We wrote about it in the current issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine about Spro new Split Snaps. Now thanks to the generous folks at Spro, we will give you a chance to win not one, but 4 packs of these Spro Split Snaps. The winner will receive one package of each 25,45,90 and 125 lb test of these Spro Split Snaps
[issuu width=550 height=213 shareMenuEnabled=false showHtmlLink=false proSidebarEnabled=true printButtonEnabled=false shareButtonEnabled=false searchButtonEnabled=false backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120111023118-9d1048647cfe41d090399d5cfee4d4ff name=issue_11 username=surfcasters_journal tag=fishing unit=px id=70069923-d325-f4da-96e8-406b89269658 v=2]
i’m in, and thanks
↓I’m in! Thanks didnt’t say what to do.
↓I am in baby I love Spro. Cant wait to try those new snaps
↓I’m in. Thanks! Gotta love Spro.
↓I’m in. Thanks to Spro.
↓i’m in…thanx
↓I’m in…. Thanks for the chance!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in……..thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in – they look interesting
↓I’m in
↓thanks for the chance
I’m in!
↓im in thanks
↓I’m In. Thank You.
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’d love to try these out! Thanks Surfcaster’s Journal, and Spro!
↓I’m in. Thanks Spro and Zeno for the chance.
↓I’m in and thanks for the opportunity.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I’m in also !! Thanks !
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in! The Z and team. Love SJ
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in, thank you
↓I’m in !!!
↓I’m in
↓I`m in.
I’m in.
↓I’m in, thanks for the opportunity.
↓I’m in.
Thanks Z!
↓I’m In, thanks
↓count me in…thanks
↓I’m in…. thanks
↓I’m in in, thanks.
↓I’m in! Thank You.
↓i’m in please.
↓I’m in
↓Thanks to SPRO and SJ. You guys rock !
I’m in thanks
↓“I’m in”
↓I’m in please!!!
↓I am in thank you.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m In,Thanks
↓I’m in thanks
↓i am in but…… they arent that new i found them in england
↓Im in, looks like snaps have hit the main stream.
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I`m in, Thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, Thx!
↓I’m in, thanks.
I am in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in,
↓Im in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m in … thanks
↓hook me up
↓I’m in , Thanks for the chance.
↓I am so IN.
↓I am in.
↓im in thanks guy
↓i’m in thanks
↓I am in
I’m in!
↓I’m in.
I am in it to win it! Thanks
↓I’m In thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓Im in Thanks!!!!!!!!
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in… thanks Z
↓i’m in Thanks
↓I’m in
↓Big Spro fan !! Looking forward to trying these this spring
I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in guys thanks!
↓i was going to the store to buy them this weekend….cool
↓I am in thanks
↓I’m in , thanks
↓I’m in…thanks!
↓Im in it to win it
↓Oooooo! I like these. I’m in. Thanks, Jamie
↓I am in …
↓Im In! Thanks!
↓I’m in. I am very curious about these new snaps and will be picking up a pack to try out.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in thank you.
↓I am in
↓I am in
↓I’m in
I’m in too Thanks
↓Sure…I finally switch over to the paper clip style and they come out with a new one. Oh well..I’m in.[Thanks.]
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓Thanks,I’m in!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in
Thanks, Lami
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I am in.
Thank you Z, and Spro, too.
I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in Thanks for the chance
↓im in
↓These would certainly work nicely on the 100# migrating black drum, I plan to intercept this spring in the ICW that runs through my neighborhood!! Had two on last year but couldn’t hold them-LL
↓Im in
↓I’m in, thanks!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks
I’m in
↓i’m in. thanks!
↓I am in also.
↓I’m in.
↓Im in thanks.
↓I am in!
↓I’m In Thanks
↓I am in and thank you.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in! I could use some of those snaps for field testing!
↓I’m in on this one!
↓I’m in.
↓Please include me. Thanks!
↓Count me in. Thanks.
↓I’m in….Thanks
↓Thanks, I’m in.
↓They look great , I’m in!!!!!!
↓I am in.
↓Im in
↓thanks for the chance
↓In i am hmmmm
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in.ww
↓I’m in thanks
↓“I’m in”. I love paper clips these look awesome!
↓I am in- thank you
↓I am in!!! thanks scj
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I am in !
↓I’m in thanks
↓thanks Im in
↓I am in!!!!!!!! hopefully they’ll live up to tactical anglers thx zeno
↓I’m in.Thanks.
↓I’m IN.
Thanks for the chance SJ, and an even bigger thanks to your sponsors for offering the Free product for evaluationz…
↓i am In thanks
↓im in thank you
↓i am in
↓I’m In
↓Im in, thanks for the chance
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓Thank You!!
count me in . thanks
↓Im in as usual
↓I am in!
↓I’m in plz.
↓I am in! A video on how these things attach might be helpful as based on the write-up in the magazine I am still having a hard time picturing how these things attach to leader and plug. Thanks!
↓im in they look awsome and i havnt been able to find them anywhere
↓Im in!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in. thanks.
↓I’m in. Would like to try them!
↓I am in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, Thanks
↓I,m in..Thanks.
↓In cool mag
↓In, thanks guys
↓i’M IN.
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓Im in
↓Im in…Thanks
↓Thanks Spro !I’m in !
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance
↓I am in! Thanks for the chance. Use their swivels. Strong but small enough to go through the top guide.
↓im in thanks
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in!
↓Im in
↓I’m in. Thanks…THey look worth a shot.
↓Please include me.
I’m in.
↓I’m In
↓I’m in!!! Thanks for the chance…
↓i am in Thanks Z
↓I am in
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in
↓Im In
↓im in!
↓I’m in !!!!!!!!
↓im in
↓I´m in….What I am working with here is so bad I usually just tie direct.
↓im in
↓I am in, Thanks
↓Im in, thanks Z.
BTW One of the reasons I love this site is that fact that you’re not afraid to openly comment on new products. Being that you are a close friend of Crazy Al’s and we all know how great the TA clips were for the industry, I feel that other sites or magazines would be hesitant to review, or positively review a competing product.
My hats off to you… yet again…
↓funny you should say that as i am sittinh here makinga a Spro Video so you guys can see it up close..lol
↓I’m in too.
↓im in
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in if its not to late
↓i was going to look at then today…funny…i’m in
↓i’m in , tomorrow is my birthday