This came across my desk today, something I was not aware of it.
I urge you all to take a moment and mail or email this letterr/s to powers that be. NJ surfcasters are in danger to losing most of the access to their beaches in very near future
Zeno Hromin
Everyone please copy and send this letter to every one of the the parties listed below:
Please do it ASAP (trust me, speed is important – take 10 minutes and do it now)
There are two letters here. The first is for NJ residents, the second is for out of state fishermen
edit/update – PLEASE INCLUDE “ATTN: DEP Docket no. 05-11-03″ on the envelope or as part of the header on your e-mail.
I am contacting you to voice my strong negative opinion on the new proposed New Jersey Beach Access Rules.
Please do not allow the new proposed beach access regulations to pass.
Please do not allow the state of New Jersey to remove the references to the Public Trust Doctrine from state law.
Please do not allow public tax dollars to be spent to replenish beaches unless full 24/7 access AND PARKING are provided for those beaches.
We have fought and won many battles, both legal and political, to have what access we have now. Our state government is now attempting to erase many years of work with a single stroke of the pen.
There are 250+ municipalities that have waterfront access to tidal waters.
Each and everyone of them will be given the opportunity to write their own individual Municipal Access Plan. They will be given the authority and police powers to enforce where and when the public will have access to tidal waters within their municipality. Many of these town have in the past showed their unwillingness to allow public access.
The State of New Jersey will no longer be the advocate for the public access rights that belong to us all.
The NJDEP is relinquishing its responsibility as the trustee of the Public Trust Doctrine to protect these rights.
This is a formula for abuse, the fox guarding the hen house.
As a registered voter in the State of New Jersey I pledge to be at the polls for the next few years worth of election cycles to vote against any politician who backs these new rules.
Phone #
Out of state
edit/update – PLEASE INCLUDE “ATTN: DEP Docket no. 05-11-03″ on the envelope or as part of the header on your e-mail.
I am contacting you to voice my strong negative opinion on the new proposed New Jersey Beach Access Rules.
Please do not allow the new proposed beach access regulations to pass.
Please do not allow the state of New Jersey to remove the references to the Public Trust Doctrine from state law.
Please do not allow public tax dollars to be spent to replenish beaches unless full 24/7 access AND PARKING are provided for those beaches.
There are 250+ municipalities that have waterfront access to tidal waters.
Each and everyone of them will be given the opportunity to write their own individual Municipal Access Plan. They will be given the authority and police powers to enforce where and when the public will have access to tidal waters within their municipality. Many of these town have in the past showed their unwillingness to allow public access.
The State of New Jersey will no longer be the advocate for the public access rights that belong to us all, even those of us who reside in other states.
The NJDEP is relinquishing its responsibility as the trustee of the Public Trust Doctrine to protect these rights.
This is a formula for abuse, the fox guarding the hen house.
As an active participant in the surf fishing community I spend a large amount of money annually in New Jersey on food, lodging, tackle and incidentals. If 24/7 beach access at any of the places I frequent is restricted in any way I will no longer be bringing my business to your state.
Phone number
Send to:
New Jersey State Dept. of Environmental Protection
Bob Martin Commissioner
PO Box 402
Mail Code 401-07
401 East State Street 7th floor
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402
E-mail – Commissioner@DEP.State.NJ.US
NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Gary Brower, Esq.
ATTN: DEP Docket No. 05-11-03
Office of Legal Affairs
401 East State Street, 4th Floor
PO Box 402
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
EMAIL – Gary.Brower@DEP.State.NJ.US
Find your local legislator here
Out of state guys pick the town you fish most often.
NJ residents – It does NOT matter if your hometown has waterfront or not – your legislator will have a voice in it, send the letter
Our Governor doesn’t make it that easy
The only way to sen him a message is through his website
Topic 1 – click on ENVIRONMENT
Topic 2 – Click on OPEN SPACE
Fill in your information then paste the letter into the space for message
Send the message to Frank Lautenberg here:
To Congressman Pallone here:
Janice is in charge of briefing the congressman on current issues
[issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=110508225219-e8758a6b96d645c0a4184fd7e909a62a docname=sjissue7 username=SURFCASTERS_JOURNAL loadinginfotext=Surfcaster’s%20journal width=420 height=162 unit=px]
Letter on the way. Thanks for the info. Live in Pa. and fish in OCNJ. Land of the free home of the brave. Its ashame to have to pay such dues that mother earth has provided us with.
↓I’ll mail mine later today Z, we’re seeing our access slowly dissapearing in ny also, and some other groups are posting on fishing sites to gain allies in the beach access fight………
↓letter sent
↓Letters to all the above have been sent, with the exception of NJ Gov., having trouble logging on that site. I’m from Phila. but fish New Jersey beaches exclusivly and also a member of NJBBA. This is serious stuff not to be taken lightly. If passed it will effect everyone sooner or later.
↓sending letter ASAP.
↓Roger that
↓The court held that the DEP lacked the requisite legislative and statutory authority necessary to create the challenged regulations.
If the DEP lacks the requisite legislative and statutory authority necessary then the State Legislation must step up with its authority to mandate access and facilities to allow tax payers to access state waters, especially when state funding is used to protect and replenish these areas.
Add your state representatives to the mailing list.
↓Five e-mails sent. Keep ’em going!
↓If you read any of those links, you’ll see that it was the town of Avalon that sued the state and started this mess. Did you know that Bob Martin, the new Commissioner of the DEP owns a summer home three houses in from the beach in Avalon ?
↓Only in NJ
↓Thanks Ed for providing those links.
A point of clarification.
When you send the email to
YOU MUST INCLUDE “DEP Docket no. 05-11-03” in the subject line.
Written comments sent to the Trenton address above
MUST INCLUDE “ATTN: DEP Docket no. 05-11-03” on the envelope and as a header on your letter.
By doing so your comments will become part of the PUBLIC RECORD on the Proposed Public Access Rules
and NJDEP is required by statute to respond in writing to your comments.
↓—– Forwarded Message —–
To: Commissioner@DEP.State.NJ.US
Cc: “Gary Brower”
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 10:34:47 AM
Subject: Public Trust
Subject: ATTN: DEP Docket no. 05-11-03
Dear Commissioner Martin,
I am contacting you to express my opposition to the proposed New Jersey Beach Access Rules. Please do not allow the new proposed beach access regulations to be adopted. By giving municipalities the right to decide who may access these areas, or restrict access by limiting the facilities necessary for their enjoyment, tax payers who fund these areas will be denied access.
I am concerned. I feel that the Superior Court ruling against the DEP when it came to my right to access and enjoy state waterfront, even when my tax dollars are used to enhance these areas, is TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Please do not allow the State to remove the references to the Public Trust Doctrine from State rules.
There are more than 250 municipalities that have waterfront access to tidal waters. Each of them will be granted the opportunity to craft their own Municipal Access Plan. They will have the authority and police powers to enforce where and when the public has access to State tidal waters within their municipality. Many of these towns have already shown their unwillingness to provide public access.
The State did not legislate but instead delegated this responsibility to a department the Court has determined lacks the authority. I mean you no disrespect, our State representatives must step up and legislate access to and the facilities nessesary for their enjoyment by the public.
As a registered voter in the State of New Jersey I demand our Legislators put their authority behind these regulations, as the Court requires, to mandate your rules. Please protect my right of access to any area supported by my tax dollars by insisting the State legislature adopt your rules.
Sincerely yours,
↓This issue has been going on for quite some time,For more information goto
↓5 letters, 8 emails sent and forwarded to my friends so they can do same