Jack Yee’s first big striper

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Those of you who are old enough to remember Blazing Saddles will remember the song “I am , so tired’..we’ll if you have not seen the movie you should I don’t care how old you are! But yeah, I do feel a little tired. You have to understand that I been writing this thing for three years now just about every day. And yet a day does not pass by when I do not want to make this blog better than it is.

I can’t make myself better than I am. I always tell my wife, you are what you are. You always revert to mean. When weakfish show up (hopefully in my lifetime) I will leave the bass alone and go play with them even if the bass are giants. We are what we are. I will always have a soft spot for a chunk even though I haven’t tossed one in years. And I can’t wait to get back to Catty this spring.

So how do I make this blog better? I think that my video editing ability has slightly improved and I think videos have been a huge improvement. After all, who wants to read my Cringlish? Ok, I have my moments but it doesn’t matter what you think of me, I am only me. I can’t give you someone else opinion. I can only give you mine

I can tell you that I think St Croix, CTS and Century are kick us rods because I beat them up. I can tell you I love my ZeeBaaS and that I would never go fishing without a Super Strike plug. But I can’t tell you how to fish a live eel because I suck at it. And I can’t tell you anything about the hottest wood on market because I don’t pay attention to it any more. So how do I make this blog better.

Kate Upton? Oh, that would work….for a little while


No, I think the best way to make this blog even better is to bring some fresh ideas and I have some surprises up my sleeve. So there might be some guest popping in here so don’t assume that what you reading is written by me. Pay attention to the author. If it’s not half misspelled, it’s probably not me.

Now for the entertainment portion of today’s blog

The Chief Wabbit himself, Jack Yee talks about his first Montauk big Striper


13 comments on “Jack Yee’s first big striper

  1. mikebfishn

    he seems like a wicked cool dude. what a story to why he started wetsuiting , line cutting …..for real? i heard of people being cut throat but damn! Thats outta control

  2. Mike

    All the regulars at the M will tell you Jack Yee in one of the best.
    If you can get this quiet soft spoken man to open up you can imaging the great stories he can tell.
    More Jack Yee videos please

  3. cowharbortackle.com

    When Jack speaks I could listen for hours & then some!

    That was a great video Z, your skills are better each time. The SJ keeps getting better & better, Thanks for all you guys do to bring the best surfcasting content anywhere to our email each day…

    Love the Ad for Guideschoice too!

    Those lures work extremely well. We sell them at the shop now. 10% off MSRP this weekend when Ralph Votta gives his seminar at the shop. They should be available on our online shop this week.

  4. BarryO

    Don’t be so dismissive of your first thoughts…more often than not, the first thing that comes into your mind is correct. Kate Upton deserves more consideration.

  5. bob jones

    I’ve had the pleasure of fishing with Jack & consider him a friend. He was very inspirational in my ‘fishing developement’. An amazing, fearless, tireless fisherman. A real gentleman. BJ

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