lots of stuff coming up

I have so many thoughts about Costa Rica that I am having problem picking which to write about. From fantastic food, rural roads, good friends, great scenery, lots of sunscreen and good fishing.
Fortunately I did managed to put one of my cameras to good use although I busted the lens on my go pro camera. Which it sucked because I love having it on my head when I fish…or mounted to my car hood, or whatever, such a great little camera
Between this trip and some other stuff I am working on I would say that you can expect to see maybe 10 to 20 new videos in next few months. No , none of them will win an Oscar, but in the sport that many tell us is “not worth the effort” because its so small, every little thing helps to promote this sport we love .
We leave the “pro” stuff to  Jimmy Houston.
Here is a short clip of my partner landing a nice fish from very jaged rocks. Only after hooking few of these fish did we realized that with 7 food rods we were overmatched and we went back to our room to get bigger guns. I got a say, nothing like catching nice fish with a  short stick in sandals and shorts
For those of you that have reserved your spot for the seminar series we have William “Doc” Muller on tap tomorrow night talking about north shore and then bucktails in the surf. In addition to the great free raffle we have last week Doc is donating a some Uncle Josh products in addition to great prizes from MAK bags, Line Stretcher Lures, Guides Choice Lures. Super Strike Lures , Hansom Pliers and St Croix.
As many of you know, your GPS when entered seminar address will dump you few blocks south of the American Legion Hal. Your best bet is to follow direction on the blog under seminar series. Looking forward to seeing you there

11 comments on “lots of stuff coming up

  1. PA Matt

    Great video.

    My wife and I spent a week on the Pacific Beach in Cost Rica last fall…would’ve killed for my stick and bag, but the quality time was well worth it. Next time, baby…next time!

  2. TAC

    yeah, where are the korkers Z? I was in CR Oct 09. Tried my hand at climbing some rocks w/o gear or korkers.. Bad choice. i could have gotten seriously hurt but made it out. hotel employees on beach thought i was nuts.. congrats on a great trip and we’ll see ya tonight..

  3. backlash

    Nice video! Looks like a blast. I imagine quite a few plugs are lost to those sharp rocks. Really liked the jack flattening out the rod. Screaming drags and bulldog battles get my blood boiling. Reminds me of albacore on my 7’er.


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