Winner of SS Wonderbread Bottle and some unscheduled wader testing

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Sure looks like it’s gorgeous weather wise. Let me get this stuff out of the way as we got bogged down with problems with a hijacked blog all week.

The winner of a Super Strike Wonderbread Bottle plug is TomS . Please send your mailing address to

Speaking of problems on a blog, we are still trying to fix the posting issues. On some of my computers it works fine, on others, I get timed out. Tommy is looking at possibility of moving the blog from godaddy to a dedicated server. Some people have told us we might have too much traffic or whoever we share the server with might. In any event ,this has been a nightmare of a week. I don’t want to do any giveaways until I am certain that all of you can enter. So if you guys are still having posting issues, please reply here and tell us. There is no other way for us to know.

Then there is an issue of notification emails which one day went to Chinese site, another day the link was broken. Holy shit, like a perfect storm. And my knowledge of computer is limited to this one index finger pecking away at keyboard. Just ducky.

I think some of you will find this amusing…I told you about the Redington zippered waders the other day. I obviously tested them by going into the water to my chest to make sure zipper does not leak. We’ll, last night we did some unscheduled testing. I was trying to navigate some rocks in a very hairy spot in the inlet and missed the rock and ended up in the drink. Of course I sloshed around like a beach whale. But eventually I did regain my composure although with a bruised ego. However, the balls stayed dried. Which on the end of the night is very important. Unless you went to Scores or Gallagher’s, but then you probably don’t need waders but a wad of singles instead.

When I said the other day that we are looking for ideas for a magazine, I did not mean a suggestion of what we should write about, instead I was looking for stories that YOU wanted to write for SJ. We feel that our readers are the ones with a passion for the game. So if you have an idea you want it to pitch to us, you have our email. Please drop us a line

I don’t usually ask questions on this blog, sometimes a spirited discussion can turn into argumentative debate and insults like some other places. Today , out of curiosity, I am making exception. I wanted to know how would you rate your spring? Are you catching more/less? Is size bigger or smaller than usual? Do you find your honey holes stocked as usual or bare this year?

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17 comments on “Winner of SS Wonderbread Bottle and some unscheduled wader testing

  1. Aram

    This spring has been better for me both in quantity and quality. Having said that, I’ve also put in a few more trips to more productive locations. The fishing turned on a bit earlier this year, but I did NOT have any of those crazy schoolie nights where I caught more fish than I could count, even if some where only 14″. Probably a little disturbing.

  2. Richard aka Woodwker99

    So far this Spring has been as usual in the narrows. Bass a little hard to find, but Blues cooperating. Surprise has been weakfish. More then usual and there seems to be fluke being caught closer to the bridge then in past years. but that’s just what I have heard.(the fluke that is. I haven’t had one yet) And I’m still timing out tryig to get this on.

  3. Greg Tucceri

    It’s been lights out since quitting my job , been fishing about 40-50 hours a week and working 16 hours on the weekends. When the baits around been doing good but the last week for me has been fishing like August. These freaking NE winds have been a bitch! Going SW Tuesday things should pick up. All in all 30 fish in the last week average 18# biggest being 30# with a 6 blues mixed in.

  4. Tyson

    I have retired from the surf, but when I do get out to fish the sound I always catch stripers. Not a lot of keeper, but fun nevertheless.

    BTW What is feedburner? I have to copy this text as the last one timed out.

  5. steve j

    my spring has been pretty good, better than last year in numbers, about average for size with the exception of my personal best back in april and some nice size fish last week. i’ve noticed im catching alot more bluefish than i have in years past, but my bass numbers are up also. as for my honey holes, this year i decided to explore more and try new areas or places i overlooked every year. this is probably why my numbers are up, that and i’ve been fishing twice as much this year

  6. fishtrek

    Before y Heart attack the striper fishing was better than most years Problem is the time that I have recouped is just time for the end of the big run Now to seee what I can do come fall. Otherwise it has been pretty good down here in NJ

  7. rob k.

    although i myself have not been able to fish myself do to surg on shoulder, everyone i know has had an awesome spring – the best in years. sooo pissed not in the action!

  8. Glen

    I fished between Cape May and Island Beach State Park about 13 times between April 1 and June 1 and only caught one keeper on June 1st. I found last fall in NJ to be great but was fishless in Montauk the first week of October.

  9. CTMatt

    Just lost a big post I wrote…scratch the whole “I am not having problems” thing lol.

    Anyway SJ I would love to write an article or a series of articles on bag modifications, production bag reviewsn and surf belt setups. I don’t have a custom “one-off” type bag where you get exactly what you want but instead a lot of reviews for production bags out there on the market. I modify and improve upon what I have and some bags simply don’t need much. If you think info or an article like this would be helpful i would like to share my knowledge on the matter. I have experience with a ton of production bags and the tinkering and mods I made to most of them to be more useful,

    Thanks for your consideration.

  10. frank ward

    This has been the best spring yet. i met a nfew new friends in my new area where i live in longisland. i grew up in brooklyn so the areas were always there to fish never hasd the time to actually put in. This spring i have what i like to think a amazing catch list of bass. my New buds showed some excellent ways to fish certsin spots and certain lures. i feel this season so far i went up another level in surfcasting plus. And whats even better than catching the bass and yes even the blues.,is catching them on rods i made.

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