
Ok, here we go…we got lots of winners


The crew from Saltwater Edge and RedGil picked out three random numbers today which they sent to us. Then we matched those numbers to the entries that we already assigned numbers during the week


 winners of Saltwater Edge/ Redgil contest are

The winner of $250 Gift Certificate from Saltwater Edge is Keith Alexander

The winner of $50 Gift certificate of RedGil is George Mello

The winner of any one lure from SWE stock is ROBERT KRETZER


Again, thank you so much to folks from Redgil and Saltwater Edge for their generosity


Ok, the winner number two

Of Hansom orange pliers sheath is…

Peter …


all the winners please contact us at and we will hook you up



We don’t usually do boat videos , but this is exceptional. Why? Because it’s a new video by John Skinner, whose upcoming book “Fishing the Bucktail” is sure to be the most requested gift  this holiday season. If you want to know how to get yourself a signed copy, follow this link.



For the surf fanatic in you, check this out. Another Skinner classic




And last and not least, are u ready for the issue # 10 of the coolest magazine in the world? All 190 plus pages ?


8 comments on “Winning….

  1. Peter Jenkins

    Zeno and crew,

    Thanks for the generosity and commitment that brings such an informative and high quality publication to the surfcasting community.

    Bring on #10!!


  2. Zeno Post author

    For those of you that are not familiar, the previous post is by the fellow behind SWE and Red Gill…issue # 10 is coming..right now we are having some…umm, technical difficulties ..hopefully will be resolved by tonight

  3. Keith

    Thank you Z i will use the $ 250. to buy a new legend surf rod I m think the 2-6 oz > I love my mojo’s but won’t mind having a legend to throw too . Thank you again . I can’t wait for #10

  4. CTMatt

    Of course my kokers just pulled apart and my AS gloves look like they are in a woodchipper…the winter is for saving up cash I guess lol but I am not done yet!

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