Win a set of Charlie Graves Fishing Lures

The winner of awesome Gary Soldati pike is Tom Ryan, Congrats Ryan, you have 5 days to contact us at with your shipping address

Gary will be at Striper Day 2016 at Hofstra University so save the date.AAA

As will be the man responsible for today’s giveaway, Mr Ralph Votta from West End Fishing Tackle

Today we are giving you change to win a  set of Charlie Graves Fishing Lures a real nice set every angler should have at least some in his bag.

West End Fishing Tackle Inc

J9+J7-D5 & Butterfish Pure Tin20151207_201921-1

Ralph will also be at the Striper Day , as a vendor and a seminar speaker (I sense a theme here). One of these days I am going to write just what happened to me last few weeks from multiple Mac crashes, losing my mind and all my files and yes, even an intervention of someone named Mr. Cook in Cupertino..story for another day I guess. I am still (very slowly) trying to get back on my feet.

Speaking of Striper Day, we have created an “event” on FB .Unfortunately , FB limits the number of people we can “invite” from our friends list so I asked you of you are thinking of attending to follow this link 

Striper Day Event Page on FB   (



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