Sometimes we write about the stuff…and you just want to see it up close. Yes, the picture is worth a thousand words but the video is what answers many of the questions you might have. So I case of SPRO new Split Snaps, we did just that..
We think you are going to find it interesting. We also think that at night, while bracing for the wave in complete darkness the regular clip style will be a lot easier to put on with eyes closed. On the sand, it might be a completely different story
Oh yeah, one more thing…the winner of the SPRO Snaps Giveaway is.
You got 5 days to email us your shipping addresss at
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Thks for taking the time to do this
↓Thanks for the video! The clip makes a lot more sense now.
↓The videos are a great help Z. Its one thing to see them and have someone tell you about them. Its another one someone demonstrates it for you.. Keep up the good work.
↓Great video Z! I think new pieces of equipment are worth a shot. You have said it yourself when switching to a two piece rod after fishing a one piece for so long. If someone told you to try a two piece back then you probably would have laughed at him. The equipment has changed and there is more available today. It’s like guys who use braid, can’t imagine fishing without it. Thanks to everyone at SJ for keeping us updated.
↓I think it will be alot better than the TA clips. If your knot is not tight to the clip it can sometimes ride down the TA clips and you can lose everything. Think it would all most be impossible for this to happen with the SPRO snap. I will definitely give it a shot
↓Was wondering how these worked, tx for showing us. Your cardiovascular is paying off brother, looking pretty slim there lol.
↓ 30 of a diet….getting there
↓Thanks for the vid Z…..its helpful….I might try one these this season.
↓thank you very much….like you read my mind…with what little of a mind i have left
↓I’ll try them. Wonder if I can persuade my brother to buy some I can commandeer…
↓good video Z and cant wait to try them
↓good work i would try them now that i see the ease of takin a plug on & off. your wasting away to nothing z eat a salami sandwich & some dogs buddy lol
↓Thank You!!
↓Very well done Z. If I needed info on how and why to use clips, this would sell me for sure. But alas, I’m one of those guys that will forever use the loop knot.
Thank you my friend.
↓Nice video Z! For a point of reference what size Spro and TA clip did you use in this video?
I just ordered a couple of the Spro clips to place on the hook side of my diamond jigs. This makes switching tube tails much easier and cuts down on bag weight tremendously. I was using Numan’s clips but they would wear out after two or three days on the beach and come open. These look much stronger with a similar design.
↓Very good demo. Thanks Z.
↓Z who won the spro,s