Win a Lamiglas Infinity INF 11 MHS11 , 11 foot rod

I been meaning to do something special for our subscribers but as you know we have had some slight hiccups in the last weeks and I had more colds in the last month than I can ever remember. Fortunately the subscription software seems to be working fine and those of your whose cards are expired for whatever reason probably got notices to update your cards to renew your subscription. Fortunately, you are getting a single email unlike a little snafu we had on Monday. All a learning experience I guess. Glad that is fixed , now I just need to find someone to slice my elbow up and get rid of this tendonitis. I got to tell you, you don’t know what discomfort is until you physically cant open a bottle of soda for now almost two years. The fishing seems like such a stretch now but I am learning to live with it.

I have a Lamiglas Infinity INF 11 MHS11 foot rod, rated 2 to 6 ounces . It was given to me by Lamiglas to test two falls ago. It was the rod that was supposed to go to retailers before they decided to straighten the top portion of the rod before sending it into stores. I tested this rod on the hardest day of northwest wind I ever experienced in my life at Shagwong Point, NY. I still  have a sandblast damage to my car to prove it. Bunch of us were lined up at the tip casting pencil poppers into the wind. Wouldn’t you know it, that for a rod that had a “weak” tip and a guy who sucks at casting and has tendonitis, I was the only one who took two fish that evening as I was able to drive Surface Cruiser far enough into that wind. Go figure. In my opinion, the rod was just fine the way it was originally designed.


So today, I will give one of you a chance to win this Lamiglas rod valued close to five hundred bucks I guess ? Three rules, you must pick the rod up (a) either in person in Nassau County, or at the fishing show in  NY,NJ or RI. Rule number two, you must be a Surfcaster’s Journal subscriber to enter this giveaway.


And you can only enter this giveaway by telling us in your post what is your favorite column, story or video in the current issues of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine at

If you say “I am in”, I will delete your entry. If you are not subscriber, you are not eligible either. Its a little thanks to all of you from all of us at the Surfcaster’s Journal.

And while we are talking giveaways, the winner of Pelican Nemo flashlight is terry61


You have 5 days to contact me at with your shipping address.

Thanks to folks at Pelican products. You can purchase Pelican flashlights right on their website at


picture copyright of  Nicola ZIngarelli

270 comments on “Win a Lamiglas Infinity INF 11 MHS11 , 11 foot rod

  1. dogrunwald

    I always love the Gear Up section – it has helped a new surfcaster avoid poor product choices. In addition, I enjoyed the embedded Youtube clip of surfcasting history. The Baja piece was an enjoyable read and let me think of warm weather during this cold snap. The whole magazine is great!

  2. brendanm

    I have to go with John Skinner article on sandeels as my favorite for this issue. Thanks for the opportunity to win Zeno! If I didn’t have Surfcasters Journal to read on these long, cold winter days…I’d be like Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”! Not pretty.

  3. unkaharry

    In an effort to be all I can be as a surf caster/fisherman/sportsman,when i”m not fishing or hunting, I’m reading about the above. Your publication is buy far the “fix”this surf junkie needs. without a dought the best read is the artial by John Skinner,His videos are great ,I was so happy when he joined the SCJ crew.And I’d like to thank all who contribute to SCJ GREAT JOB!!! Any chance of this becoming a monthly???

  4. neil stoff

    i enjoy all of John skinners articles and videos . he really takes the time to explain whats going on and its all very helpful. thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Tom Pirraglia

    In my humble opinion , the Montauk Time and Tide Series is my favorite section of the magazine. The videos preserve a great record of history. While I enjoy reading a good history book, the video interviews are filled with excitement in the stories shared which would be lost in reading about it.

  6. wrestleboy

    My favorite article was the “special spot ll” by al albano . It was very cool and I remember reading part one and wanted to know what was going to happen. I just wish I could find a place like that!

  7. donlbi

    Normally this would’ve been easy: Anything Skinner! haha, but Al Albano’s part 1 left us hanging. Cooped up with the snow swirling outside Part II “A Special Spot” did not disappoint.

  8. sonnyinamerica

    My favorite from the last issue was the DJ Muller article on Alberto. Love a good story of the hunt and find it hard to resist anytime I get the 11:30 PM call from a good friend/fisherman saying “Get your ass up, there are big fish at (your favorite secret spot)”. Favorite all-time SJ stories are the Al Bentsen archives from way back.

  9. tpoliti

    I enjoyed most of the articles, as I usually do, but my favorite form this issue is Baja Style,including the interview with Stephen Jensen. I’ve made half a dozen attempts at Roosterfish with no luck, going to try again soon, LOL. Hopefully this will be my year.

    Thanks again Z

  10. edrapp

    I really enjoyed the article, from Beach to Table. I never knew anything about using slate tiles on a barbecue. Can’t wait for the warmer weather to come to try it out. Thanks, Ed

  11. Brendan Powers

    I think it was in the first issue the article about the kid from connecticut who joined the army and ended up using fishing as a way to keep off drugs/alcohol. Hit home here and enjoyed the read.

  12. marlinman630

    Definitely Skinner’s column is my favorite. Also loved Lou’s bucktail video. It’s very hard to pick favorites here. Al Albano’s article was great as well. The whole damn thing is awesome!


    Z, my favorite story this issue was DJ’s “My buddy Al”. I had the honor fishing with Alberto and what a great experience it was! Dj’s story brought me right back to those rocks and I felt like I was there again. Thank you for putting out such a great site! Eric

  14. T.Parker

    I usually end up reading the magazine 2 or 3 times front to back before a new issue comes out. As its my favorite publication. But I’d have to say the montauk time and tide videos along with the Don Musso interview are amongst my top choices.

  15. Don De Masco

    Reading John Skinners articles, he really take the time to explain everything. That really helps a guy like me lol. Thanks for the chance to win a nice pole like that.

  16. vonbarstool

    I really liked a special spot the sandeel run and by buddy al. Honestly you don’t have bad articles ever thanks for your generosity. Also love the food cooking section keep up the great work guys

  17. eastendcraig

    My favorite column is “How I roll, by Greg McSharry, “. It is a great read, I can feel his passion for fishing in the article, and relate to his enthusiasm for surfcasting and many plugs.

  18. Sean Freeman

    i saw a Time and Tide video on facebook a hour later i subscribed to surfcaster’s journal, started looking at the past issues for more videos and read every article . a month later i was buying everything i needed to go surf fishing and reading and looking at videos with anything to do with strip bass surf fishing, In early March of 2013 and at the age of 38 i started surf fishing for the first time and it didn’t take long before i was kicking myself for not doing this sooner. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for Surfcaster’s Journal and the guys like John Skinner and Zeno and the rest of your crew i would be missing out on what i now love.

  19. karin

    John Skinners Eel Skins and the pictures of old time rigs, and Time and Tide youtube about the Hangar Dock in Montauk REally like to hear and read about the old days

  20. Brendan Craig

    Al’s special spot articles really hit home. I have a spot that I have had very similar experience with. I felt at times he was talking about my spot. Although I am also a plugaholic so all those articles always catch my eye

    Thanks and as usual “I’m in”

  21. woodwker99

    John Skiinner And the Crazy one . But I still want to know if the bottom of the new tubes were sealed as to not let hooks get under the edge so as to not have the whole thing lift up when you pull out a lure.

  22. klavigne

    It’s tough to pick out one particular article, but Issue 13, in my opinion, had multiple articles that were not only informational, but had a good story with some history included. The one that came to mind was “Transitions” by Steve McKenna. A pretty cool story, that I think many of us surfcasters may (or may not) be able to relate to. The article reminded me of the first striper I caught almost 15 years ago and how I have transitioned as a surfcaster since then. Heck, I have even tried fly fishing in the last year!

  23. ole ole

    It has to be Lou’s video from the Man Cave. Got to love getting more plugs into the bag without them all being tangled. Who cares about the weight? At the end of the day i only fish with three plugs and I bring 25. Great piece! Sorry about not reading the instructions the 1st time.

  24. albert

    I like the baja articles, I always liked john skinners videos. When it comes to your person published material surfcasting with lures is my favorite information type book I always reread interviews withthe experts, and my favorite sit down read is hoked its signed by you and the stories are awesome. Thanks for all thr info over the years and my favorite piece of writing is white water epiphany. Thanks for all the great info

  25. George

    I love all the articles but I have to say my favorites were the ones from Andrew Chase – I really like learning how to cook some different dishes and fishes (still haven’t tried the skate recipe).

  26. BigJim

    I loved Lou’s video on surfbag tubes I took my 8 tube and made it a 12 AWESOME idea not to mention I am thinking about making my own bucktails thanks to Lou have watched all of SJ video’s at least three times each

  27. Jake barker

    I love the crazy Alberto Knie reminds me of what I used to do back in jersey! Everyone knew me an would leave me a free parking spot! Haha I remember what I used to do just to fish the surf! I would throw little 1/4 ounce RC poppers in a 4 foot surf! Crazy yes worth it yes!

  28. ctilley182

    I like DJ’s article “My Buddy Al”. I enjoyed reading about DJ and Crazy Al’s friendship and it remind me of myself and my friend when we fish! I’m always calling him telling him were the fish WERE!

  29. 3rd shift

    Surfin’ Florida’s east coast with “crazy” Albierto Knie is a great follow up to my “My Buddy Al”. Both articles are excellent reading to help with my winter off season blues.

  30. Garrett Field

    I subscribed to SCJ so I could learn about this awesome sport. I have been working my way through each of the archived magazines. While I very much enjoy the stories written by guys out there, bringing in the the bulls and such, I am still learning about the gear, what to use, when, why, and how. So “Geared Up” is what I study with enthusiasm. Thanks for bringing a new angler to the surf! Having that Lamiglas sure would be a huge step in the right direction for me. Fingers crossed! -garrett

  31. Andy McLoughlin

    Hi Z,
    I always enjoy reading articles about Crazy Alberto. That guy is always up to some great adventure and he is probably the best fisherman that I know. He always has time to stop and chat and give pointers when you run into him, he truly enjoys what hy is doing.

  32. ccrouseiv

    Lou’s video on “how to manage your plug bag” in the “Man Cave” section of the most recent issue is one of my favorites. It is a great tip and easy modification that will definitely save me a lot of frustration in the upcoming season!

  33. Matt H

    You guys at SJ are hands down the best! All the articles in the latest edition are great and add their own uniqueness to make SJ awesome. However, if I had to pick one it would be Mr Albano’s article… That guy can tell a story! Love reading his stuff!

  34. Frank

    John Skinner’s article – He’s slowly becoming one of my favorite fisherman.
    Bought a subscription to read a Musso article and glad I did. Now I have a two year subscription.

  35. adaram

    John Skinner rocks… His video blips posted on facebook are much enjoyed. Look forward to stuff from Crazy Alberto. He is always positive which I think is pretty damn cool..

  36. mikemontauk

    The interview with Mr. Schwab. I like the tales from the good old days of Montauk. My Grandfather worked on the Manor, as a young man. I thank Mr. Fisher everyday that he hired him. My Grandfather used to smoke whiting. I hated it. After watching the video, I grabbed some off of one of my buddies draggers. I put it in my smoker, and opened a bottle of bushmills, and thought about the stories Grandpa would tell me.
    Thanks for the trip down memory lane (and a hangover)

  37. delaware surf man

    I’m a 2 year subscriber. My favorite column is the rod corner. I really like all the imbedded videos, interviews with legendary surfcaster is always a treat. John skinner well what can I say, just a wealth of knowledge given out freely. Thanks for a chance would love to meet you in person, your books are a great read, John.

  38. mikebfishn

    SANDEEL RUN BY JOHN SKINNER takes the cake as favorite for me this issue. John is exceptional as all your columnist but this one took the cake because it hit close to home for me as mostly fish NJ sandy beaches and inlets and experienced this first hand . So as i always learn from and love all articles in SJ I could relate to this article in this issue big time …thanks as usual for awesome publication and group of guys.

  39. peterk

    Without a doubt, “SURFCASTING SECRECY”… This article should be pre-requisite reading for any new surfcaster… additionally, I think we should all read it three times at least.
    i love the fact that you reached out to multiple people for a variety of opinions and approaches, rather than having a single person write the whole thing… You guys sure do know how to create a unique format that breaks all molds.

    Keep it up… i love articles like this… it’s a “how-to” that isnt a stale ‘how to”.

  40. Rob Brandsradter

    I really enjoyed Lou’s video this past month on the problem with lures getting tangled in a surf bag. So much so I found a retailer on line that sold clear mailing tubes with caps and set up my mak surf bag and its fantastic… Oh yeah and please put me in thanks

  41. Gerard D

    I actually like these blogs the best. There like little surprising treats that get you through the day. Just when your mind starts to get a little stir crazy another blog is waiting for me in my mailbox. As for the issue I like listening to Lou. If you’ve ever talked to him in person he’s
    one of the nicest guy’s you’ll ever meet. So when he gives advice I listen.

  42. fishyhands

    Hard to choose, it’s a great issue. I’m still consuming it but now my fav is John Skinner’s article, mostly because it’s something I got a piece off, although not as much as I wanted to being a Westender. I also really like the interviews, especially of the old timers from the Island and Mecca. This is a great one and I liked it more than I thought I would, I subconsciously was blocking it account of reading about fishing in Cabo while we are stuck in our polar vortex. Great job to you and Tommy and everyone else!

    Thanks for the chance and hope to see the Crew at the shows…

  43. johnsanchez

    My favorite article was the Fly Fishing Update, Fall Round Up: What Made You Go There?, by John Papciak. I purchased a fly rod this year and I’m looking forward to using it in the surf!

  44. diver318

    I’m going to have to go with Skinner’s Sand Eel article. John’s always a good read as well as his videos. Very informative and straight to the point. I love when I get notifications of his new flicks out on YouTube. Thanks for the chance Z.

  45. silverkings

    Lots to choose from but I most enjoyed DJ’s Article about fishing with Alberto. Articles like that and the one in your “the hunt for big stripers” about fishing with Al helps me gain a glimpse at how incredibly obsessed Al is about perfecting his skills. I think the great ones all are. I’m really glad to see that he will be providing articles regularly. He has much to teach and I love to learn. An Inf 111 MHS with a lighter tip would be awesome!

  46. frogman

    Whoa there partner – you’re asking us do something that just ain’t right. Pick your favorite story in the current issue??? That’s like asking me to pick my favorite kid… Well ok then, you asked for it: this month it’s ‘Surfcasting Secrecy’ by Dave Anderson; it just happens to fit in perfectly with some discussions I’ve been having with some of my fellow surfcasters. I hope you’re happy now…

  47. buckmellonoma

    I find John Skinner’s story’s are my favorites! along with his videos! But I think the Surfcasting Secrecy was also interesting. Over all, all of the articles are great.

  48. wishitwassnowing

    The Man Cave and Surfcasting Secrecy were standouts for me in this issue. I’ve been through the entire archive cover to cover and it just keeps getting better. Kudos to all contributors.

  49. castingct

    My favorite article from this past magazine issue had to be “The Hunt-Special Spot Part 2” by Al Albano. The passion and details he put into the story made me feel like I was there along side of him fishing. Great job on the article Al!

  50. Jason Stryjewski

    This month I enjoyed reading “the hunt-special spot 2” but can’t get enough Skinner. Ron does a great job with plug building tips too. I miss lordship lures.

  51. John Bertsch

    I love all of the ideas and articles from Lou. He does a very good job of telling you the pro’s and con’s of each rod he reviews and let’s you make the final decision on what to buy.

    Thank you

  52. lamiglasmike

    I really enjoyed Skinners bucktailing the beach. It gives me a little more confidence in the bucktail. I plan on giving the bucktail a good try this upcoming season.

    Thanks, Mike

  53. andyb

    This is a tough one.
    I’ve really enjoyed all of the articles by Al Albano in “The Hunt”. I also enjoyed DJ’s article about fishing and learning LI with Alberto and told him so last weekend in Warminster PA.

  54. charlest

    Hahaha…. DJ writing about crazy Alberto. Wondering how DJ would have enjoyed fishing with my cousin, Khan, who thirty years ago looked a lot like Alberto.

  55. vjcarr

    So hard to pick just one thing. Your magazine has helped me so much. Between the fishing techniques and tips, gear reviews that help me decide on a purchase, cooking tips, gear mods and care, and the stories. This time around I have to go with “The SandEel Run” by John Skinner and Sirloin La Plancha by Chef Chris Blouinthe.

  56. Tommy S.

    I have to say I enjoy the Skinner articles the best. The sand eel article inthe current issue is first rate. Another Skinner article i really loved was a few issues back when he took a trip to the Florida keys.
    The guy always makes it look easy, lolol. Anyway, all the contributors for the SJ offer great information,
    and I learn from there experience. thx.

  57. fishdaddy1

    My favorite article has got to be “The sandeel run” by John Skinner. I have read his books and he has a great way of explaining his techniques and really makes you want to get out and fish after reading his work. The videos in the article just add to the urge head to the beach and wet a line.

  58. rclapp

    Always go to the Gear Up pages first. Like to compare my experience with what is written. Choice was made with a gun to my head. Other sections are as interesting except, for me, rod building…as I have no talent to attempt such an endeavor. thanks.

  59. daniel

    In this issue, it would be Alberto Knie’s “Surfin Florida’s East Coast.” It’s the dead of winter here in NY and I’m half crazy with the snow and ice. So goin down to FL for a week or so next winter might save my sanity. I’m In!

  60. gmaynard

    John Skinner’s articles are impeccably crafted and consistently demonstrate the “fish think” qualities of a man who has spent innumerable hours contemplating the what, how and why of the topic. The “Sandeel Run” is a prime example. Thank you John and SJ!


  61. oceanspray

    I’m in. Always a big fan of John (“I can catch a fish in a mud puddle”) Skinner, looking forward to his articles and videos. This month’s sand eel article was helpful, since we have similar runs along the RI coast.

  62. cbheal

    I liked Skinner’s article on the Sandeel Run and the secrecy article in this issue, and the tips on managing our surf bags was helpful! I also liked DJ’s comments in the last issue that sometimes good fishing means just watching, rather than trying to catch, fish that you see.

  63. David K

    My favorite was a video with Dennis Z and him talking about the glory days of Block Island, the snowy Thanksgiving weekend where they were on big fish almost every cast, 30-40-50s. After that ,I went out bought his book, bought some block green needles and went to Block (from MD). Great trip! No 40s or 50s, but beautiful island and caught my biggest so far. 34 pounds. Changed my life 🙂




    John Skinner’s articles are always suberb. The one in this current issue is no exception.
    Will pick up the rod at.the R.I. Show. Praying for a supernatural healing of your elbow.

  65. surehooked

    I’d have to say I like the one on “spot burning” but I don’t think that’s all one sided. As for me if I get some good honest info from someone I will reciprocate in turn . One good shake deserves another.

  66. bucktail1169

    Very tough to pick just one , especially when there is so much great content in this issue . With that said , my favorite piece from this issue would be the Lou Caruso man cave video on customizing your surfbag with different size tubes . A close 2nd would be the gear up section , the reviews given are very helpful in determining what products best suit my needs . Thank you for the opportunity to win another great item from the crew at surfcastersjournal .

  67. jpaggioli

    I’d be happy to pick it up at any of the shows. I’m in CT so you know I always travel to fish from the sand.
    John Skinner’s “sand eel run” was my favorite article this issue. Betwen the narrative and the You-tube videos, I’ve put quite a bit of knowledge into my “surf bag”. I always temper the tips to my locations and have had some great sucess adapting those tips into fish on my line. Even if I don’t get picked, I want to extend my thanks to all of the crew with you at SJ.

  68. joedroid

    The article “the lost art of fishing eel skins and skin plugs”. It was interesting to see the old school plugs that the guys used to use. “You can’t know where you are going until you know where you’ve been “We are definitely spoiled these days with our extensive menu of plugs.

  69. mike

    Its hard to say what my favorite is cause its ALL great stuff in the mag…But i do love Skinners stuff and Dave andedrsons Plug articles!! Thanks for the opportunity to win and keep putting out the BEST fishing publication there is !!!!

  70. danradman

    Rod Corner by the Great Lou Caruso! Great summary and analysis of all the new products available from the many manufacturers out there. Lou’s articles are always exactly what I want them to be….informative, clear, and honest. Gets me all pumped for my next rod build. Thank you!

  71. Gene

    I really liked the Buddy Al article in edition 23. I realize now that after 5 years of surf fishing, how wonderful and at the same time nerve-racking it is. I can appreciate Al’s stealth attitude about where he fished and the need for constant movement and the need to learn to anticipate based on his experience.

    Thanks for this opportunity.

  72. jallanbrook

    I gotta say i’ve always wondered what shore fishing I was missing on all those school vacation trips to florida with the family. My favorite article from the last issue is crazy alberto shedding some light on the gear and tactics used in florida surf fishing, “Surfin’ the Florida Coast”. I’ll deffinately be using some of his tips next time I travel down there from MA!

  73. somekid7

    I liked the Sand Eel Run story by John Skinner. I’m a newb and need all the help I can get out there. Anything by Skinner (whether its a video or article) I always feel I learned something new that I did not know before or something that will help me improve my game. Thanks SJ and John Skinner!

  74. celloman2639

    Hard to just narrow down to just one. I liked the “Old Times” article a few months back when I saw the picture of my grandfather which was pretty awesome. I also have to say think you to Lou for the video on separating a 2 piece rod. The ice did the trick! Finally Chef Chris’s article on the steaks was awesome. Planning on getting some slate for the grill. Great idea! Thanks again Zeno for the chance! I am in good buddy!

  75. Jack Loveday

    I love the man cave video series as well as time and tide. This issue I like the plug bag video and I love EVERY video about old school surf fishing.

  76. sjones28

    In this current issue my favorite article has to be the sand eel run by john skinner if I had to choose. I’m a big fan of Dave Anderson articles (also his lures are awesome). Thanks for putting together an awesome magazine and these great giveaways.

  77. andy_k

    I would love to be in on this one, but being in the UK, it would cost me more to come and collect the rod than what it would cost for me to buy, mail order 🙁

    So far, with going through the archives, I have to say my favourite article(s) / video article(s) have been the Alberto Knie interviews. The idea of pitting the knowledge you have gained against the wiles and sheer power of a specimen striper, or any other monsters which may lay within casting distance, seriously turns me on and gets the adrenal gland going “crazy”!

    Well, best of luck to you all.

  78. chuckd

    People always seem to call me “Gadget” as i like to try to modify things or come up with slight changes. Sometimes they work, most times they do not. The other side being that the old lady surf cast with me is we have waaaaaay to many plugs so i figure i (we) fall in to the plugaholics Anonymous. For that reason there are always 2 i enjoy and that is Lou’s rod corner and mods and plugaholics Anonymous by Dave Anderson. Can totally get new ideas to try and not feel like I’m the only one. Also Really enjoyed John Skinners Sand Eel run but this issue for me had to do with eel tins. A few years ago i had the pleasure to meet and fish with Dennis Zambrotta on BI. His book “Surfcasting around the Block” made mention of “Eel Bobs” So i picked his brain some and he even sent me a few pics. Over last winter i made some like what he discussed in the book and very similar to that in the article “The lost art of fishing eel skins and skin plugs” in this i saw some amazing ideas of what to make this winter.

    Thanks you guys for all that you do

  79. terry61


  80. mike10108

    My favorite article this issue was The Hunt by Al Albano. It was the perfect story to read with all this snow and freezing cold weather. Thanks for putting out such a great magazine!!!! See you at the jersey show

  81. Ryan DeWitt

    I really enjoyed the poems that used to be in sj. I don’t know why I haven’t seen any in the past couple issues but I enjoyed them. I also liked the story about the Indian and how he found his way back to who he was supposed to be though the striped bass. I could go on and on but another more recent one is plugaholics anonymous Taking Matters into Our Own Hands by Dave Anderson. That article in my opinion should be the article being read for the sample thing you have going on with this issue. Great job you guys do and my hats off to all of you. Again I liked the poems that were in the past issues they are good things to break it up a little.

  82. meyogi

    Hello all, I ‘m a new subscriber and this is my first post. There are so many good writers , columns, and story’s which make it easy to get lost for an evening to get caught up with the past issues of the Journal but, it’s hard to pick a favorite. With that said, I myself have been involved with building and repairing rods since 1977 and would be leaning towards The Rod Corner. Lou, the man writes as if we shared the same workbench. I can visualize all he describes as he explains his experiences. He’s right on!

  83. mmmlll

    Got to go with the Skinner article on Sand Eel fishing last fall. His articles are like sitting in a College class with a valued Professor. Very thorough with an inspiring insight to the topic at hand.

  84. surfcastr5

    John Skinner has always been my secret “guru”…truth be told this issue’s man cave, “secret spot” & eel skin articles are excellent. I am sure I will expand on this as I read on.

  85. jerrryboy

    Hey, Guys very hard to decide here , Al Albanos two part story was great , also a great artical about Crazy Al by DJ , and the the artical by John Skinner was fantastic also , so i dont have just one favorite this was just an awsome addition of SJ . and last but not least i will be using the Sirloin La Plancha receipe this comming season .. thanks SJ

  86. frank15

    Any…. video, column done by Lou Caruso.. From rod building & testing to bucktail making to managing your plug back.. I enjoy reading or watching anything done by Lou Caruso.. Very informative person.

  87. Ryan DeWitt

    Almost forgot to mention the best short surfcasting movie ever..that shit gives me goose bumbs..I may not fish montauk but I fish as hard as I possibly can in conditions that most people where I’m from won’t. All my friends don’t fish with me because it’s to much “work”. I travel up to north jersey for work and sleep in my car in spring and fall to fish all night and work all day catch some sleep on my breaks and I’m good to go. My name is Ryan and I’m an fishing addict.

  88. plugdoctor

    I’m in but don’t tell anybody. Surfcasting Secrecy was a great article. I wish more people used John Skinners logic on “where” and how it will impact other people that fish a spot all the time.

  89. Keith

    I’m in but don’t tell anybody. Surfcasters secrecy was a good read. I wish more people would use John Skinners logic on telling people where to fish and think about how it may impact the people who fish a spot all the time.

  90. ctremblay

    I liked Al Albano’s “the Hunt” article got me thinking the most. There are a number of spots I’ve either not fished because of the hike it would take or I’ve only given them half hearted efforts… I made a whole bunch more plans after reading that article.

  91. fishtilldeath

    JON “can catch fish in a martini glass” SKINNER super great to see the visual along with commentary. He’s awesome. Just read his replies on YouTube. Brilliant.

  92. k white

    Currently my favorite column is ” Man Cave” , but Plugaholics Anonymous is also good stuff. Hell the whole magazine is my favorite. Thanks for the opportunity.

  93. samak1

    I always turn directly to Anderson’s and Skinner’s articles. Both always find a way to say something thoughtful and relevant. No egos. The other writers are excellent as well but for what interests me, i go to these two writers.

  94. lifeguard

    For the current issue, I would say John Skinner’s sand column on sand eels, because it was loaded with great facts and demonstrated with videos. Can’t get much better than that!

  95. putnam

    Issue 21- “The Eye of the Striper” by “Grampa” McNamara- very insightful and has opened my eyes to utilizing the color spectrum a bit more (especially parrot!) instead of just straight black or white… Also I’d be remissed to not give DJ Muller a nod for his “The Ghosts of Sleep” article…
    Issue 22- some delicious looking steaks cooked up by Chef Chris, DJ’s article on “Crazy” Alberto, and Surfcasting Secrecy compiled by Dave Anderson
    Great work by all and I appreciate everything the guys at SJ to for the sport!

  96. fallfish

    I really enjoy the flyfishing articles by John Papciak. I am noobie to non-flyfishing surf fishing so I find the Geared Up and Lou Caruso’s columns to be informative and worth the subscription.

  97. lee s

    John Skinners content is always great but a lot of the time its not exclusive to SJ so i’ve seen the videos elsewhere. Lou’s man cave gets my vote then. All the article authors do a great job of getting their experiences and opinions across but its nice to see it put into a visual.

  98. mikescustomplugs

    I don’t have a favorite-they all hold my interest! I’m a new subsriber and have taken the time to read all th archive issues and I am wondering what took me so long to suscribe to Surfcaster’s Journal. Even if I don’t win the rod! See you guys at the RISSA Show. Oh yea–Don Musso fascinating guy-hope to meet him sometime as I am in the plug business on a much smaller scale.

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