This and that

Today is the second anniversary of the Issue # 1 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine. Few guys thought you guys deserved your own publication. Most though we were just plain crazy. Hell, I still think we were nuts to do this.

What you see today, is a result of a lot of hard work by a lot of people. Our editors, columnists, writers, Tommy the Art Director and also many of you who made suggestions, and gave advice over these two years. I am not sure what the future will bring but I do have one wish. A hope that more of you will contact us at with an idea you might be interested in putting on paper. We are always on a lookout for fresh voices, new ideas. We don’t only cover how-to but instead we try to cover the sport of surfcasting as a lifestyle. Catching the fish is truly just a bonus some days. You might be a close friend of  a lure builder, you might have something unusual happen to you while fishing or maybe you visited  a place you want to tell us about. Our doors are always open…

This being a holiday season, I am sure many of you have a Christmas Wish List, either a  things you are looking to get as gifts or something you are buying for yourself. Care to tell us what is on your list?

My list is short. A trip somewhere warm where there are some warm water species close to the shore would be all I really want. I have more tackle than I can use, so anything warm would do. I am not a big fan of NY winters. After breaking three 7 foot rods in 24 hours last week I will look into replacing some. Story for another

One note, our STRIPERTHON 2011 contest, Junior Category in particular. We are not sticklers for rules here with kids. We will extend to this weekend for you to send us any picture of your child with this year’s surf caught fish, any species. Send it to We’ll take a vote next week

 and last not but definitely not least

ZeeBaas is having their first self-service seminar on Sat, Dec 10 at 9:00 AM

It will be held at their shop 335 Benton street, Stratford CT

Ron will be demonstrating self service of the reel and answering questions.

He will be going over the different lube options, how to use the new tool kit they just came out with, and the different o-ring kits they now have.

As an added bonus, Gary Soldati will be there to brag about getting the first 50 with a lefty ZeeBaas!



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20 comments on “This and that

  1. Allen W

    Happy Birthday SJ! and thank you so very much for the humor and outstanding articles and interviews. As someone who only started his surfcasting journey a year and a half ago, finding Surfcaster’s Journal has been a wealth of knowledge on this fine art and skill. The history you cover is also extremely fascinating and places this sport and it’s ‘founders’ as a tradition to be preserved here on the East coast. I really don’t know whether I’ll retire here in the NYC area but you can bet that I’ll always remember the challenges and the many lessons learned, skills that I can take anywhere I am and find fish. Thanks again Zeno, Tommy and all, continued success and please keep it up, you have my support!

  2. Jeremy

    Kudos! Cheers and congratulations, and most of all thank you very much to everyone at SJ for all you do for our sport.
    Zeno I hope I can shake your hand and join you in the surf someday.

  3. CTMatt


    I go through hobbies sometimes quickly just trying different things and surfcasting has been a hobby I enjoy almost exclusivly because of SJ. I say that because I always find something new to try/practice/think about when i am on here. Keeps me going. I feel like its the “working mans” blog without all the drama (or less of it) usually associated with similar forums.

    On a side note in this season of giving folks should try to help SJ get even stronger in 2012 with a donation LOL! I truly appreciate the videos/insights/links/striper awareness and of course the great journals themselves and I plan to donate some more SJ lovin’ this payday!

  4. fishinthedark

    Z congratulations and thanks to you, Tommy and everyone at surfcasters journal for a Job well done. You guys definitively breathed a breath of fresh air into online content for surfcasters and fisherman in general.

  5. Greg Tucceri

    Everyone at at SJ and everyone who has made a contribution over the past year all deserve a big standing ovation. I am so thankful and very humbled by the fact that I was the first Stiperthon winner and will always be your biggest fan. The passion and the awareness you guys have is second to none for this sport. Thanks again and keep up the good work. And for my wish list to fish with you guys down at Cuttyhunk.

  6. woodwker99

    Z, Tommy, and everyone at SJ. thank you for a great year of information and laughs, give aways and contests.
    You guys are tops in the field in my book. Keep up the good work and looking forward to issue # 1, 2012.
    Thanks again.
    And my Wish list has the fish returning both in the spring and next fall like it was any year but this year. Ha!
    Tight lines to all!

  7. Dennis

    I wish for everyone to be healthy and at peace. And like woodwker99 said, maybe a couple more fish next season, and maybe some of the Montauk guys can be nice to me next year lol. Congratulations Surfcasters Journal, all the best.

  8. Ryan Chenette

    Congrats to the SJ crew and a big thank you for all of your hard work.With all of life’s commitments, i don’t know how you squeeze in the time to put out a journal of such a fine caliber, never mind the blog. I’m just happy that you do. Thank you and Happy Holidays.

    Somewhere warm is on my list too! good luck

  9. Keith

    Congrats to you and everyone involved for being pioneers in the web magazine industry. There are some of us who read it but don’t always post for whatever reason. Some might call us lurkers but it is nice to read(SJ mag or blog) something dedicated to people without boats. Thanks for the hard work. Being a photographer I can appreciate the art and style of the graphics to accompany such great writing.

    Looking for to more issues to read.
    Thank you Zeno,Tommy & the authors.

  10. mark m "Cow Harbor"

    Congratulations Z, Tommy, Roger and the whole cast. Two years already….WOW!
    I’m not sure if this idea works for you guys, but it might be cool to visit one day at our kids fishing camp when we take them to a local beach to learn about surfcasting and the basic idea of marine conservation. An important part of the lesson plan is teaching the importance of respecting each other and the marine environment. No special dates, the camp runs all summer up here on the north shore. It could be fun to have a free day just for the Surfcaster’s Journal crowd who want to bring their kids to the beach and throw some lures and teach their kids something. Cow Harbor will sponsor the event and provide the refreshments…I try to keep things simple and fun. It helps fill the summer days and it’s great way to introduce the kids to our sport.

  11. Robert K

    happy b-day SJ! Thank you for your hard work, It is much appreciated. The interviews/video’s the tons of giveaways. your sacrifice of time away from your family. have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  12. BOB C


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