Would you cast an umrella rig in the surf?

As Ricky Ricardo would say ” Lucy, you have some spleaning to do”

The Surfcaster’s Classic Catch and Release Tournament that you have seen on our blog yesterday…I got numerous emails asking why we have not reach out to this guy or that. Some people wanted to be involved.

Please contact Dave Anderson at danderson_nef@yahoo.com. This is HIS brainchild, HIS tournament. We are just helping him get a word out. Of course we support ANY catch and release tournament but this is not a SJ tournament but instead his own. I guess people are confused how he can run SJ and then have his own tourney. Guys, Dave also writes for The Fisherman and provides content for them and other publications.

He is a multitalented dude that can’t be roped by just one publication..ha-ha

Seriously, this is Dave brainchild and he did offer  to do it under SJ umbrella but we felt that we were up to our armpits of re-launching SJ in new format at the time and did not want to take our eyes from the magazine.

So if you are a manufacturer or want to get involved as a sponsor or as participant contact Dave at danderson_nef@yahoo.com

Now for today’s entry..

You know, its not the craziest idea in the world. I might try this in the inlet this spring…only my rig will be a “clambella” rig with 6 clams futtering in the water 😉

and no, after watching the video, i am not joking

Georgia’s Bone Wins Southern Open With Flash Mob Jr.
By: Lawrence Taylor (photos courtesy bassmaster.com)
For the first time in history a major B.A.S.S. tournament has been won by an angler throwing a castable umbrella rig (CUR), specifically the YUMbrella Flash Mob Jr. Georgia’s Patrick Bone weighed in 65-pounds, 4-ounces over the three day Southern Open tournament held April 4-6 on Tennessee’s Douglas Lake.
These rigs, which feature multiple arms for the attachment of up to five jigheads rigged with swimbaits, have come under fire by many pro anglers as being too effective. Like spinnerbaits, crankbaits or any other tool in a bass angler’s arsenal, however, there is a time and place that the rig shines. Catching tournament-winning stringers doesn’t come from simply tying one on and catching three fish per cast all day long.
Plus, as Bone proved, there are differences in the many versions of CURs available, and just like with any other lure category, size, action and other lure characteristics make the key differences that catch fish. Bone threw the diminutive Flash Mob Jr. all three days of the tournament.
“I caught every fish I weighed in on the Flash Mob Jr.,” he said. “The size and those flashing blades were the deal. Just about everyone in the tournament was throwing some type of umbrella rig.”
In the Douglas Lake Open with most of the approximately 180 pros throwing a rig, 21 anglers did not weigh in a fish during two days of fishing, and 51 anglers brought less than 6 pounds to the scales. Seventy-five pros brought in less than 10 pounds.
If all an angler has to do is tie one on and fish jump in the boat, wouldn’t everyone have caught 25 pounds a day?
There is no argument from anyone, however, that the CUR is a highly effective bass lure when fished at the right time and place. Like a spinnerbait, however, for best results the angler still must select the right size and action, as well as rig it with the most effective soft plastics.
The YUMbrella Flash Mob Jr. is a downsized rig with five stainless steel lure arms. No. 3 willowleaf blades are positioned at the mid-point of each of the four outer arms to provide extra flash and vibration. With no extra weight in the head, shorter lure arms and a lighter overall weight, the Flash Mob Jr. is less strenuous to cast than a full-sized version, yet creates the image of a full-sized school of baitfish.
Refining any lure to make it more effective than your competition is essential no matter the technique. Bone used 4- to 5-inch swimbaits in two different color patterns to catch his winning bass. Flash Mob Jr. Wins Southern Open “I had two rods on the deck during the tournament,” Bone said. “One was for stained water and the other for clearer water. For clear water I like swimbaits that are somewhat translucent, and for the dirtier water I use the more solid colors like white.”
Bone threw the clear-water rig on 20-pound fluorocarbon and the dirty water rig on 65-pound braid.
Because Douglas Lake is in Tennessee, a state with a 3-hook restriction, Bone used hookless swimbaits on the top two lure arms, two ¼-ounce jigheads on the bottom lure arms and a 1/8-ounce jig for the center lure arm. The two heavier bottom jigheads provide the balance needed for the Flash Mob Jr. to run straight in the water.
He caught his bass in water 8- to 10-feet deep, targeting transition areas the fish were using as they migrated into spawning areas. He positioned the boat so he could cast parallel to the bank (or at most a 45-degree angle) so he could keep the rig in the right water depth the maximum amount of time.
“I started reeling as soon as it hit the water,” Bone said. “I retrieved it at a slow, constant pace, just ticking the rocks but not letting it get down in them or it would get hung up. I didn’t use any twitches or add any rod action.” Patrick Bone and his Flash Mob Jr. Bone didn’t catch tremendous numbers of fish each day, but his Flash Mob Jr. did catch the right ones. He boated 11 keepers on Friday, eight on Saturday and just 6 fish on Sunday, but all of the fish he caught were quality 3- to 5-pounders.
Mark Hicks, a Bassmaster.com columnist and tournament angler, fished the Southern Open as a co-angler and said that most competitors he saw were throwing smaller-sized CURs with willowleaf blades. Hicks said the two boaters he rode with did land a few fish on different versions of umbrella rig, but that he never really got the bite going.
“I may have messed up,” he said. “Most of the guys were running dummy rigs on the top two lure arms, but I cut off the top wires, and I think that was a mistake. There is no doubt that the rig catches quality fish, and this was not an easy bite at all. Patrick (Bone) had something going, though. He was fishing behind guys and still catching fish.”
The Flash Mob Jr. has become the most-popular CUR in YUM’s extensive lineup of rigs and is available everywhere fishing lures are sold — including Wal-Mart – for less than $13. Bone said he’d tried a variety of CURs from different manufacturers, but threw the Flash Mob Jr. at Douglas for one major reason.
“It was the confidence factor,” he said. “I have a lot of confidence in that




14 comments on “Would you cast an umrella rig in the surf?

  1. mikebfishn

    Yes i have and will continue to do so. I started making my own “a rigs” for saltwater about 2 years ago after experementing with freshwater sized rigs. They werent mass produced like they are now so making my own was a necessity. I have been staired at like a googan for doin so but in certain situations they simply slay fish. The ones on the shelfs are ok but most hardware is not beefy enough for the surf. Snaps Will fail and wires break off of most under normal conditions. I build 3 wire rigs out of .052 to .058 stainless wire with extra heavy swivel locks. 3 wires has alot less to go wrong and tangle , makes it much more user friendly without lossing the schooling affect. Also using one piece swim shads to dress the rig is wicked cost effective vs buying quality swim jig heads and plastics , swims very true and natural as well.

    I have seen one companies saltwater version , havent tried it due to being so cheap to build your own rigs on steroids

  2. mikebfishn

    Anytime…to any who are interested, there is a awesome video from River to Sea tackle on “how to build alabama rig” on youtube very simple and strong design. Stick to that as guideline and use heavier hardware.

  3. mikebfishn

    As far as first time someone won a pro event on a alabama rig…….haha i think not. Where do u think they came from? Mom and pop lure builders in the hush hush world of tournament fishing. I saw my first one about 3 years ago in local bass tournament. Saw how productive they could be and started building my own because u had to. Now the cats out of the bag because they are on everyshelf and is no longer a pro secret. A south east pa pro also recently ADMITTED to winning Guntersville FLW tour stop with a 80+lb weekend due to a-rigs …so just because they are now popular and talked about doesnt mean new.

  4. sioca

    Thanks for sharing mikebfishn,. There are a lot videos on youtube on “how to build alabama rig”. Which one r u referring to? 7:44 , 13:01 , 5:28 etc. etc.

  5. Robert Conover

    Last fall I was judging a tournament on the beach in NJ . Some people where catching small blues . A guy down the beach tied on an umbrella rig with about 5 tails. I thought I was seeing things . He didn’t catch any fish , I wouldn’t check them in anyway. 1 LURE or 1 RIG !!!

  6. mikebfishn

    To sioca .. its the 5:28 min video by alumilite corporation. The rivet collar is the key so simple and so strong. Instead of making fancy mold and resin to build a head . i buy quick set steel 2 part epoxy stick and fashion a tapered head to my liking sand and paint(you can make a few with one stick) … that shit is bullet proof and cost effective. from my experience fresh and salt you want to keep focus on your school not the head. The more fancy the head the more head strikes i got with poor hook up. You want the focus to be on the business end of the rig .

  7. sioca

    To mikebfishn… Thanks for the extra tips, “THAT SHIT IS BULLET PROOF” excellent, got it…5:28 it is!!!

    And, I’ll keep my focus on the business end!!! LoL!!!

  8. TedC

    I’m no where near as sharp as the pros, and i guess there is a money side to this… But these rigs dont seem very sporting to me. To hell with skill timing and presentation, lets throw more hooks in the water!

    To each their own. Like i said, i’m not a great fisher, and i wont be outfishing anyone soon… but i do enjoy the challenge of trying to “lure” a fish onto my line. These rigs seem like they represent something that isnt “fishing” to me.

  9. mikebfishn

    To ted c…i see where you are coming from i was on the fence at first. It doesnt up your chances because of the the number of hooks. Rather it coax’s well fed stacked up fish to bite when they have the lock jaw. The a rig will be outshined 90% of the time with traditional lures. Throw it at shore lines , shallow structure , vegatation , rock piles and other lures will do much better. But say your fishing a freshwater large resivior with a great forage base and you find offshore fish that dont want to bite … a-rig time. Or say an inlet in spring time and picky ass bass are waiting at the mouth on outgoing water and you absolutely know they are there feeding
    On small bait no plug in your bag is working … a-rig time. Just like any other lure it shouldnt been thrown in every situation, but when the right circumstances apply theres no better choice. Give one a try you will be surprised how they DON’T effortlessly fill your bag.
    Its just another tool to try and figure out the big puzzle.

  10. TedC

    I hear what you are saying mike, nothing is automatic. I wasnt trying to take the shine off of anyones trophy. Maybe i took the title too literally– i dont want to downplay anyone’s good idea. But for me, the surf lure fishing game is one of the few types of fishing where not all fishers are equal… I know because i’m fascinated by (many) guys that i’ll fish right along side and they can fish the same lure as me, and outcatch me consistently… That fasciation of skill, timing and knowledge are what has me hooked… Not so much the brand or model of equipment. I’m still learning. Maybe when i begin to outfish, i’ll look for other newer challenges… But for now, the idea of making the little piece of plastic at the end of MY line become the morsel that a fish decides to take is the best thing about fishing, to me.

    I’m weird, i know. Haha

  11. fisherman /joe

    I just bought a salt water “casting”umbrella and i will work this into my daily/ weekly jaunts to the beach. dying to see if i can pill this off .or should i say im hoping a fish tries to pull it off…

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