

Here are the winners of last week giveaways. Congrats guys,, you have 5 days to supply us with your shipping address. Email us at

  • The new book, Complete Guide to Surfcasting by Joe Cermele goes to Rob G
  • The Lure Tube set consisting of a Lure Tubes shirt, 2 Lure Tubes and a Lure tubes that goes to Rich S
  • Ebbpooint Carabineer clip goes to Scott L

I hope you guys are enjoying the new issue of the magazine. I thought Rich Trox piece was probably the most riveting piece of fishing literature that I’ve ever read. And I’ll throw guys like Hemingway into the mix. I been telling Rich that he probably has a book in him…of some kind. I know that most of the  new guys are many of old guard will read nothing but how-to’s but I really think Rich has a special talent for writing. We are proud and honored to have him be part of Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.

Speaking of books… There are two books in the works I know of and probably both will be I stores this fall. John Skinner is working on his second book and William” Doc” Muller has written his first new pure surf fishing book in over twenty years. I haven’t read John’s yet but I have read Doc’s one and its very, very good. This is why I told you, if you guys have some interesting pictures you want to be considered for a possible inclusion in the book, send me a note at

While we are on subject of writing, yes, we are looking for your contributions. Yes, we are interesting in any ideas you might have for possible stories for the Surfcaster’s Journal. And yes, we try to compensate our writers better than any publication in northeast. So send us your ideas for articles at

ok…. now you go back to reading Surfcaster’s Journal 🙂

and don’t forget to visit us on facebook

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7 comments on “Winners…

  1. CTMatt

    LOL…winning at the giveaways was easier for me when you only had a few dozen subscribers…now I am a little fish in a huuuuge see of subscribers and I can’t win a thing lol.

    I adopted a few ideas already from the Plugaholics column including giving some swimmers new life by “Mackerelization” as well as trying to hunt down some AH/flatbottom pencil goodness to add to my arsenal.

    Goes without saying …but GREAT JOB! I know I have an article in me but I am trying to think of something original and enticing to contribute as a relative newcomer to the sport a few years ago…

  2. CTMatt

    I never even considered compensation…i just want to help out and do something good for the almighty SJ! But if you want to toss in some tester Penn reels/GSB’s I’ll write an article longer then a Steven King book! haha

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