weekend ramblings

In SJ world, this is a crunch time. It’s the time we close down the hatch and throw ourselves into working on a new issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. I am still amazed that we are already to issue #13! Where did the time go ?

It’s been a great ride, we got to met so many wonderful people. We managed to get some very interesting characters on the camera. And I still smile every time I see a SJ sticker on someone’s truck.

The winner of Lemire’s Plugworks Calamari Popper is…norcalkat… forcedlx@gmail.com

Please send your shipping address to info@surfcastersjournal.com


Speaking of Lemire’s Plugworks…he has an interesting contest on his Facebook page. Listen to this

“I want my fan count to go to 700 in the next month and a half. I mean……if Lemire’s Plugworks page has 700 fans by June 1. I will giveaway a weekend on block island , no expenses except for ferry and travel. You will stay at the Narragansett Inn where I work on June 15,16,17.”


We suggest you go to Lemire’s Plugworks and become a fan asap..who knows, maybe you get a free trip to Block Island in  June!

Here is a link http://www.facebook.com/pages/Surfcasters-Journal-Online-Magazine/365270663420#!/pages/Lemires-Plugworks/284081947488

And yet more from Al at Lemire’s Plugworks. This showed up at my doorstep last night. No, this mother load is not destined for Z’s surf bag but instead you will have a chance to win most of these lures in the future. Thank you Al!


We are sorry we ran out of XL size on Night Crew shirt the same day. Tommy will make some this week in that size, look for them to be back in stock by this weekend. Everything else is still in stock although in very limited quantities. Sizes like S,M and 3XL will not be reordered when they run out so we suggest you grab it now if you want one.

And lastly , a word of thanks. I know we don’t do this enough so let me try to make this right. Please don’t ever assume that we don’t know who you are. Yeah, you know who we are talking about. The same two dozen guys who buy t-shirts, send in an occasional donation, stop by our table at the show and pick up a hat. We know you don’t need a shirt, or hat..or anything. What you need is a great surfcasting magazine which we try to bring to you. We know you do this because you want to support what we are doing. And we appreciate it . With full time jobs, and young families, this blog/mag project has often  left me wondering if we should just pull the plug. I mean, it’s not like we put out a few page newsletter. We are talking two hundred page magazine and a blog. That cost zero… we know economy sucks. In fact, one of us has learned this week that after next few months, the times are going to get very, very lean. And we are sure many of you have been trough similar challenges. So thank you again, from the bottom of my heart and everyone here at SJ..thank you for your donation, thank you for your purchase of SJ gear and thank you for stopping our table at shows and shaking hand. We appreciate  .,.,all of it.


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15 comments on “weekend ramblings

  1. Jerry

    I love what you’ve accomplished and what you deliver. We pay taxes, union dues, tuition, mortgage, transportation costs, tolls, and then more taxes but how much do we voluntarily pay to the things we are passionate about and to the things we really, really love? My guess is that it’s just a fraction of what we want to. I don’t know what drives you, but whatever it is please bottle it and put it on your online store.

  2. mark d

    I do not buy shirts because they are too hard to get to Costa Rica but I do donate because I am thankfull for what you guys do. Glad to hear you get a kick out of SJ bumper stickers, There is now one in CR.

  3. ovenrat

    you guys shut down/give up on the BEST striper site on the www and we’ll hunt you down and steal your VS’s and ZB’s 🙂

    donation on the way …..

  4. Richard aka Woodwker99

    Z, Tommy and the gang at SJ. know in my heart I would love to donate the the greatest Surf fishing mag on the web or anywhere. I wish you were a paid for print mag so I wouldn’t feel so guilty reading it for free.
    You guys are the greatest.

  5. Moses

    Just wanted to drop you guys at SJ a line and say that the fishing community needs a magazine like Surfcasters Journal. Thank you guys for keeping us informed,for making us laugh and for sharing with us great stories. Thanks for taking the time to put great interviews of film for us to enjoy. I have loved the magazine from the first time I heard of SJ. Keep up the great work guys.we look forward to the future SJ issues of the best mag on the East Coast. Tight lines and calm seas.

  6. Zeno Post author

    we are no different than any of you guys, we try to do this in our spare time, take care of our families and fish/ I just wanted to say thanks, that is all

  7. harv

    First thing i read every am w the daily motivator. I purchased your book kahuna how do i download to my nook . Jo got it for me for xmas but im technically challenged w touch pads etc. Pls advise

  8. Matt L

    Hey Z,

    I recently joined the Connecticut Surfcaster’s Association and never being in a club like it before decided to don my SJ hoodie at our March monthly meeting. At least ten members saw the hoodie and used it as a way to talk to me, one member asked me if you were my friend, and I laughed and said no, but I just know Zeno is doing a great service for fishermen like us. Another member asked if I wrote for SJ and I said I wish. And lastly, on my walk out after the meeting there was a father & son walking next to me and they were talking to me about the mag. The son turned to his father and said, this is the magazine I was telling you about, he turned to me and said it’s huge right? I said yes, it’s two hundred pages of eye candy!

  9. Rob K.

    you guys know by now that you are doing a great job w/this online blog/magazine, sooo keep em coming 🙂 I really do not know how u find the time? one of my buddys always tells me i am the busiest guy he knows — I can honestly say you guys are! z one day your in jersey at a show next day your up in conn. then the third day your in fla. w/the family. you a the busiest guy I know! and thank you for the great work and effort. “I would like the night crew shirt w/the logo on the rear and just a S/J on the front” shirts w/ that big of a logo seem to get sticky in the summer for me. keep up the good work.

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