Problems, headaches and yes, some good news too

We kind of got ran over with the hijacking shit last week so I never did get to tell you why I mentioned last Sunday that we are having “Super Strike weekend”. There is a method to my madness although not always evident at first. If you don’t believe me, ask my poor wife 🙂

After a year of persistent begging, badgering, threatening and growling, the legendary Don Musso, creator of Super Strike lures finally agreed to sit down on camera last Sunday and talk about his life as a lure builder. From his days in the military, to his first striper, the first lure he ever made to everything else that happened along the way to superstardom. Now if you don’t know Don, let me fill you in on one thing. The man is as modest as they come when it comes to taking a bow for his contribution to the sport of surfcasting.  It was a nice hour long conversation, recorded for the current and future generation of surfcasters. The history of this sport is something that we are losing a little bit of every day, as every old salt takes a piece of it with them to the heavens. I am trying my hardest to document their experiences over the years.

When are you going to see this video? No time soon. We still have to shoot some additional footage and hopefully over the winter we will put it together. But first, we are going to ask my poor wife to type the best part of the interview for a feature in the future issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.


As far as the blog go, you can see that we are having more problems that we can handle. I am not sure how many of you are having time out issues, feel free to email me at and tell me what you experiencing. Otherwise we will never know…

We had a crash of some kind yesterday and then godaddy got it up mid day. I am not sure what the problem is to be honest but until I can be certain there are no problems with posting, we will suspend all giveaways. No sense riling you up with a giveaway you might have problems entering….which is too bad because we had some very unique stuff lined up for you, stuff we never gave away.

What will probably happen (at least this is my expectation) is that I will have to shut down the blog and build it back up from scratch. Expect a lot of changes regardless of what it is, maybe this is a sign from above for me to bow out.

Anyway, new issue is few weeks away, Tommy is doing his thing and I am pulling my hair out with this crap. So that is it for now, I am sorry if you are having problem posting and in case you emailed me and haven’t heard back in timely manner, understand that my life has been turned upside down with this stuff.


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46 comments on “Problems, headaches and yes, some good news too

  1. nycsteve

    Im being directed to a FEEDBURNER site on the first click , BUT for the last few days the second click on the link will bring me here. Just sayin…….

  2. derek

    please do not bow out, this blog gives me a boost everyday i start work ,i turn to this site and it gets me through the day, so please keep up the great work and give yourself a break and fish, get up to the DITCH fast

  3. Tim

    Z, I know it seems like the fiasco will never end but it will. Try to take the good with the bad if you can … And remember that all you can do is the best you can; it’s not worth the head banging to try to do more. Besides, I think you’ve got the most patient group of followers a man like you could want, so hang in there brother, we’re all there cheering you on in spirit!

    Kindest regards,


  4. georgeC5

    Hi Z, I haven’t tried to post so I can’t comment. The only time I couldn’t get the blog was yesterday, an Error screen. Please don’t quit, this is the best thing that has happened to the sport in a long time, Mono was okay and so were conventionals but no “blog”?

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