A very special giveaway for those of you who are looking to tangle with a MONSTER fish.
The combo is a courtesy of our friends at PENN Fishing. If you have followed the progression of PENN products in last few years you know that they are once again a serious consideration for your next reel or rod purchase.
Today’s giveaway is very special as we never had something this BIG featured on our blog
Winner will be chosen at random next Tuesday and the winner’s name will be posted here and on our FB page.
One winner, one awesome prize. No entry fee, everyone is welcome to enter
Shipped to your house by folks at PENN Fishing
Good luck to all, you got to be in it, to win it
i’m in thks
↓Wow great I am in
↓I’m in!
↓Count me in.
↓This is a
↓winning combo!
Hope I win.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, Great Combo
↓I am in thanks
↓I am in
↓Penn is the best can’t beat them
↓I am IN
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in, thanks
↓My husband would loveeeee this set
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓i am in please
↓In it to win it. Thanks for the chance
↓I’m in, thank you!!
↓I’m in
↓How do I enter
↓I’m in!
↓Im in. Penn forever!
↓thanks for the opportunity
↓Im in. Thanks!
↓i’m in! Thank you!
↓I’m in
↓Im in!
↓Yes please
↓I’m in!!! THANKS!!!
↓Love Penn reels great value
↓I’m in
↓So ready,for some surf fishing…
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!!!
↓Penn is #1!
↓I’m In !!!
↓I’m in. I love peen reels!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m In…
↓Enter me please
I’m in!
↓in it to win it
↓I’m in
↓im in thanks for the chance
↓I’m in
↓Love my Penn Battle 6000, would love to have a second Penn setup!
↓Would love this; fishing is my addiction
↓I am in for this
↓I’m in !
↓i am in, thank you!!!
↓Love penn Reels
↓going down to Assateague Island on the second weekend in May!
↓Awesome prize I’ve had one Penn a aqua metal reel fm long ago. It was stolen @ the Pier parking lot. It would be a lifelong dream to have another combo! TY
↓I’m in thank you SJ for this chance. Penn makes the best rods & reels of them all!!!!!!
↓I love Penn gear, having fished anything that could even come close
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in! thank you
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Hook me up
↓Im in
↓Yes please. I’d love to add this to my growing PENN fleet!
↓I’m in, I NEED THIS BAD!!!
↓Great prize! Please enter me too!
↓I’m in thanks!!!!
↓I’m in and I use nothing but Penn.
↓I’m in !
↓I’m in, I need it more than him↑↑ LOL
↓Hahaha, Love you honey, but I out fish you …….some times LOL
↓I’m in
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m seriously IN!
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance. Dedicated PENN man for decades!
↓Add me to the list
↓I’m in… Thanks SJ
↓awsome giveaway,thanks for the chance
↓I’m in!
↓Yes please. Im in
↓im in thanks. And a 9500 is huge. Love my Penns.
↓I am in!!!
↓I’m in too
↓Im in . . . Thanks SJ
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in
↓I am in.
Thanks, Z & Penn!
↓This sure would be a great setup for me to start fishing the south coast of Wellington never fished for Moki before but something tells me the setup would work really well on them thanks for holding this competition good luck everyone
↓I am in
↓Thank you!
↓Have several Penn reels. Nothing holds up to the rigors of saltwater like Penn
↓I’m in. Thanks SJ
↓im in, thanks PENN!
↓I’m in also.
↓I’m in. An awesome setup from Penn! Thanks.
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Count me in!
↓im in
↓I’m in! And keeping making those awesome reels. Never failed me yet!
↓I’m in. THANKS for the opportunity
↓Im in Thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I AM IN!!
↓Thanks I’m in Penn is the best!
↓I am in
thank you
↓I’m in. Thanks guys.
↓Count me in! My youngest donated my last Penn spinner to the ocean last summer
↓I’m in guys, hope to win
↓You know it !!! Im in
↓I`m in.
↓I’m in! Many Thanks!!
↓I’m in!! Thx Z. Love the Penn products!
↓I am in. Thank you for the opportunity and all the work you put into this site!
↓I’m in!
↓I am in thanks
↓I’m in….got som fish here with that rod and reel’s name on it.
↓love Penn gear!!!
↓Im in ty
↓Love Penn, This would look good in my hands.
↓im in thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I can always use a new rod or reel.
↓I’m definitely in! Winner winner = sea chicken dinner!
↓Started surf fishing the west coast and this rod is a monster!
↓i’m in thanks!
↓Put me in coach!! I’m ready!
↓I need this
↓I am an avid supporter of Penn.
↓Im in, thx
↓I’m in, AWESOME!
↓I’m in for sure!
↓I’m in. Thanks Z and SJ
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I am in ! Thank you.
↓I’m IN
↓I’ll be checking my mail!!
↓I’m in!
↓Im in !!!!
↓I’m so in.
↓I’m in.
↓im in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
I would love to win this combo.
↓The Gang’s all Here.
↓I’m In.
This is a good one.
“I am in”. That would make a awesome Fathers Day present.
↓I’m in! fingers crossed \m/
↓I’m in! Thanks.
↓im in
↓I’m in
↓I have already Purchased a Penn Long Cast Spin Fisher 7500 and I am 100% happy with it!
↓The Battalion rod sure looks sweet, bravo to Penn for supporting the Surf Casters Journal!
I’ll pass on this contest because I already have some of this great Penn gear and I will make room for other surfcasters that could benefit from it.. Good Luck Everybody!
Penn value is epic.
↓Grew up fishing with Penn reels. The only one to use when your from Philly! Thanks
↓i am in
↓I’m in
↓Yes please
↓Woohoo. I am in. Thanks to Penn and Surfcaster’s Journal to give us a chance at an awesome setup.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in …. Thanks SJ
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!!!! Thanks SCJ and Penn.
Sean H.
↓In it to win it
↓I’m in
↓im in!
↓I’m in
↓I am “in it to win”
↓thank you for the opportunity
I’m in!
↓Im in. Thanks!
↓Please enter me
↓I could use a monster. Count me in!
↓Consider me entered. Very nice combo
↓Yes please. Need it for the MV Derby!
↓Yes please!
↓Would love a Penn!
↓count me in
↓Awesome! Count me in
↓My spin fisher from the 80s is due for retirement.
↓I’m In! Thanks for the chance SJ and Penn!!
↓I’ll try
↓Awesome combo. I can feel the cast now.
↓I’m in, thanks
↓I am in, thanks.
↓In thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I would have this just in time for my fishing
↓trip to Gulf Shores in a few weeks!!!
Yahoo! I’m in!
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓In please
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓Thank you
I’m in.
↓I am definitely in!!!!!!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in!
↓Im IN!
↓I’m in!! Many thanks…
↓Im in thanks for the chance
↓I’m in Thanks.
↓I’m In! Thank You!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓i’m in thanks
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in thank you.
↓I’m in. Ty
↓I’m in!!! Ty sj and penn
↓I’m in…thanks! Love Penn products!
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I am in, thank you.
↓I’m in Nice one !!!
↓Im In thanks so much Penn and Surfcasters Journal!
↓This is great I’m in thanks
↓I’m in
↓entry here thank you
↓Zeno I need that rod and reel
↓I would like to win this.
↓I am in. Thank you Penn and Surfcasters Journal!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in ty
↓Since my dad had a green saltwater reel some 40 years ago I’ve been a fan of Penn reels
↓I’m in
↓Love penn
↓Count me in. Thanks for the chance!
↓im in it to win it!
↓I’m in. Thanks for the opportunity.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!!! Thanks
↓Happy to be in
↓Thanks I’m in
↓I’m in thanks!
↓Yeah buddy
↓This is a great competition, always loved the Spinfisher.
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓Im in thanks. Awesome giveaway
↓I am in thanks
↓I’m in please
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in – thanks Z!
↓I am in, thank you
↓I’m in! Thanks SJ!
↓I’m in! Need a new reel for June trip to massachusetts.
↓I’m in thanks for the giveaway
↓I’m in..Thank you.
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Yes please!
↓I’m in thanks
↓Im in
↓I’m in
In it to win it
↓I’m in.I have never owned a Penn combo before be good to try something new
↓PENN is the best
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I am in!
↓I’m in.
↓Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win great gear!
↓I’m in
↓“YES!” Great for fisherman and Striped bass.
↓when you prefer to have quality and reliability you only fish with pen
↓I’m in. Thanks to Penn and Surfcasters
↓Gotta love a Penn! Catch more Halibut!
↓I have been using an old penn reel now for 13 years 650ssm. Love it more than any reel I’ve ever owned but a new one would be nice!!
↓count me in
↓? is were all in
but who will win
good luck all
I’m in
I’m In thanks!
↓when you prefer to have quality and reliability you only fish with penn
↓I’m In, of course…
Penn Reels best value going.
↓in – thanks.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in it to win it!!!!!!
↓Let me in…
↓I’m in!
↓l’m in
↓I am in
Hell yes I’m in !!
↓Going for tuna using spinning gear for the first time, would love the opportunity to try this one.
I’m in
↓I’m in.
↓Im in too
↓I’m in. and thanks. Rich
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓i am mist definitely in! gotta be in it to win it!
↓I’m in
I’m in thanks guys
↓My husband would LOVE this… if I let him use it!
↓Hopefully I win this beast setup! I’m in!
↓I’m in hopefully I win
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!!!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in… Thanks
↓I’m iin.
↓I’m in ! Thanks
↓In to win!
↓I’m in please. Thanks SJ and Penn.
↓I’m in Z! Thanks
↓I’m in Thanks to all!
↓In it to Win it! Thanks!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in .. Thanks
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓Very nice. !…..I’m in!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Can’t wait to give that new set a try. Penn rules!
↓Very nice setup. Would love to win this!
↓im in!!!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓All-some setup. I am in!!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓Preciso muito deste prêmio. ..
↓Love me some Penn. I’m in.
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I am in. Thank you
↓I am in thanks
↓I”m in
↓I’m in!!!
↓The best give ever !! Wow!!!
↓I’m In!!!
↓I’m in, thank you
↓Got to try maybe you get lucky
↓Got to fish
↓I’m in
↓I’m in it to win it!
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!!!! Penn is the best
↓In like flynn.
↓I’m in!
↓I’M IN!!
↓I’m in! thanks!!
↓Could do some damage in The Canal with that combo! Please put my name in the hat. Thanks, guys!
↓I’m in
↓I’m IN !
↓Im in. Maybe this will replace my ssv8500 that got lost from the surf
↓I’m in thanks
↓Awesome prize, I have always prized my Penn reels.
↓I’m in!
↓Iam in. Thankyou.
↓Could really use a new rod and reel!
↓Love this sport. I’m in!
↓How do we enter, this is awesome
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in and thank you for letting me in!
↓I;m In Thanks very much. Have a great season everyone!!!!!!
↓I am in! Thank you!!
↓Thats awesome. I’m in , thanks
↓I am in….
↓I am in, thank you!
↓I’m in!
↓Hope this is not a gimmick
↓im down. Goin deep.
↓I’m in…..Thanks!!!
↓Hope it’s me.
↓I’m in it to win it.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓Nice i hope i will win this because I’m not have enough money to buy this reel….but if i not win still ok because i love this brand
↓I’m in!! Thank you!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in please.
I’m in
↓I am “in it to win it”
↓I’m in THX
↓Thanks I’m in!
↓Thank you very much
↓sign me up, thanks
↓Thanks SJ and Penn you both bring your A- games to all of us…
↓Thanks SJ and Penn you both always bring your A game for us all…
↓I’m in! Thanks
↓I’m in with the rest of ya.
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, thanks for the chance to win!!!
↓I’m in. Thank you!
↓I’m in thanks ….
↓I’m in, thanks for the chance.
↓I’m in! Thank you guys!
↓I’m in thanks a bunch
↓I’m in. Thank you
↓I’m in! Thank you for the chance!
↓I’m in Thanks for the chance
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in….thank you for the opportunity.
↓I’m in, Thanks!
↓Thanks for the opportunity to win ,I’m in too Thank You
↓I’m in thanks
↓love to have one of thesee
↓I’m in.
↓Thanks for the chance Z!
I’m in
↓I’m in
↓I’m in thanks
↓I am in from Australia!
↓I’m in , thanks.
Count me in
↓Awesome Combination
↓I’m in.
↓It sure would be a nice addition!
↓I’m in – Thanks!
↓how do i enter
↓I’m in, all my salt water spinning reels have always been Penn’s and I’m looking forward this another
↓I’m in!
↓I’m Penn, I mean In.
↓I’m in
↓I am IN !!!!
↓I am in it, thanks all.
↓I’m in
↓Sign me up
↓I’m in.
↓Many thanks to the amazing folks at Penn and the SJ team!
I’m in. Wow!
↓i’m in too, i could really use this.
↓I’m in,Thanks.
↓im in thanks
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓Mine all mine
↓Sweet, I’m in!
↓I’m in. Awesome giveaway! Thanks Penn and SJ!
↓I’m in Thanks!
↓Count me in please. Can not imagine what you couldn’t bring in with that setup!
↓i’m in
↓I’m in Thanks
↓This is awesome! I’m in!
↓Best rod I have is Penn love it!!!!!
↓I’m in! Thank you!
↓I’m in, thanks
↓Im in thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks SJ & Penn.
↓If I win do you think my wife will still yell at me for getting another fishing rod?! IM IN!!!
↓Im in
↓I’m in! Thanks guys!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in!! – thanks
↓I’m In !!
↓Please count me in………….thank you
↓I’m in!!!!
↓I’m in, thank you.
↓I am In
↓I’m in , thanks !!
↓I am in
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in…
↓i’m in thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m in for the Penn! Get outside and fish!
↓I’m in …
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in. Thanks for the opportunity
↓Im in, thank you!
↓I’m in! Thank you.
↓Count me in! Thanks.
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in on this TY
↓I’m in…
↓lucky is in
↓still remember my dads green rubber coated saltwater penn . a fan of penn since forever
↓I’m in! Thanks for the chance!
↓I’m in please!
↓In please!
↓I’m in! Thanks Surfcasters Journal.
↓I’ll give it a try. Thanks
↓I’m in!!
↓Great Combo!!
↓Count me in!!
↓I’m in!!! Fingers crossed
↓Count me in! Thanks SJ and Penn!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in!
↓Im in thanks
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓Hell Yea Im Innnnnnnnnn
↓I’m In. Thank you very much.
↓Hell Yea Im Innnnnnn
↓I’m in. Thank you
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in, awesome combo.
↓im in thanks
↓I’m in…………..thank you for the opportunity.
↓I’m in! Great prize!
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in thank you
↓I’m in. Thank you
↓I’m In.
Thank You!!!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in,
I’m in and thank you SCJ and Penn
↓In it thx to the people at PENN
↓I’m in.. thx!
↓i’m in thanks again sj
↓Ive owned my penn reel for many yrs and recently bent my crank handle and broke the tip of my rod. This would be an excellent way for me to replace my long time friend that has seen many waters and many fish. LOL I would have to say PENN has been the best Ive used in my lifetime. Would love to have this set up for sure!!!
↓I’m in like Penn
↓I’m in !
↓Sign me up. Big Penn fan!
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in !!!! Thanks guys
↓I’m In!
↓That’s crazy
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I am in Thanks!
↓I’m in!
↓I am in Thanks
↓I’m in…Thanks
↓I’m in
↓Im not really sure how to enter this competition. Is it just by commenting here?
↓yeah..you are good
↓…you’ll command the beaches with this set-up!
↓I’m in, Thanks!
Im in, thanks for the chance
↓I am in! Thank you!
↓how do i enter
↓Hitting the surf
↓I’m in . Thanks
↓I’m in
↓im in
↓I’m in thanks
↓Thanks for a chance”
↓Please enter me for this awesome giveaway…Thank You
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓i’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in!!!! Thanks
↓This is awesome! I’m in … Thanks!
↓I’m in. Thanks!!!!!
↓sign me up!
↓I’d love to own my first PENN Reel!!& Rod to boot! Awesomeness
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓I am in. Thanks
↓Count me in
↓I’m In! Thanks SJ and PENN!
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in thanks
↓I’m in guys! Thanks for the chance to win this sweet Penn set up!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in i want one
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in there!!!
↓Im in!
↓Please count me in. Trying a new Penn Combo this season Conflict 5500 and 9′ Prevail surf rod for lighter conditions.
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in, need this set up bad, just lost most of my gear when my house burned down….
↓Penn still have and use a 704 reel from 40 plus years ago.
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in.
↓Yes, I would love to enter and win!!
↓I’m In! Thanks Z!
↓I’m In !
↓I am late but in
↓I’m in, thanks
↓im in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in!
Thanks, Rob
↓I am in thx again guys
↓nice combo
↓I am in. Thanks
↓I’m in
↓Im in!!
↓I’m in. thanks
↓I am in to tangle with some surf sharks.
↓Count me in…thanks
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Lord Jesus, please let me win…
↓Lords of Light please let me win! I’m in!!
↓I am in!!!!
↓I’m In
↓I’m in, why not
↓Thanks I am in
↓Hook me up J!! Thanks
↓I’m in thanks
↓im in
↓Im in, thank u!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance.
↓im in thanks!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in! Thanks for doing this!
↓I’m In!
↓Im in lets go fishing!
↓I’m in!!
↓I’m in and thank you
↓I’m in, long time fan if all penn products here!!!!
↓I’m in it to win it!
↓Do It!
↓Very nice! Thank you for the chance!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in! I use a lot of penn products!
↓I’m loving it !
↓I’m in! Thank you!
↓Oh I’m in
↓I’m in and thank you
↓I’m in would love 2 have one
↓Man I could use one of these for my trip to Florida!!
↓I’m in!
↓I am in
↓Penn all the way. I would love this.
↓I`m in like Flynn. Thanx
↓Thanks for the opportunity tight lines to all
↓I’m in ! Thanks!
↓I’m in
↓The only reels i fish with are pinn reels. Caught my first monster bull red on one April 22nd. 39 inches long well over 30 pounds. Not to mention the other multitude of caught in fresh and salt water that varied in size. Im definitely in!
↓Most of my saltwater gearbis penn. Outsdated now though but I have taking many disabled vets fishing fishing in my own vet fishing programn they enjoy penn and they last.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓Let me in i am a Penn lover
↓i’m in thanks
↓count me in! Thanks!
↓No doubt, I’m in
↓Sweet. I’m in!
↓I’m in! Thanks!!!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in!
↓I’m in, still have my first Penn!
↓I’m In.. Thx..
↓i’m from PENN-sylvania! Must have.
↓I’m in
↓GREAT DEAL…. PLEASE COUNT ME IN ! THANKS AGAIN and keep up the great work .
↓Im in.. looking forward to the season, thanks
↓Im in fish on !!!!!!!!!!!!
↓I’m in!!
↓Hoping for the best.
↓Awesome! Would love to have one.:)
↓I am mos def in on this
↓Have used Penn reels for over thirty years. They are the best..
↓Count me in.
In it to win it !!!
↓Great give away. I am in!
↓Thank you
I’m in, thanks
↓I would love to fish with this combo!
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓Im in!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in
↓What a great set up. Love Penn!! I’m in it to win it!
↓I’m in!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Wow very nice would be breathless if I won
↓I’m in!!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in, thanks PENN is awesome!
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓Nice combo
↓I’m in. Thank you
↓I’m in, my kid would go nuts if I surprised him with this!
↓Love to win this awesome combo
↓Perfect combo!
↓Thanks for the chance!
↓Yes please I’m in thanks
↓I’m in thanks great combo
↓Sun, sand, surf: Penn. Pure pleasure.
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in. Need a new surf rod now that my prevail is no more.
↓I’m in! Perfect for Panama!!!
↓Im in.
↓Im in!
↓Penn always is and always will my reel choice
↓I’m in! Thanks!!
↓would be a great addition to my penn collection
↓I’m in
I’m in, thank you
↓Love Penn….
↓I’m in!! Thanks folks!!
↓Please enter me into the drawing!
↓I’m in…… Thx
↓I’m in! Broke college student
↓Good luck everyone.
↓I am in
↓I’m in !!!!! I only surf fish with Penn !!
↓Im in! Thanks!
↓Im in. I’ll take it.
↓All I own are Penn reels……
Dr. PDG, Jakarta, Indonesia
↓I’m in. If this is how I enter?
↓I’m in.
↓Hoping that this will be mine
↓fantastic ideaaaaaaa thank you!!!
↓i am in
↓I’m in!
↓That looks nice–I’m In, Thanks
↓I would love to own this.
↓I’m in!
Count me in. Enter me please. Love my Penn real.
↓I would love this lost my 10500′ over winter would really love this
↓I’m in!! Thanks for this opportunity!! PENN all the way!!
↓I’m in I’ve been looking for something that will hold up in the southwest Florida waters !!!
↓Penn reels forever!
↓i’m in !!
Thnx , S.W.J.
↓I’m in. Thank you
↓Im in, thanks for a chance.
↓I’m in.
↓Penn for life.
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks for the chance
↓I’m in !
↓Hope I get to fish with this new gear on the Helen H! Thanks!!!
↓Im in, Thanks
↓I’m in!
↓Sign me up!
↓I’m in!
sure would be nice!
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in. Thank you.
↓I’m in
↓I am in thanks for the chance!!
↓I’m in
i’m in let me win
↓count me in….
thanks PENN
↓Would love to win this Penn Combo.
↓I am in.
↓Best Regards
I’m in!
↓I’m in!
↓im in!
↓I’m in Thanks
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓I’m in! – Thanks
↓I am in it to win it
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓Awesome equipment….
↓im IN! Thanks
↓I’m in! Thank you SCJ & PENN
↓I’M IN!!!!!!!! Awesome rod and reel!
↓I’m in, this will turn some big girls heads for sure.
↓I’m in please . I’ll use it to catch a tuna and send you pics
↓In I am
↓HOOK me up
↓in it to win it thanks for the chance
↓Looks awesome. Im in
↓Still using my Penn 650 I got back in 92. This would be great to have
↓im in too. Thanks.
↓I only consider PENN. I’m in. Always.
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓I’m in
↓Wow, very cool. I’m in!
↓Im in thanks
↓I’m in, thanks!
↓im in. Thanks.
↓Going surf fishing in May…I need this
↓I need that for the Beach!
↓I’m in. Thanks
↓in thanks
↓Count me in, please!
↓Great contest! Im IN!!
↓I’m In
↓I’m in please .
↓Don’t own a Penn right now no happy about that!!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in. Thanks!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I’m in
↓Im in please!
↓In it to win it!! \m/
↓Me me I need this bad
↓Bring me luck
↓im in it to win it!
↓Penn Me!
↓I’m in. Thanks.
↓i’m in Baby, it’s a Penn, what’s not to like?
↓Count me in
↓nice prize.. count me in
↓Sweet. Lets go fishing.
↓I’m in! Tight lines to all!
↓I’m in. Thank you SJ for this chance. Penn makes the best combos , rods , and reels of all time!
↓I’m in!
↓im in thanks sj
↓I’m in lets fish!
↓For the love of a Penn reel!
↓I’m in thanks!
↓I would love this set up – I’m in
↓oh yes please, will certainly come in handy for me for the love of fishing
↓I am in .Very good offer. Congratiolations.
↓I’m in you can never have enough Penns
↓Hooked! Unconditional love for Penn.
↓I’m in
↓im in thanks
↓I’m in.
↓Sweet setup. I’m in
↓I’m in
↓Im in it. Would look great in jekyll island ga surf fishing for some big shark in june!!
↓I’m in love Penn
↓I’m in guys, thanks
↓I’m got to have it. Don’t want to fish without it.
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in, this would be great. Then I could pass on my gear to my 2-year-old when she grows up.
↓count me in
↓im in. Thanks guys!!
↓I’m in, thanks.
↓I’m in . Thanks
↓I’m in! Keep up the great work.
↓I’m in thanks.
↓I’m in Please
↓penn reel owner over forty years. I’m in.
↓wish me luck I’m in!!
↓I’m in
↓I’m in
↓Really want this im hooked on surf fishing…
↓I’m in
↓Always ready to take a chance on something big! Thankyou
↓I’m in Thanks Jim J
↓I am in !!! Thank you !!!!
↓I’m in !!!! Thank you !
↓I need a new reel.
↓I’m in, Great Combo
↓Love Penn products
↓I am in