New issue is up and a Guides Choice lures giveaway

We put up new issue last night. I think you will find a lot of things to your liking. Sign into your account and enjoy. Tommy is working on an app with our web designer this week. We hope to have some news for you in about a week.

If that all works our well, we will re-upload the new issue with an app capabilities where you can download the mag to your phone and tablet and read it off line and pinch and zoom on your tablets, starting with this issue and all future ones. Bare with us as we working out the kinks.


I didn’t have a camera with me (again) last night but in a pinch the phone would do. Just get to any inlet at dawn and dusk and you will find some life…bass are still scarce, at least where I fish


Ok, lets celebrate this issue and invasion of our devil eyed friends with a giveaway

One winner, two lures from Guides Choice Lures

One Bottle Pop Popper and One Bunka Boy swimmer…both are sure to be readily engulfed by your friendly yellow eye devils


Go read…wait, go catch fish then read

we’ll still be here

208 comments on “New issue is up and a Guides Choice lures giveaway

  1. chris c

    I grew up along the coast and have never used this color lure before. I would be interested in tryiing it in the surf in NJ and GA to see the results.

  2. surehooked

    First! I’m in, secon, I am looking forward to this APP!!! Been waiting for it aLONG TIME!!! Just one thing guys,I hope you understand that not all TABLETS !!! can use (GOOGLE’S APP’S ) or ( APPLE’S APP’S ) please consider that!!!!

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