Tsunami Airwave Elite Surf Rod Photo Contest- Time to vote


We want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. There is so much we are thankful for, from our families, great friends and all of our readers too. We hope all of you enjoy some quality time with your loved ones today. Remember that regardless how bad your day on the beach is, it is wonderful to come home to people that love you.

We think it’s fitting that today we unveil our Tsunami Fall Run Photo Contest. Folks from Tsunami asked us recently if we would like to have a photo contest where we ask our readers to submit their best pictures from this fall run, and they would award a winner a new Tsunami Elite Airwave Surf Rod of their choice. The only rule was, no dead fish pictures!

We sifted through all the entries and we are thankful to all of you that sent them in. We picked what we thought were the best ten. There were a lot of great shots but some of them we felt were to blurry or had a lot of noise so we picked what we thought the best candidates for you to vote on. This is the first time we are using this polling software so be patient if there are any issues with voting. We’ll get this right.


You can only vote ONCE and for ONE picture, so look trough them all and make a selection. ONLY SUBSCRIBERS to the blog can vote. Do not ask your brother-in-law,  your mistress and cat to vote for you. This is only open to subscribers of the blog. You can comment if you wish but the only vote that will count is one you enter using a official Tsunami Photo Voting box

Have fun looking trough some awesome shots from this fall run, have a great Thanksgiving with you family and enjoy pigskin too. Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Group Hug 🙂

12345678910[polldaddy poll=7600664]

18 comments on “Tsunami Airwave Elite Surf Rod Photo Contest- Time to vote

  1. Matt H

    #10 is a phenomenal shot… however how can you go wrong with #5!!! It’s priceless to see the future of our sport getting an early start… way to go kid, you’re the winner in my book!

  2. Jason Colby

    While 10 and 4 are both “loaded rods”, I’d say 4 has far “better form” (and a greater load). Also, I have always been a fan of the cliffs, having taken many very nice fish there. On that note: , “if #4 had been taken at night”…….JC

  3. Chris H.

    I’m partial to #5…that’s my son Sam. He’s 5 and has become quite the accomplished catch and release fisherman 🙂 I’m lucky to have a such a great fishing buddy and love my time on the water with him. We both learn a lot and have a lot of fun.

  4. Sean Kearney

    While I think that is a sweet (self timer) shot of one of my larger fish of 2013(Photo #8), how can I not vote for that little kid in #5, that is awesome! There are some really great photos in that group as well, #10 is sick!

  5. Richard aka Woodwker99

    I love the artistry of #3 and #10. But the future of our sport, our world is in the young. and #5 shows it looks in good hands. I say just give the kid the prize.

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