Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night

By know you probably know that the book I been working on for a while is out and in the stores. Some of you might be wondering why I bothered? After all, there is not a word or a sentence in that book that is mine. But that is precisely the reason…

You see, when I got a surfcasting bug, Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night just somehow appeared in my hands. It blew my mind to know that people fish at night, with big lures, on jetties…..And catch big fish. Of course, today I know everything (insert heavy dose of sarcasm) but still, I always regarded this book to be my personal bible.

It really does depend on when you get into the sport. Some of you are worship my first book (or so you say) while other credit Frank D. for getting their panties in a bunch.

I thought, how nice would it be to update the advice in this book and bring it back to the new (and old) readers. So here it is, I hope that all the work in getting this published pays off…, not in $, we only printed a short run so chances of making anything are slim to none, I hope some of you get out of it what I did. That’s all I ever wanted…

There is  soldier out there reading this and there are thousands just like him. They are putting their lives on the line for your son and my daughter, my son and your wife, my mother and your father.

Some of them might be surfcasters. I know they are. I met Kevin Robinshaw when I refunded his $ after he bought my book on Amazon from Iraq last year. I said no way I could ever take solder money while he is abroad , protecting my way of life.

And Mr. Jason Moritz tried to sneak one by me last night by ordering Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night yesterday and then furnishing an APO address. Yeah, he is still getting the book, but his wallet is whole again. ,Mr. Moritz from USCG PATFORSWA UNIT 3950 you get back to us safe, you hear ?

What does this has to do with this book? Nothing

But on the end of the day, we’ll be judged on what we have left to our kids and to the next generation of surfcasters. I know this book would have never seen a light of a day if I didn’t approach Doc and offered to do help him make this possible. I hope some of you enjoy it as much as I have over the years. It’s my contribution to the sport we so dearly move

The classic is back


An Updated edition of William “Doc” Muller’s book, Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night is now at your local tackle stores and

In New Jersey




Fisherman’s Headquarters

Betty & Nick

L&H Water

In Connecticut

River’s End Tackle

The Surfcaster

In Rhode Island

Saltwater Edge

Surfcasting Rhode Island

In Massachusetts

Fisherman’s Line

Goose Hummock

In New York


Paulie’s of Montauk

Saltwaters Tackle

East End Bait and Tackle

Campsite Sports

Terminal Tackle

LI Outdoorsman

J & H Tackle

I always prefer that you support your local bait and tackle shop and buy a copy there. If your local retailer does not carry this book, feel free to stop by our online store a right here at the blog

21 comments on “Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night

  1. Jason


    I don’t really know what to say. Thank you very much for your generous gift, you did not have to do that. Your books have taught me I look and although you may not have written this one I appreciate the time you have put in to make both this website and book a reality. Thanks again and looking forward to the days when I can wet a line again.


  2. Zeno Post author

    You stay safe dude and again,thank you for al that you do so my kids can wake up every morning with knowledge that they live in the best country in the world
    You fishing wherever you are stationed?

  3. Nick

    Jason is there any other books you want, I have a couple I can send you, John skinners a season on the edge, also a funny one called I hope they serve beer in hell. let me know bro. Be safe and like Z said thank you for yours and your family’s sacrafice, me and my family appreciate everything you and other service men and woman do. Your all hero’s, STAY SAFE!

  4. Jim Hill

    Z thats awesome!!!Truley a great thing for our troops!!!BTW can’t wait to get the book!!!I emailed all my friends about it.Some are as excited as I am!!And yes your first book was an eye opener!!

  5. Anthony Rich

    Got mine this afternoon, shipped from Surf Casters Journal online store. Have already read half the book. I’ll finish after the kids go to bed. Great read so far. Never read the original.

    Thanks Z for getting it out so quickly.

  6. David Kim

    I have the 3 other books on this site, just ordered this one. As a newbe getting back into this, and getting into it seriously, i appreciate all the help and advice.



  7. Madmedic

    Z you truly are a gentleman .. while I was in Iraq I missed fishing so much I ended up ordering so.e books off Amazon. I had no issues for the most part but than I got a canceled order notice from amazon and I wasn’t sure what to think , shortly after I was contacted by Mr.Z and he sent my book out for free of charge! It took me a long time to read that book because the amount of missions I was doing but I will tell you this that act if kindness and generosity towards me gave ne alot of hope and at the time and where I was hope is all I had . That certainly was not thelast thing Zeno has done to help me , for those not familiar, I was featured in the very first Surf Casters Journal , to be part of this publication meant so much to me . I was given by Surf Casters Journal , Zeno , And the great folks at Lamiglas a sweet rod and also received two big water custom lures after that article hit the web .
    I still am active duty , stationed at Ft.Benning till next year. It has not been easy for me since I’ve been back and I am laying in the hospital right now awaiting my fourth surgery to fix my nose LOL from when I got hurt overseas . But anyways this blog and this online magazine mean a lot to me and others and my hats of to you Z , there are few people like yourself these days and I hope when I get out the end of next summer that maybe, just maybe i d have the honor of throwing a plug next to you on the beach some time ….

  8. jasonb2

    Z cant wait fr the book I ordered Saturday hope it arrives before my last fishing trip of the year this weekend. as always thanks for all you and the SJ crew do. Thank you to our military services have a safe and Happy Holiday Season come home soon.

  9. Steve S.

    Ordered the book from you guys on Sunday. Guess what was in my mailbox when I got home from work today. Wow, that was fast. Looks like I’m not getting anything done tomorrow. Thanks guys, great job.

  10. Allen Won

    Hey Zeno,
    I have to say I could not read this post without getting choked up. On this day Thanksgiving I am also so grateful for the men and women who serve this country, who make it possible for us all to practice democracy the way we each see fit.
    Thank you again to you and all the ‘fellas’ at SJ who put this publication together. It’s fantastic.

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