Many faces of a surf sharpie

 Some of you know Richard Troxler from Noreast boards where he is a moderator. Some of you have read his posts or a story in the last year issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.

Some of you were stunned by his ” Last Man Standing” masterpiece in the current issue of the Surfcaster’s Journal.

Some of you might even know that he possesses mad woodworking skills. Or that he is a top notch surfcaster.

He is a kind of surfcaster who likes to tinker with his stuff. Never satisfied with store bought bucktails he makes his own. We did this video about a year ago.


All these things make Rich obviously a very interesting person to be around and fish with. But this is just a small part of who Richard Troxler is….

There is so much more to him

including this !!



13 comments on “Many faces of a surf sharpie

  1. Mike S.

    Wish I had a video from this past weekends NorEast BBQ ….

    Rich is also quite the culinary master! He left us wanting more of his jamaican jerked chicken, his spice rubbed beef sirloin, and his fresh striped bass (prepared three different ways)!!!!

  2. Bob Eisey

    In addition, his woodworking skills are excellent but I was most impressed with his recipes and chef abilities demonstrated at the Nor’East BBQ this past weekend. All this goers along with him being a great buddy with a big heart. Thanks Rich.

    Where’s the new book?

  3. richtrox

    Thanks guys, much appreciated. And thank you Z.

    fish 182 – interesting references! Nils was Roy’s student for a while before going off on his own. Roy had a sad end hanging himself in some prison cell some years ago. What a waste as the guy was a brilliant player with as sweet a Tele sound as any I’ve ever heard.

  4. Dave W.

    Awesome Rich! Playing is a gift, thanks for sharing.
    I play bass and have been giging alot the last 2 years. This year it’s been cutting into my fishing but it’s been a great time.

  5. fish182

    Rich, just glad you even heard of both Nils and Roy. It was a sad end to Roy but I still listen to him and I always catch Nils on tour.
    Keep playing.

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