Win a camouflaged ZeeBaaS ZX27 reel

We are going to post this once a month until we draw a winner on the Memorial Day weekend

There is no greater service anyone can enlist in than putting their lives on the line so wee can live safely in the greatest country in the world. We are all forever indebted to all members of our armed forces past, present and future. Regardless if you did your tour of duty in WWII or just returned from the Middle East, you are a hero to us and our families.

It is our distinct pleasure to announce a very special giveaway. ZeeBaaS Reels, one of the world’s premier reels for surfcasters is going to award one member of our armed forces, past or current, a very special, one of a kind digitally camouflaged ZeeBaaS ZX27 reel. The reel will be engraved with their name and branch of service.zbcamo

How do you win this very special giveaway?  You cant. You have to nominate a friend, neighbor, fishing partner, brother, sister or anyone who you admire that is a past or current armed force member and who you think it’s a special person.

We are aware that EVERY armed force member is deserving of our thanks and admiration. But we only have one reel to award. So send us a email, letter or essay. Hundred words or five thousand words, we don’t care. Just dont send us five.Tell us why you think your nominee is deserving of this special ZeeBaaS reel, what makes him a special surfcaster, friend or someone you look up to. That is it.

You spent a life time enjoying the safe life in this great country of ours without giving much thought as to why and who made it so safe. Today, take a minute to reflect , take a look at your family who is joyfully gathered around you, and nominate someone who you think its responsible for us all having a great life.

Just a few rules

  • Past or active duty veterans must be nominated by friend, family member, fishing partner, etc. If you have someone you would like to nominate, send us a email with your buddy’s name and branch of service, along with  why you chose to nominate them. (its ok if you don’t know their branch of service )
  • Nominee MUST be a surfcaster. Even if you know the guy who shot Bin Laden, he won’t win if he’s a trout fisherman only.  We really want to put this reel in the hands of a Surfcaster.
  • While all who have served this country are more than deserving, we only have one prize to give so finalists will be selected by Ultra-Top Secret committee (known only by the NSA).   Winner will be selected by a random drawing of finalists.
  • Winner will be announced on Memorial Day 2014 and will receive a 1 of a kind, digital camo ZeeBaaS ZX27 with their name and branch of service engraved in the reel.
  • Send your letters, emails or essays to

Sit down, gather your thoughts and send us your entry. No ones life can be told in three lines typed on your IPhone



44 comments on “Win a camouflaged ZeeBaaS ZX27 reel

  1. Rich Higgins

    I nominate Greg Walsh. Greg and I fished on the surf casters classic this year and couldn’t think of a more deserving guy whom not only did two tours to serve and and protect our country he also works with the wounded warrior project.

  2. Wolf 107

    Although my son is a Vet Marine .he likes to fish but is not a surf guy .i can’t thank you guys for helping Vets out we can’t forget these people as they fight for our freedom .i hope who ever wins this reel uses it with the thought of all our lost troops.i pray for them every day.


  3. Alan

    I nominate Don Stevens. he is a US Air Force service member. This guy fishes like it is his life. He volunteers his time to help others get the surf casting bug, he shows how to build rigs, tie knots, make bait selections and how to read tides and conditions. Don is probably one of the nicest guys I know and helps not only serve in a military capacity but also a communityservant too.

  4. Ron DiCostanzo

    If you want to nominate someone, your going to have to send an email and MOST IMPORTANTLY,
    and I quote ” …along with why you chose to nominate them.”
    Posting “I nominate John Doe” here wont get them in the running.
    This is not a random drawing.

  5. Charles Gargano

    I would like to nominate Tim Johnson,CSA member and surf rat who is also a disabled combat Marine vet who survived the bombing of the Embassy in Beirut while many of his buddies didn’t. He also happens to be a great guy with an equally great sense of humor.

  6. Alan

    I would like to nominate Sarah Fair. She is in the Air Force and serves honorably to this day. She is brand new to surf casting and she really enjoys her time fishing I can tell she has it in her blood by the smile and hours she spends thinking about her time fishing. She borrows equipment currently and is always researching the nuisances of the sport. Having this rig will start her out right for a life time of fun and yummy fish.

  7. Brian K

    This will be tough!! I know a couple of guys who are both avid surf fisherman and also US Vets and deserving of a nomination for this wonderful and generous prize. Making a decision on who to nominate will be a tough one. At this time I may not be the only one facing this dilemma, can we nominate more than 1 person for this great prize? My nominees that are vets covers guys from WW2 up to current conflicts and even a couple who are still deployed.
    Tough decision for both you and me to pick only 1 guy but thank you for this wonderful and thoughtful contest/gift for a deserving American Hero.

  8. Jeffrey Stevens

    I nominate Scott Macaferri, USCG retired, always helping others get into fishing Veterans and civilians alike. Often opens his home to fisherman to fish where he resides. Selflessly gives up time and Self made plugs to such causes. Hope he wins so he can stop eyeballing my Zeebaas and I can eyeball this/his beauty.

  9. inthesuds

    I sent nomination as requested.

    I nominated Robert “Bob” “Eisey” Eisenberg. US Army Viet Nam vet. Surf fishing zealot! Great guy who continues to fight the good fight and also give back to our vets. No ribbons for Agent Orange battles.

  10. Jake barker

    I would like to nominate my grandfather! He died in World War II! Going over a mine field I’m a jeep! Nothing was left no remains! It’s what I have heard to my heart close to be the best I can ever I enlisted to the marines as I failed with not having 20/20 vision for a fighter pilot for the Air Force! I got turned down because of my medication! So there goes my dreams of following my grandpas footsteps. He was in the 42nd rainbow devision he’s name was Edward Elsworth Mabie! I always been a history buff! I have been searching website, eBay, Craigslist, everywhere I can to find someone who know anything about him! I have found some 42nd rainbow devision soldiers from the same flight but they couldn’t remember him but they said they remembered a Edward but last name they couldn’t. I don’t care if I win the reel or not but to have a reel with his name an branch on it would be sooo amazing I’m not the richest person in the world an I know this reel is more then I can afford an to have a one of a kind reel with his name on it an branch would honestly be the most amazing thing it something that doesn’t just mean a lot to me it touches my heart thanks guys you guys are soo awesome GOD BLESS AMERICAN AND GOD BLESS ARE SOLDIERS

  11. smckenna

    I’d like to nominate surfcaster Ted Pietz . Mr Pietz is retired from the United States Marine Corps and served out country bravely in Vietnam in 1968. Ted resides in Maine and is a life long surfcaster. Please consider his nomination. Thank You

  12. cmanseur

    I nominate Robert Honeycutt, US ARMY 501st signal battalion, old ironsides. great friend of mine, he would love to win this and slay some stripers with it…

  13. Vito Orlando

    I nominate Bob Jones. Bob was a Combat Medic in Viet Nam. Many of you know Bob as an avid Surfcaster who frequents The Montauk Surf along with many other locations.
    Thank You

  14. Eric (aka) woody

    I would like to nominate my brother James McEvilley a Vietnam veteran who proudly served in the US Army. James spends his winters in the garage preparing for spring fishing . He hits the beaches from Fort Tilden, the Rockaways, to Montauk and Orient Point. Stripe Bass anyone?

  15. James McEvilley

    My husband is a proud Vietnam veteran and served this country well. I nominate him because he is an avid surf fisherman from the beaches of Far Rockaway to Montauk and he would love to own this reel to catch his dream 50 pound striper!

  16. Ellen McEvilley

    I would like to nominate my brother James L. McEvilley. I feel that since he sacrificed nearly everything at the battlefield in Vietnam, he deserves a chance to win a symbol of his favorite pastime which has consistently been fishing. I must admit how happy I would be to see him so happy to win your reel!

  17. Michael Gilmartin

    I would like to nominate my dad, Senior Chief Rob Gilmartin. he served for 25 years in the US Navy before he retired. He is a die hard surf fisherman, who loves the ocean and fishing with his sons.

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