27 comments on “15 plug giveaway on the facebook page.

  1. CTMatt

    Not sure why there are a lot of folks against FB, they aren’t taking money out of your pocket and for what it is worth you control who views your stuff. It isn’t what you guys are makin it out to be but I respect your decision. Your missing out!

  2. woodwker99

    Well I for one am glad I did have a fb account even if I use it only for this giveaway. it also amazes me as to how many ” I’m ins” appear here.

  3. CTMatt

    I’m in=people who don’t read directions.

    Seriously though folks even if you join only to follow/support SJ, Super Strike, surfcasting guys I don’t see what the big deal is. You don’t pay a dime and you can get great info without having to deal with anyone/anything. Like reading a newspaper…

    How is FB a game? I am not some fanboy but I guess some folks read headlines too much and think it is only bad…

    Giveaways and great videos are overrated…lol

    And you don’t have to be a FAN of Facebook…you have to be a FAN of Surfcasters Journal!

    Off to fish…night all!

  4. Ed

    So I signed up for Facebook. If you do, you may not want to give them the password to your email account. I don’t get it, looks to me like a chick thing.

    I checked that I liked SJ on their page, got no link so it’s hard to get to. Wasn’t worth the effort. Kinda sorry I did.

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