Weakfish video by John Skinner

No one does these videos like John Skinner…and no one certainly makes it looks this easy.

The man is a  fish catching machine !

Except now he is on the weakfish bite

Enjoy and have a great weekend


14 comments on “Weakfish video by John Skinner

  1. sioca

    Thanks Z for posting this nice video on Weakfish, and to John for making it.

    Brings good memories of a different time long ago 1969 – 72 + where Salty Dogs with a strip of Squid and Worms were the norm…

    Q: 3:39 on vid. Can you provide name brand and model of PFD? – AMIZ4? , AMI24? Got the jacket!!! Thanks!!!


  2. mikebfishn

    very cool thanks again sj and mr skinner. Question for Mr. Skinner .. I recently got a gopro hero 3 silver. what program do you use to edit videos?

  3. Capt. Frank B

    Great video. So happy to see the Weakies makinig a comeback. Bucktailing for them has always been my favorite way of targeting them.

  4. Jim J.

    I love Mr. Skinners videos and read his book fishing the bucktail. On tuesday night I put some of Mr.Skinners practices to work up here on the north shore of boston and I was out there between 6 and 830 and hooked up with about 20 stripers the biggest was just 28 but when you hit it right and catch on just about every other cast it is fun THANKS JOHN SKINNER and SURF CASTERS JOURNAL

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