We lost a true Legend today…RIP Mr. Al Pelini

We are saddened to tell you that surf fishing community has lost one of its most admired members today, Mr. Al Pelini.

Al passed away today doing what he loved the most, fishing the rocks on Cuttyhunk island. In coming days many of you will learn more about this gentle but great man. I can only share my thoughts on Al  with you. Although I’ve meet Al only on few occasions, he left a lasting impression on me. In fact, there is no surfcaster today that I would put him on par with, that is how highly I thought of him. Maybe I am biased, but Al did it all, and did it his way. He was there for a great giant striper  Block Island bite in the 80’s, he was roaming Cape Cod sand during its glory days, he swam to every rock I was afraid to in Cuttyhunk and he caught unbelievable numbers of large fish .Trough it all he remained modest and sincere. No one ever had nothing but good to say about him. In my book, he was a special man,  one that is born only once in a generation.

There are others who are more known, who yearn to have their name in the lights. But ask any seasoned and well traveled surfcaster who do they admire the most, and I would bet that 9 out of 10 would say Mr. Pelini.

All of us at Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine would like to offer our sincerest condolences to family and friends of Mr. Pelini.

May you Rest in Peace, Al

You will be missed by many

14 comments on “We lost a true Legend today…RIP Mr. Al Pelini

  1. Jasonb2

    My deepest condolences to Mr. Pelinis Family may he rest in peace. Make sure you all Hugs your family for a few seconds more each day, you never know when youll be here one day and them missing you the next. God Bless

  2. Rich S.

    I can’t find words… I spent 2 hours with Al at an eel rigging seminar just this past Saturday. A true gentleman in every sense of the word. He was so careful in dispersing advice, while not coming across as condescending in any way. I feel as though I’ve lost an old friend after only meeting him once. I can’t imagine the loss his wife and family must be enduring.
    God Bless them ,and his Soul.

  3. chuckg

    It was a shock to hear about Al who I have known for 20 years as members of the Narragansett Pier Sport Fishing Ass. and seeing him on BI over the years. After all those years of sporadic contact I had lunch with him after the SWLCC Show in Bourne in April where we discussed family, friends, life and fishing, not necessarily in that order. Al was a real gentleman and will be missed. My sincerest condolences to his great family…

  4. Ed Delia

    I never fished with Mr. Pellini, but knew him through business, and certainly knew of his fishing exploits. For Al Pellini, fishing was a pure passion. But I believe that the way he fished, the way he conducted business,the way he prioritized family, the way he did all things in life, was the same … 110%. He was taken from us too soon, but he lived every day to its full extent. For my part, I will celebrate Mr. Pellini’s life by always remembering the famous quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that truly exemplifies this kind-hearted and remarkable individual who touched so many: “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it ‘The Present’.”

  5. Jeremy S.

    I’ve never met Mr. Pellini but he was obviously a very important part of the surf fishing community and a very close friend to many surfcasters up and down the East Coast. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family and friends. Tight lines Al.

  6. DJ Muller

    I crossed paths will Al several times at Block and Cuttyhunk, I never knew the name only a litle of the back ground. When I saw the photo I knew the face instantly, a quiet and determined friend. It didn’t really matter where or with what, what mattered was we pursued the same fish with a vengence. He never gave much a way, [true to form], he gave only his passion which was respected. It seems I lost a friend, I lost a brother, though his name I never knew, his face was a safe harbor…rest quietly my friend. I’ll see you again on the far shore.

    DJ Muller

  7. Jeff Ferber, D.C.

    Al is my brother in laws father. My prayers go out to Al’s wife Marilyn, Mike, Jane, Catherine, Elizabeth and the Pellini family for their tragic loss. Al was a devout Christian man who was just called too early!

    God rest his soul! He’s gone fishin!!

  8. Manny Moreno

    Al’s wake will be held at Hill Funeral Home in East Greenwich, RI this Wednesday from 5 – 8pm and his funeral will be the following day at 10am at Our Lady of Mercy also in East Greewich.

    Rest in peace my friend.

    Manny Moreno

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