The hardest working surf guide in Montauk

Today we have a video blog. I did two video sessions this weekend, one with Bill Wetzel and one with William ” Doc” Muller. This is just a little trailer from upcoming interview with a man we like to call “The hardest working surf guide in Montauk”.

He doesn’t need any introduction. He is passionately insane, he either fishes or dreams of fishing, and he loves nothing more the juicy big water in Montauk.

He runs a forum at, he guides, he lectures and somehow he hold down a regular job and round the clock guiding in Montauk in season.

our one and only, Bill Wetzel

[youtube][/youtube][issuu width=550 height=213 shareMenuEnabled=false showHtmlLink=false proSidebarEnabled=true printButtonEnabled=false shareButtonEnabled=false searchButtonEnabled=false backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120111023118-9d1048647cfe41d090399d5cfee4d4ff name=issue_11 username=surfcasters_journal tag=fishing unit=px id=70069923-d325-f4da-96e8-406b89269658 v=2]

28 comments on “The hardest working surf guide in Montauk

  1. Janet Messineo

    Hi Bill, LOVE, Love, Love your interview. But, there MUST be another woman out there that would want to be at your side in the surf. I have had the same compulsion for over 35years. Where are these woman? Anyone know one? I can not be the only female compulsive surfcaster.
    Also, you have many good years left in you. I started guiding on the Vineyard at the age of 60! I also fished a whole derby from the shore (fishing at least 18 hours a day for four species) with my buddy Charlie Cinto when he was in his 70’s) He is now 82 and still fishing with Charley Soares in the boat. Yes, we both ache but adrenaline makes all the pain dissapear. Not fair to watch this in Feb. because now I am jones-ing.

  2. Greg Tucceri

    That’s passion,sounds alot like me can’t stop thinking of fish or fishing.My friends ask me the same things, and say don’t you ever get sick of it and the answer is no, can’t get enough! 20 hours of sleep a week is just around the corner,can’t wait.

  3. Zeno Post author

    Janet, you might have missed the part where he said he does not do thur-mon charters any more full time because he wants to be with family. Bill is happily married with a 4 year and a 1 year old these days

  4. Janet Messineo

    Hi Zeno, Yes, I understand that but I was focusing on the part where he said “NO woman would put up with his fishing” I just wonder if there are any husband/wife surfcasting teams out there. My husband would rather sit on his nice soft couch and watch a game than face the weather and suds. He is the recipient of a fresh dinner tho and loves that part. Where are all the gals?

  5. Matt L

    Hi Janet,
    Just off the top of my head to name a few, I believe Frank Daignault’s wife and daughters both fished the surf with or without him, Crazy Alberto’s lady friend, Elizabeth Schmitt appears to be as crazy as he is about fishing on her own accord, and Larry Csonka’s wife loves fishing as much as he does (but not a surfcasting duo). I think the apparent lack of representation stems from three things. 1) If parents do not introduce the sport of fishing to their children by the age of 12 and frequently fish, their children probably won’t fish whether they are male or female. 2) Surfcasters are a rare breed themselves. 3) A scenario where a surfcasting woman and a surfcasting man on a beach at night where the two meet is not likely because they are both thinking I hope that a** hole doesnt come fish my spot.

    ps- I’m a big fan, love your enthusiasm for the sport, any tips on fishing MV in may, i’ve only fished its beaches mid-summer to early fall.

  6. Bill Wetzel

    Thank you Zeno for the interview and the kind words! I am always up for a talk about fishing-especially Montauk.
    Janet—I hear people speak of you in the highest regard. It is a credit to you that you started when you were 60 and have such passion for our sport. Makes me feel like there is hope for my achy bones!!
    I am still full time by the way. I used to do a Thursday –Monday stretch of all doubles, meaning 3am-9am, then 4pm-10pm. These days I try to take Sunday evening off and usually no doubles on Thursday or Monday. Which at times leaves me doing a triple on Saturday/ Sunday?
    Anyway thanks again for all the kind words, and I believe Zeno and the boys have a really special thing happening here at SJ.

  7. Janet Messineo

    Thank YOU Bill, I am just one of many passionate surfcasters with a very understanding family. Like you I “juggle” family, work, obligations to my community and fishing, guiding or not. It is almost impossible to keep all the balls in the air, one seams to drop to the floor and I have to scramble after it. Good thing Massachusetts Striper fishing is only 7 months long at best and NOT year round. I am always ready for a break to catch up on my taxidermy work, do some writing, clean my gear, house, and fishmobile, and try to be a responsible human being..I hate that part! If you ever get this way, I would love to fish with you.

  8. Matt H

    Z your work and the rest of the crew at SJ is second to none. This video is great and I cant wait to see the rest of the interview. I’ve never fished with Bill, but I hope to change that soon, I’ve heard nothing but the best in regards to him.

  9. donzie67

    I have fished with Bill a few times now and even have taken my wife out with us. Yes she loves fishing very much too. As a SRB member I can tell you it is a great group of folks all loving the same thing. Great video and it is Bill at his finest. Nice work Zeno.

  10. Don Brown

    Now that’s a cool video.Bill if you ever get the chance to come to NJ and fish with the guys in my club you”ll be surrounded by guys just like you.The guides and none guides here are a hard core bunch of surf fishermen that fish every day both day and night.And they love every bit of it.

  11. bunufish

    My wife just started fishing in 2010 and she was by my side all of 2011. She outfished me during the fall run at Montauk and we have a little bit of a friendly competition going on; cuz I own her at Jones Beach *flex*. I know she’s hooked, pun intended because rather than stay home on a muggy summer nite, she’ll wear an ugly green no-see-em net, douse herself with bug repellent and brave through swarms of mosquitos and gnats. It was fun to upgrade her from her pink rainboots, to rubber hip boots to llbean waders. Even the last trip we made to MTK in November with hard wind and rain in our faces, she made the walk from lot to north side with me. That was my final clue that she was as crazy as I was. Though I wonder, who’s crazier, the crazy one or the one that decides to follow the crazy one.

    This year will be a little different, as we’re expecting our first child in August. We’ve already discussed how to schedule in fishing time, she didn’t roll her eyes when I was researching strollers that can go on sand. And she suggested we take turns fishing and watching the baby… 1 hour shifts.

    The interview was awesome; can’t wait to see the rest.

  12. Tim

    Whoa! Now that dudes intense!

    Before seeing this trailer, I thought I was OCD about fishing. LOL!

    Thank’s for the trailer Zeno, you really rock man, can’t wait for the rest of the interview!


  13. Jeremy S.

    That was great….. Can’t wait for the full interview!! I completely understand the “balance” that Bill talks about, I grew up being a stones throw away from where I fish and sitting in my chair after work when the fish were around I would just glimpse out the window at the Atlantic and just lose it and have to go out immediately….. Once you realize that you can’t possibly be “there” for everything that happens no matter how much you commit or how hard you fish it all becomes much more enjoyable!

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