Surfcasting Around the Block

As many of you know, Block Island was an epicenter of some crazy good fishing years ago. Rhode Island sharpie Dennis Zambrotta was fortunate to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime even. He wrote a book about it, Surfcasting Around the Block. From what I understand, the book is currently at the printer and is expected in the stores in few weeks. I am sorry I have no further information on it but as soon as I get it, I will send it along.

I found this footage from two years ago when I spent a Memorial Day at Block with Dennis. It very much fits into what’s in the book


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9 comments on “Surfcasting Around the Block

  1. Karl

    FYI- both video’s / attachments were not accessible from my MAC today
    No problem, appreciate all you do and thought you would want to know
    Thanks again for a great service

  2. Jim

    Mark my words, there’s going to be a run on Pavarotti discs…..and you’ll be paranoid to pick up a needlefish laying on the beach !!!

  3. Zeno Post author

    no idea on carrying book guys..I have no details on cost or when will be in stores…maybe Dennis will chime in

  4. Dennis Zambrotta

    Thank you Zeno. Book will be released very soon. It has a facebook site with the latest news: Surfcasting Around the Block The Salt Water Edge and Rivers End Tackle will carry it. I can also take personal email orders at

    Thanks for everyone’s interest.
    Dennis Zambrotta

  5. Wolf107

    Z i will get this book asap.I read Lincoln Shermans book in two days. just love the old school knowlege.Dennis sounds like a guy i could and would love to sit down listen to all night.storys like his are priceless.



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