Skinner’s new video, new columnists and some congrats

Who went to the beach this Sunday in that insane wind and single digit wind chill? You are better man than I if you did. I went to a weeding and was reminded in the morning why I stopped drinking long time ago. As my late grandfather would say, “If you don’t know HOW to drink, then don’t do it” ,or something like that. Translating from Croatian to English, you always come up with something that sounds more Cringlish than anything else.

I am guessing all of you by now know about our two new columnists for 2014. We promised you that we would never stop improving the Surfcaster’s Journal and this is another sign of our commitment on making it the best publication for the surfcasters.

Crazy Alberto Knie is one of the most respected surfcasters of this generation. In

Crazy Al Rock Striper

addition to his uncanny ability to find big fish in the surf, Alberto is also an accomplish author, photographer and graphic artist.



“Chef” Chris Blouin is a RI surfcaster who has gained the respect of his peers over the past five years.1ws2wdsw Blouin is the head Chef at Providence Rhode Island’s Luxe Burger a posh burger joint with a gourmet twist.


We hope you’ll all join us in welcoming these two to our fantastic team. We’ll continue to try to bring you the best names in the business so that we can all continue up our games in the surf.

While I am on the subject on magazine. I know most of you know, but in case you do not, the magazine subscription is set up, when you signed up first, as a reoccurring thing that renews after a year(or two if you got a two year subscription). That is the way the website dude in Australia set it up when he wasn’t chasing kangaroos. So ,if you want to take this off , log into your magazine account, go to “account”, then click on “payment history” then “cancel subscription”.

In other news…

I am personally hoping for at least another tide, even if I have to do it in snow. I always hated when I cant make that “last trip” while my truck is full of gear and ready to go. I told my wife about a month or more that I was making a “last trip” after not catching a darn thing for a month locally. Then the sand eel thing happened and that was that….

By the way, before I forget, I understand our new columnist Chef Chris got engaged this week on a trip to Florida? In which case , congrats to him from all of us at SJ.

Also of note, our Rod Guru Lou Caruso got his personal best few weeks ago somewhere in Fire Island Inlet, so we extend our congratulations to him as well. I was going to have a blog vote for the Tsunami Elite Photo contest but I am waiting for our Australian web dude to fix something on the blog. Hopefully in a day or so.

If your heart is set on surf and turf this weekend, I would suggest you head down to NJ beaches. There are still fish caught in NY but most of them are small while NJ has a better and more consistent bite with bigger fish.

In case you have not seen this new video from SJ columnist John ” I-can-catch-fish-in-a-roadside-puddle” Skinner…check it out

As usual John is hammering the fish while the rest of us asks..where is everyone??? How come when we get one fish we get mugged by ten dudes and John, on every video just keeps catching and catching and catching and no one mugs him! Maybe like late Steve Jobs he does not believe in deodorant?

I doubt that. Most likely everyone knows and respects the man

You know we do


and last but not least,

you can now “gift” a subscription to Surfcaster’s Journal to your buddies for holidays. Or any time. I mean, seriously, it there any bad time to receive a gift of the Surfcaster’s Journal? Maybe you have a buddy whose wallet is tighter than Kim Kardashian pants, maybe a buddy who does not know what we do or someone just starting in the sport. Or maybe you are just feeling jolly and generous for the holidays. If you are a subscriber or not, you can give a gift of Surfcaster’s Journal by clicking here. The gift is only good for one year (or two) subscription, after that time it’s up to them to renew it. You did your good deed

7 comments on “Skinner’s new video, new columnists and some congrats

  1. HeinekenPete

    …as if Surfcaster’s Journal wasn’t already great, now they’ve added Alberto & Chris to the mix!
    Can’t wait to start reading their articles & advice.
    And here’s yet another informative video from John! I always look forward to watching them
    because I always learn something new. Thanks…

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