RM SMITH Metal lip giveaway.

To enter …Tell us your favorite issue of SJ and why. Write as much or as little as you like. Winner will be picked on Wed.


53 comments on “RM SMITH Metal lip giveaway.

  1. Rich S.

    I always look forward to the latest issue, but the first one was the best, by way of anticipation. It’s an uphill struggle, but hope you guys can keep on keepin’ on.

  2. Angler Ace

    I like the 1st issue Best. They are all Great, but I guess to me it was the first issue of SCJ, because I found out from that 1st Issue that SCJ contained the kind of literature, Imagery and Photography that I knew I would enjoy Issue after Issue.

  3. Tony Politi

    The first issue, because it was so cool, to have a magazine that was dedicated to the surfcasting community, which is a tiny segment of fishing as a whole. That being said, my favorite is the most current issue, whichever one it happens to be as it gives me more interesting articles to read. I do have a complaint, however it is very difficult to bring the computer into the Library (bathroom) where I do all my serious reading, LOL.

  4. Capt'n Bob

    To pick a fav is unjust, who knows what future issues will bring. We are a special breed who live to fish the suds. Every picture or article is worth looking at or reading. Hats off to all you guys for a thankless job well done many times over. Can’t wait for the next blog entry and issue. Thanks

  5. CTMatt

    Although Issue #1 had a lot of impact on me I have to say Issue #2 was the most important for me. In regards to Al Bentsen and the legions of pages in his tribute there was a quote that has stuck with me as a relative newcomer to the religion of Surfcasting. “When Al Bentsen went fishing…he expected to catch fish”. I am not trying to pose as a philosopher but that quote really hit me. The entire Bentsen sections took even more meaning for me personally. When times get tough locally or at Block Island…I change my mindset to “expect to catch fish” and I start zoning in on every little aspect of my fishing that night and usually my hookup ratio improves. For a legend of surfcasting that Al was I just connected with that particular issue and found myself reading it over and over more then any other issue. If I was going to push the limits of surfcasting, learning from one of the best in Issue #2 was a terrific start. After reading about him I realized surfcasters are ambassadors to a degree for catch/release. That is just my story…from the way he rigged eels to his approach to respecting the sport and the striper…I just found him to be the kind of individual I wanted to be like and again, this issue gave an extensive look into his life/philosophy I won’t soon forget.

  6. Gary

    Actually, I like them all, but I think issue 7 on your trip to Cuttyhunk. Your publication is a great resource for information on how to fish along with the gear. Especially like hearing from the rod guru, Lou Caruso.

  7. Tom

    I would say iss number 2 i love reading about lou caruso. I watch all his videos on rod reviews and i love that i test casted the mojo, since i was looking in to that rod

  8. Ryan Chenette

    So far I like issue #4 the best for personal reasons.I had the oppurtunity to meet and fish with Mike Fixter while on a tip to Santa Cruz.I found him to be one of the nicest guys out of all of the fishermen I’ve met.His plugs catch fish,period.I know that his plugs are highly collectible and sought after.I managed to get a few of his plugs for myself and have fished them all.Apparently the bluefish liked them more than me because they kept them.I liked the article a lot.It’s nice to get a little back story on some of the guys that make this sport what it is.
    Thanks for bringing us some knowledge!

  9. woodwker99

    For me the first issue stirred me with the inspiration of what might be. That the surf fishing community would now have a magazine dedicated to my sport. now I find every issue to be better than the first as you and the staff work to refine and improve what you put out. If these were in print I for one would keep them along side my books on fishing as they are as informative as anything I have ever read. keep up the great work. ….. oh yeah, I’m in.

  10. Frank W

    I would have to say it would be # 7. Rich Troxlers “Last Man Standing” is the best work I have read in any fishing publication and a great story all on its own.

    The way he portrays the spirituality that many of us feel when seeking stripes has yet been put on a page. The eternal hope, the search, the one moment that changes you and the satisfaction that you feel when you know that you did it for yourself and noone else.

    There are many lessons in there without being too overt if you take the time to see them.

  11. RClapp

    Issue #5…..the editorial re “educating” people. The idea to not mock or scorn inexperience vividly brought back instances of my (long gone) youth of such kindness.

  12. Gilly

    1st issue.

    Simply because the format of the SJ publication blew me away. They’ve all had great content, but the initial issue left the longest mark.

    Thanks again SJ!!!

  13. toby lapinski

    I would have to go with issue #1. It’s like the first issue of Playboy or Sports Illustrated. It will forever be remembered as the one that started it all.

  14. Jay Gee

    Issue #2. Issue #2 was another very enjoyable read and it was great to see that SJ would not be a “one hit wonder”. After reading the 1st issue, I was left wondering if anything that good can contuine and it has!!

  15. Chris A

    I will make a short cast and say the First issue.(CUTTYHAUK ARTICLE) Its nice to see for once a magazine and website that don’t post dead fish all over it. Most surfcaster like myself laugh at those other websites and use there names as jokes all the time on the beach. I guess Zeno, Tommy and others know this and filled in the gap that was need. Promoting catch and release and the importance of that. The graphics and photography our top notch. The group of successful surf casting that been on your mag like Lou, Skinner, Steven, and others is great to here what they have to offer. Promoting the History is nice too.

    I have said Thank you before but I will also say its a pleasure to come and visit your website everyday.

  16. Brendan

    Oh boy – favorite issue? That’s like picking your favorite mojo plug! Gun to my head, I’d have to say issue #4 is my overall favorite. Not only for the content, (I loved the photos and the McKenna article) but because it just has a great feel to it. Tough to explain. Another reason is because I figured that if you guys made it to Issue #4 without imploding, you’d likely be around for awhile!

  17. David Strom

    I’ll go with the first issue: I was very impressed with the great look, very professional, of a free e-zine on surf fishing.

    All the following issues have been great, too, but the impact of the first issue was hard to beat.

    Thanks Tommy & Z, and all the other contributors & supporters! That goes for the advertisers, too!


  18. pauly p

    I hadn’t discovered Surfcaster’s Journal until issue 7. I was blown away by the design, writing, photography and the quality of advertisers. Finally a publication that is both modern and classic in approach covering my favorite subject, surf fishing.
    I immediately went back and read all of the previous additions to make sure I wasn’t just imagining this.
    Each issue has been quality and fresh without repetition, which is hard to do in that game. Well done gentlemen.
    So my favorite issue has to be 7 since it was my first read.

  19. Rob G

    Issue #5 – I love Rich Trox’s story. It brought me back to my younger years of fishing in the canals of the “Little Venice” in Lindenhurst. Those were some great years and built the foundation for my love of fishing.

    I’m in!

  20. Robert Mc Carthy

    Cutty is a dream trip. well the way you guys talk about who wouldn`t want to go!
    But “The Last man Standing”, By Rich Troxler was the best…

    Lure`s, rod building, give aways, feild trip, cooking tips, books, very informative..

    I can`t believe your up to issuse #8 it`s been great.

    I`am in Thank you!

  21. Richard Jacoby

    Since I don’t get to fish that often. It is great to look over some ones’s shoulder and live vicariously through the authors eyes. When you do get a chance to try something you have read, and are successful, the joy is raised geometrically. I enjoy them all, as I live on the edge of what I like to do best. Rich

  22. Andy Stevenson

    I’m out. You really think anyone would enjoy a magazine that has incredible pictures,great stories and interviews with the finest anglers in the world? We all know Z only fishes jettis in flip flops anyways. Every issue has burned a spot in my mind, keep up the mediocre work guys.

  23. irish

    I like issue 3. Its the point of greatest improvement to me. the 1st is classic, immagine the first Playboy or Sports illustrated. But three became very serious in professional level and content. Contiued success to all of you.

  24. joe

    I am in. I Liked all of the issues, but the first set the standard. It showed what could be done with a fishing magazine on the internet. The writing was well done, the pictures fantastic, and the use of the various computer tools made it easy to manipulate the magazine-it was easy to move around in. But for the quality and tools in the first issue, people would not have come back for each new issue, and spreading the word on the worth of Surfcasters magazine. The standard set by the first issue is especially remarkable when you consider that the magazine has a very targeted audience, primarily East Coast striper fisherman, a small fraction of the total fishing population. Keep growing!!!

  25. Barry D Thomas Sr

    I also like the First issue. It was something that had not been seen before, a totally new Idea!
    A magazine strictlly for surf fishing by Surfisherman Thank You Very much for all your Time and Effort
    Im In!

  26. Lucky Luke

    I like the 5th issue. Why you ask??? Easy, that is the webpage that really got me into the website and the first issue that truly grabbed my interest to this page. After getting into SJB, I went out and even bought a Van Staal reel to go with my new Lamiglas rod. Not even just that, the issue showed me new lures (line stretcher), and made me want to go out and buy more lures. The issue introduced me to new people and their perspective on fishing and the sport itself. The other reason why issue #4 is my favorite is because it just made me want to fish more and more !!! After reading the issue thats all i was doing was dying to fish! I was going and looking on youtube videos, watching SJB’s videos, and buying non stop fishing crap !! so thank you surfcasters journal for making me enjoy and having a better perspective of this sport all because of the 4th issue.

  27. Rich B.

    Issue #1. It blew away anything else out there in the field of sportfishing and has set a new standard for what a 21st century publication should be. Thanks again for all of your hard work!

  28. Vincent Carr

    I can’t pick just one, because I like all of them for different reasons. I enjoy the articles, descriptions of new products, tips and techniques, rod building, the UNIMOG article, New and Vintage Photography, and I really like the introduction of Chef Andrew Chase. I am can’t wait to try the beer battered fish recipe.

  29. Jeff S.

    I really liked Issue #2 because of the photography of Ken Baldwin on pg. 46. Its a rather large issue with great recipes as well. Keep up the good work.

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