands around the shoulders to unhook it. They looked like small blufin’s instead bluefish. Why were they not long and thin?

The fact that they had pinned two big schools of bunker to the beach might have something to do with it. Its been a long time since I had to drive with a left hand because my right hand was totally useless but this morning my elbow feels much better than I expected. My shoulder which I hurt two weeks doing yard work  is sore as anything but that I expected. Anyway, I hope you guys are catching.

I know fishing them can be maddening at times as they feed like a heard of angry birds with no rhyme or reason. Silver Fox and I ran east on Saturday and even on Sunday morning and got there as the bite was done. As always, making your own reports is much more pleasurable than chasing others. The only reason I entertain  them is because I wanted people catching fish in a spot where I could film. I wasn’t really interested in making a cast myself. So I chased and chased and chased….and only when i was late on three bites by an hour and i said, ‘enough’ of trying to chase other’s bites to use a camera did I walk into my own.

Last night was like old days….no camera, no distractions…But I have to admit that I would have traded all those fish for a camera in my hand! One time I ran into a school of bunker and I left my camera in the car, which is something I never do. Murphy’s Law I guess

btw..whatever happened to just holding a fish and getting an ACCURATE representation of its size? What is with this epidemic of holding a fish two feet in front of yourself to make it look bigger? What do these people do in the summer when they go to the beach in their swim trunks, carry a Italian sausage with them, just in case? If you are embarrassed by the fish you catch, do yourself a favor and don’t take the picture at all. This is getting ridiculous

Anyway, new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine should be uploaded tonight baring any unforeseen circumstances

and one more thing

winners of Pelican LED Nemo 1960 lights are




mike rose

you both have 5 days to get back to us at with your shipping addresses






and one last thing..for those of you who think that I am joking when i say i only fish with few bucktails most of the month of May. That is my set up Ultimate surf belt, rockhopper clip, TA pouch with lead, rinds, boga and pliers


2 comments on “Yellow eyed devils

  1. oneoftwo

    I was out Sunday morning and couldn’t believe the size of the weight lifting blues too. My arm was hurting by the end, but I don’t have an injury. I can imagine the pain you were in. Feel better!

  2. Martino Agosta

    Now is the time to take a kid out fishing. I take my 2 sons Nick 13 and Justin 17 regularly. The Blues are a fun way to keep them interested in Surf Fishing especially when they are as thick as they are the last week or so. Had em heavy today on a SS beach with Nicky and he had a blast..

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