New product that you should know about


I don’t know about you but I am always impressed by anyone who invests their hard earned money in the surfcasting market. Say what you want but this market is smaller than most of us think, at least it is when it comes to big boys tailoring the products to us. Most of the time we get to use stuff intended for other use. Korkers were never really meant for Montauk, Yo Zuri Surface cruiser was made for offshore boys and on and on… This is why when I find a product that is designed for surfcasters, I can’t wait to tell everyone I know.

There are some products out there that are highly priced because they are handmade and I always cringed at the idea of recommending something that cost an arm and a leg. But to be honest, most of these products, like bags, are custom made for you so the price is definitely justifiable.

However, when I find a product that is functional AND priced right (in my opinion) I want to get on the roof and shout. I also have friends who would rather keep it to themselves and never tell a soul. To each its own, love me or hate me, but I get nothing out of telling you this. But you might get something out of it…if nothing else, another good affordable tool.

I been a Van Staal pliers user from the day they came out on the market and they are still on my belt to this day. They served me well for many years without a problem. Yes, I know that they don’t cut hooks. I don’t carry pliers that cut hooks, I have my Manley’s in the car. I want the pliers on my belt that cut the braid with ease, with long nose for removing hooks and still keeping my fingers away from the fish and hooks. I want a good grip, lanyard, pliers sheath. I want replaceable cutters and I want them made out of material that doesn’t rust. And I want it all for under $60

What am I on, you might be asking? 🙂

That is what I used to ask too until I I tried the pliers from Hansom Tackle in the mail few weeks ago. Scott from Hansom Tackle in NJ is a blog subscriber for awhile now..

Tungsten Carbide Cutters
Aluminum handles and center spring parts.
Stainless Steel Jaws
Aluminum split ring, carabiner and grommet.

I been using the pliers for almost a month now and yes, as it’s my habit, they have not seen fresh water yet. Neither did my Olympus camera or Boga Grip for that matter. If you are going to try something, might as well give it to the guy that will never rinse it 🙂


I am very impressed with the grip, design, style and length. I am thrilled that they come with a Layard AND pouch with a belt loop. But by far, I am the most impressed the way they cut braid and mono. I swear to you mono shots off a foot when cut and braid cutting is so clean, I thought I was in heaven. I know that few weeks are not nearly enough to do a thorough testing but I got to say, this is one hell of a pair of pliers.

What do you estimate these pliers to cost considering that just lanyards sell for $20+ and sheath for double that?

Would you believe $59.99 for pliers, sheath and lanyard? I kid you not.

Where can you buy them?

I am not sure how many stores carry them but boys at Saltwater Edge have them in stock and on their website

Here is the link 

The only other retailer that I know off is Paulie out in Montauk and Efingers in NJ. I got a feeling this is going to be one hot item this holiday season. Although I liked what I’ve seen so far, I’ll try to reserve some of my enthusiasm until I go through the whole fall run with them. Hopefully the verdict will be just as good as a first impression.

Here is short video I did when I received them


25 comments on “New product that you should know about

  1. Bob Mirynowski

    I’ll do you one better Zeno. Check out LEW’s fishing pliers on ebay at Sportsman Outfitters. Same features as Hansom but only $29.99! Only drawback is the sheath has a metal belt holder and not a loop.

  2. CTMatt

    I have an almost identical pair to these I scored for less then $20. You can’t beat this type of low cost durability. Forget replacing the cutters when the dull. THorw the pliers in your workbench at home and buy another pair! Haven’t rinsed them yet…they are awesome! Why pay 10 times more for anything else?

  3. woodwker99

    I use a pair that I got at Dicks for 19.99 made by Shakespeare that are aluminum with replaceable cutters that come with everything these do. No freshwater cleaning yet all season, and no rust. Sometimes you have to hunt for these things. everything doesn’t have to be Van Stal priced to be good.

  4. pete f

    The issue I have heard about but not experienced with this type of plier is that when it comes time to replace the cutter: 1. You don’t have a new blade(s) and can’t get them. 2. The fastener that holds it in place is corroded and no longer removable.
    I’ll stick with Manleys(phobia related) on my belt, disposable(cheap) needlenose and kids scissors to cut braid/mono.
    But I usually use my cigar to burn off the braid.

  5. Zeno Post author

    I find Manley’s useless other then to cut a hook, for which they are great, needle nose pliers are usually long and thin, no leverage to pop the hook…and scissors / clippers…I tried that …lost them within 5 minutes…lol…….’hey, if that works for you, great, stick with it

  6. Nick

    I’ll stick with my ridiculously priced van staal pliers(cause now I have no choice) Uh they cut braid and help in unhooking fish and make me sick when I thnk about how much I paid for them and how it pissed the ball and chain off and… get the idea?

  7. Scott Smith

    Thanks Zeno and thanks to everyone for their feedback – it is really helpful to us and our product development. I wanted to let everyone know that we will have Replacement Cutters available this December and they should retail for less than $20. Scott/Hansom Tackle

  8. Madmedic

    I’m in … lol for the Zeno limited edition autographed Van Stahl pliers, they would def beat my Army issued gerber pliers that seized up when they even saw salt water ……

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