Win two large Big Rock swimmers

I hope you guys are enjoying the new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Online Magazine. I think the whole crew once again outdid themselves and put out another solid issue.

We need to announce the winter of last week  Big Water GRS plug and Black Label Spook. Without further suspense, the random computer program we use spit out a winner and its Mark Catalano

You have 5 days to contact us at




Continuing with the thoughts on custom  plugs…

No, I wont go into the all the craziness that surrounds some of these makers, I am totally disinterested in the subject. Its nice to see your hard work appreciated, we feel the same way here at SJ.

Half way trough the last week Asbury Show I attended with my son, Russ “Big Rock” Paoline, Surfcaster’s Journal columnist and maker of wildly popular Big Rock Custom plugs walked up to us and stuffed few lures in our hands. “This is for your readers” he said.

And so it will be

Today’s giveaway is courtesy of Big Rock, two large Big Rock swimmers, two winners. Each will receive one Big Rock lure.


The skinny?

In order for your entry to count, you must tell us what is your favorite story, feature or picture in the CURRENT issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. Everyone that enters with “I am in” will be ineligible to win.

Yeah, this means that the giveaway is only open to subscribers. And yes, there are benefits beyond original articles, original video and free t-shirts.

This one is for you guys, because you are the ones that keep the lights on at SJ

Good Luck


223 comments on “Win two large Big Rock swimmers

  1. cpollnow

    I am in!

    Favorite article was by Dave Anderson on how guys are catching their 50’s. Articles like those are exactly what I want to read because it’s very helpful hearing the type of structure, tide, current, wind etc. they’re catching the big guys in.

    Also went back to his article in March 2013 on the same subject.

    John’s article was great too! Keep stuff like that coming!

  2. Davd K

    Hard to pick a favorite from this issue but if you twist my arm I’d have to say John’s on “finding fish”. BTW looking forward to downloading issues to my iPad for off-line viewing in the near future like you could do with earlier issues :).

  3. dedo11

    Long lost art was so interesting to me. As a younger , novice angler reading about the traditions and history of this great sport is really interesting and refreshing to me. If you don’t understand where we came from, how can we progress? I must say though that mr john skinner also adds some priceless information throughout Sj. Thanks for the oppratunity guys! Keep up the great work and come on spring.

  4. Corey Pollnow

    Favorite was Dave Anderson’s “Trophy Hunters Summit” because it discussed the structure, current, tides, moon etc.

    Would really like to see more articles like that one.

  5. mikejay

    Still working through the current issue. Lots of great info. Liked the super strike popper video; I’ve avoided the heavy weighted popper but will have to give it a try. Thanks

  6. crscott2

    The boga tear down was very helpful. I also like albertos article about the spring run. Thanks for the new issue and the chance to win these bigrocks!

  7. mark d

    lou caruso´s article on spline/spine. i had heard conflicting things but in my opinion mr c has put the issue to rest

    i look fwd to seeing your videos when i get to a real internet speed

  8. Frank Breakell

    I don’t think I could pick a favorite article in any issue you’ve published. I read them cover to cover, watch the videos, and reread them. You guys, hands down, are the best fishing publication out there! In this issue so far, I’ve read The Hunt by Al Albano, which I enjoyed. The Boga video by Lou was informative as always. The Long Lost Art by DJ Muller is fantastic. That’s as far as I’ve gotten so far. I like to savor the reading. Keep up the great work! And thank you for the awesome give aways!

  9. mcellan

    I liked “Early Season Indicators” by Alberto Knie…good insight on getting ready for the spring. Thanks for the donations from Big Rock, I’m in.

  10. Rob brandstadter

    The cover picture is awesome, after this winter I am so ready to hit the surf. As far as reading I really enjoyed the john skinner article, he is just so good.

  11. allen w

    Lou’s Boga service video was my favorite. That guy can take apart anything! He was the kind of guy you definitely wanted as a kid cause he’s not only fearless in his approach to any problem but is smart as anything in his approach to solving the issues. Love the magazine and I appreciate how hard you all work to put this together.

  12. trisser

    Get Off My Rock
    It was refreshing to hear someone talk about locations and not be afraid someone is going to run out and take something that belongs to everyone.

  13. plugdoctor

    My favorite article was John Skinner’s Finding Fish From My Couch. I’ve used satellite imagery to find new spots. These new spots have saved weekends when popular areas are packed with people. I can go to my spots and catch because I know these spots better than anyone else from time I’ve put in to learn them.

  14. hfd e5

    I am one of the people who is afraid of the heavy SS Popper, but after watching your video I am going to give them a try this year. keep up the great work.

  15. silverfox

    I always like the down to earth easy read articles from Al Albano but what really got me was the one from Roger “old Geezer” Martin. Brought me back to my younger years and the days and nights working the western jetties from Point Lookout to the Rockaways and Fort Totten to the North.

  16. ron4wd

    Hard to choose just one. How to take apart my boga grip and adding the color by Lou is a close second to John Skinner’s Finding Fish From My Couch. John’s video series has kept my sane through this hard winter.

  17. Richard Jacoby

    I always jump to Dave Anderson and John Skinner. If I read nothing else, I read them, but fortunately, they are only the gatekeepers to Alberto, Muller and co., and the list continues to grow. I feel I am part of something special, and my imagination takes me to my favorite sod-bank and jetty every month whether I can get there or not. I have enough experiences to be dangerous. This month, I will have one more strategy to try, John skinner. Rich

  18. TonyF

    The article by Crazy Alberto got me more pumped for the upcoming season and John Skinner’s article reminded me to do some planning and scouting. Thanks SJ

  19. sonerito

    Ask Alberto section and the Fishing Jetties Back in The Day were interesting! Each issue somehow improves on the last (as if that were possible!), you guys really are doing something special here. thanks!!!

  20. joegbreezy

    Jetty Fishing Back in the Day by Geezer Martin. Good stuff and I’m partial to guys referred to as Geezers. Those areas he fished are all in my backyard. Close second is John Papciak, Fly Fishing Really is Different. Neat little historical piece you might not ever read if John had not gone to the Somerset Fly how.

  21. Mike mclean

    I enjoyed the article on trophy hunting. Some nice insight from some of the contributors. Thanks again for the magazine and this chance here

  22. Brian Kirby

    Love the story on fishing with the guy whose name you can’t mention while fishing and who you have to hide in bushes if anyone passes by! That would certainly make for a memorable night, even though I’d have to “forget” all the places fished.

  23. terry61


  24. raw1964

    Having been introduced to surf fishing by DJ Muller, I always enjoy reading his stories. The Lost Art is enjoyable in this issue.
    Though as a newbie, I can say every story in this issue has plenty to offer.

  25. califonfisher

    I liked Lou’s servicing the Boga video and DJ’s chunking article, but nod goes to Who’s Tommy McGuire? Love reading about guys who paid their dues and hang in the shadows.

  26. Vic D'Annunzio

    I’ve enjoyed ALL the articles SJ shares.. Very imformative no matter how long ya been in the game. PLUS, ….for comic relief as well as imformative I always look forward to ANYTHING Bill Wetzill has to say. Enjoyed talking to Z and Steven at Asbury. Best of luck this commin year . OH yeah.. Please hook me up for a shot at the plugs. Thanks sooooo much for shareing !

  27. Mark Garrahan

    Off the top of my head, I’ll go with the interview with 6 Trophy hunters by Dave, or the story on that guy Tom McGuire (I think that was his name) who I previously knew nothing about.

  28. adaram

    the ceciche recipe.. and please don’t bend that. reordered one of my fav. plugs and it did’nt swim quite the same. tried to fix the lip but it only made it worse…

  29. eastern

    I have only had a chance to skim through the new issue. But wow,I am going to devour it, everything looks interesting. I appreciate Super Strikes new ad so much. we all need to get on the same page, to save our sport.

  30. Frank Murray

    Ask Alberto Knie finding forties is my favorite it just shows anybody that puts there time in and does the research on the area can catch a trophy and makes me want to try a new approach this spring in new spots

  31. Fred

    Just one? That’s like asking for one favorite plug 😉
    DJ Muller’s The Long Lost Art… chunking on AI is one of my favorite ways to relax
    Some great info in Early Season Indicators and Shot in the Foot
    Keep up the great work

  32. rjordan

    It is a tie. I would have to say the Trophy Hunters article. Informative and well written and alot to offer.
    And D.J. Mullers article The Lost Art. Thanks for each issue and all of the great articles.

  33. Olan Horne

    I love the Ask Al column, and John’s article gave me some tips for me to make better use of google earth than I already was. That is why I love this zine I may not always learn something I didn’t know before, but I always learn how to do something I already knew better.

  34. jquake

    My favorite b/c it clarified some incorrect advice I’ve heard (but never really understood) about tuning plugs- “Please Don’t Bend That”. jQ

  35. teamthing

    I liked Dave Anderson and John Skinner. John’s attention to detail is off the hook! But thats what makes you a great fisherman. Keep up the good work guys, luv it !

  36. surehooked

    I see alot of guys are saying like me the article with Alberto is what I’ve been waiting for . To the point answers. More information like this is what I’ve been waiting for.

  37. Kimberly Maestas

    Really hard to narrow it down to just one but if I have to……The Trophy Hunter piece was great!!! Plus this would be an amazing birthday gift for my husband who is also a big fan. Keep up the good work!

  38. fish_hawk

    I’m in…SJ is load with great info. It’s tough to choose which is my favorite. My choice is the entire SJ magazine. Thanks to all that make SJ happen.

  39. oneoftwo

    My favorite story in this issue was by John Skinner about using Google’s map tools to scout excellent areas for fishing. The second part of that article that discussed how to fish back-bays in springtime was also very good. Second favorite story was probably the ceviche recipe; made me really hungry.

    I’d love a chance to win those lures. Thank you!

  40. rapala

    History is always good.Fishing jetties back in the day was great because it reminded me when i was more of a billy goat.I also liked the article by Frank Pintauro about Capn Bills lures way ahead of his time.Nice job i read it cover to cover.

  41. George

    Get Off My Rock! – Not a wetsuiter yet but loved to hear about all the names and the history. Also a big thanks to Chef Chris for the Ceviche. Will def. have to try that this summer!

  42. Richard aka Woodwker99

    There’s a tie between I can catch fish in a puddle’s story and The Crazy ones article on what not to do to plugs or at least not to everyone in your bag.

  43. johnsanchez

    “Get Off My Rock” by Bill Jackob was my favorite… there are more than enough rocks for everyone.

    The whole issue is great. Thanks for the chance!

  44. Ryan Guerrette

    I enjoyed reading “The Hunt” by Al Albano. The picture kind of threw me for a loop. I thought the hook on that pencil popper was a dough ball hook for catfish, until I started reading the article.

  45. miketaylor

    My favorite feature in this issue was Lou’s video on servicing boca grips- mine has needed some love for a long time and now i feel confident that it will go well when i take it apart….. which i will do with the video playing right in front of me…lots of pausing.

  46. Jim M.

    I don’t have a favorite, it was all really good. This is one of my favorite SJ’s so far, I appreciate the work that went into it. I liked most and the ones I’d offer up is a toss-up between Crazy Al’s and Dave’s articles. Its refreshing to read about “chasing large” when the last couple of seasons I’ve just been looking for fish period. Ah, to be a West-ender on the receiving end of Bay Park.

    I also loved John S’s article, anything he writes is gold and I too loved DJ’s article. Right off the bat I pick up a new way of hooking a bunker, which I’d like to try after seeing my previous attempts flying away from my rigs. All of it is great, this is one of my top 3 issues, thanks to you and Yo Dude and everyone else for putting out a great magazine…

  47. mikebfishn

    this issue was amazing front to back so much valuable info on different matters so thats a wicked hard choice. But after this winter and how bad we are all itching to get bent, im going with EARLY SEASON INDICATORS from crazy al. Has me wishing for warmer temps even more! Keep em coming SJ every issue out does the last

  48. fishhunter


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