2013 continued…

Once in awhile I put this stuff out there, a call for help in a way. Stuff I can’t get to, stuff I could use, stuff we need for a magazine.

And I also promised you to continue with news. The big news of the week is that I KVIT . For those of you without working knowledge of Cringlish language (croatian-english) that would be, I quit. Dave Anderson who I have a  world of respect for will be  managing editor of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. He will work with all the columnists and writers and do what I have been doing. Where does that leave me? Hmmm, let me see. Write, pictures blog, ad sales, billing, invoicing, video, shows…oh yeah, that pesky thing called regular job….lol. So from now on , any inquiries about writing ,stories , please contact him at danderson_nef@yahoo.com  . We are working on getting him surfcastersjournal.com email but use the yahoo one for now. The haters can still contact me at zenosucks@surfcastersjournal.com.

And yes, I will still be writing this blog…I can’t believe some misread my original post this morning but then again my cringlish is tough to grasp

The winner of Ultimate Surf Belt is  frankbklyn21@yahoo.com …please email us at info@surfcastersjournal.com with your shipping address

Can someone please email me a picture you took which shows this  mycobacteria disease? I need it for an article and I don’t have any. I would really appreciate it.

As I told you, I will be working on this Montauk series over the winter. Does anyone have old vintage pictures of trucks, people, town, anything related to Montauk? Please email me or send me a link to a place where you know there are some. You can contact me at zhromin@verizon.net

If anyone has an idea for article for SJ they want to write, please drop mDave a line with your idea. Even if you have a suggestion as to what you would like to see other write, let us know. We can only think of so much.

We’d like to feature a gear modification column, not so much on regular basis but as an occasional series. We all tinker with our stuff and until recently most of the stuff you bought for surfcasting was not designed for surf fishing only. If you have an idea, shot Dave an email.

Let’s face it, your feedback is important. Like I said many times, in a lot of ways, we do this for you guys on this blog. Yes, a lot more people come and go but to me, you are our most important readers. No disrespect to masses that read SJ but to me you guys are like family…except there is no sneering remarks, insults or putdowns. What kind a family is this ?:-)

And how ironic is that after we moved the blog to another server that it went caput yesterday? You can’t make this stuff up

21 comments on “2013 continued…

  1. Lenman

    wow…somehow I feel like we lost something today. Dave is excellent but always looked forward to your blogs. Thanks for all you did and keep on producing stuff so we can still get some Zenoisms from time to time. Great job over the years. Must feel great to see what you built.


  2. CTMatt

    Wow wow wowowowowow a lot of changes here!

    I promised to work on some gear modifications and I completed an article over the summer but when bills forced me to sell some gear I am not sure if I took pictures before letting some of my modded gear go. Either way I’ll send it to Dave when my kids are on vacation.

    Z I am going to miss your Zenoisms on journal entries and your frequent mispelled words. Not jabbing you at all but it made reading more enjoyable for me lol. Hopefully Dave has bad puncuation. Excited for Dave I know things are in super good hands and I usually hit his coulumns first on the magazine.

    Good luck SJ! 2013 proves to be very exciting next year!

  3. Zeno Post author

    Let me try this again…this time in english
    I am still writting this blog…dave is handling the magazine….sometimes I feel I should write in swahilli

  4. Steve S.

    “except there is no sneering remarks, insults or putdowns. What kind a family is this ?:-)”

    Lazy bastard… 😉

    I will miss your posts as well. Looking forward to seeing what Dave will bring to the table going forward. Thanks Z!

  5. David Strom

    Congrats to Dave, and also to you, Zeno, for a job well done!

    I hope you’re proud of what you’ve done, ‘cuz I think you should be. Glad to read that your blog will continue, because I would really miss reading it.

    I’ve seen the notice on your blog about subscribing to Dave’s newsletter for awhile, just never got around to subscribing… will Dave still be doing that newsletter, or will his efforts now be included in SJ?

  6. frankwward

    hey z thanks for the chance to win the belt. will come in handy this upcoming season since i grew out of my other belt. lol merry christmas to all and happy holidays i emailed you guys my info let me know if you guys got it

  7. Richard aka Woodwker99

    Wait…. did you feel that???? the Earth just shifted a little I think. Z thanks for all your labors. if the world ends tonight or tomorrow, know we love what you do. Someone said a great leader knows how to delegate. glad you delegated something to someone else for a change. ( No offence to Dave). You guys do a great job both on the blog and in the Mag. Looking forward to great things in 2013. thanks Merry Christmas!

  8. Moses Medina

    Thank you Z for making this very needed magazine dedicated to the salty brine. I understand that you’re schedule is crazy. I actually don’t know how you pulled it off. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made to bring this magazine to light, it must have been hard giving up time with the family to keep us surf rats informed. Dave Anderson is a great writer and plug maker. I’ve always enjoyed his how to articles on plug making. Welcome aboard Dave! I hope SJ keeps improving. Thank you for making a place for us salty characters to feel at home.

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