We loaded the kayaks and paddled into the bay. Because of the high winds and shallowness of the bay the water looked like a Yoo-hoo chocolate milk! And that is a very kind description….
I tried to keep up with him but after ten minutes I gave up. Al was moving way too fast in his canoe while I struggled to keep pace. Because he was far ahead of me he would stop and make a few casts into mangroves and yes, he managed to pull out few snook in the process. I don’t know how far we paddled; all I know is that I could barely lift my arms the next day. Finally we arrived on small island and pulled up our kayaks. Al was more than content taking pictures and watching me fish…which was a good thing because every time he made a cast he more often then not caught a fish!
After dropping my first 5 (ouch) fish I finally managed to land a snook. And then few more, a healthy looking redfish and even a saltwater catfish. Considering the conditions, I was more than impressed that fish were in these muddy waters. We’ve seen eagles, all kinds of birds, manatees, millions of jumping mullets and scenery to die for.
Paddling back into the wind as sun was setting was no picnic and every time we would round an island he would say “few more points and we are there”. Darn it, I thought that was a last one.
I cannot fathom how someone who only spent few months (and on and off at best) in a place and already knows it like a back of his hand. Although I have known Al for many years this is only the third time we fished together and I have to admit the man never stops to amaze me. If they ever find water on the Moon I fully expect Alberto to be the first man to pull a fish out of it. Dude deserves all the props he gets.
Most of you know about his line of lures and clips under the name Tactical Anglers. I am only going to tell you one thing, when it comes to fishing I am very picky of what I use. Nobody I know was more reluctant to use clips then I. I tried another brand and they absolutely sucked as a 3 pound fish straighten them out. This past spring , out of my respect for Al more than anything else, I decided to give then an honest try.
For a guy who used duo lock snaps for more than a decade I was sold as soon as I managed to get a giant 9/0 VMC swash with a rigged eel on the clip and land half a dozen fish, many over 40lb one night on that eel without ANY damage to the clip. I have not used anything else else since then. Nuff said. Great product !
New issue of SJ Magazine coming up in few days…plug some very neat and new giveaways right here on the blog
stay tuned..
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I had a kayak for a while but sold it…looking to save up for a nicer SOT but for now the VS was my treat this year…we’ll have to see what the future brings!
↓Have run into the “crazy” guy myself a time or two. he is a fish magnet!
↓you know what this story makes me want to fish back bays, next time im in melbourne fla im going to hit sabastion inlet for some snook, and reds. we usually just fly past the inlet for 20 miles or so for some mahi,ah we probly do that too lol
↓Happy times z!
↓I’m a big fan of Al’s clips. Haven’t failed me yet.
↓Al’s large clips will work with most tins unlike the other brands.
↓Zeno. It was great sharing a tide with you in a very magical place. Thanks for the great read! Good fishing my friend. Catch’em up!
↓Z, are you telling me these fish were real?! and not those inflatables I keep hearing about!? LOL Yes, with Crazy Al, even the poor Florida fishies aren’t safe.