While you were celebrating the July 4th weekend, we were busy working on issue # 8 of the Surfcaster’s Journal Magazine.
So instead of you dreading work after the holiday, we gave you something pleasant to do. Tell your boss you need a little “alone” time.
[issuu layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=110704170349-2827722793ce4c5687818e2c7e8e25fa docname=issue_8 username=SURFCASTERS_JOURNAL loadinginfotext=surfcaster’s%20journal%20issue%208 width=600 height=232 unit=px]
It will help me mentally drown out the WWIII of fireworks outside right now…
↓Big Rock article was great as well as Choopy…diggin’ in to the rest! Thanks for everyones hard work!
↓Cool, just in time for a great read later on in the day at the beach……..
↓Is there a way to view this on an iPhone ?
↓not at this time
↓Nice job guys….
↓I guess I’ll have to work at work today.
↓Hi Guys
↓Like to say great job on the magazine. I look forward to reading every time it comes out . Russ big rock did a great job looking forward to more from him Thanks again
Thanks for the surfcasting/kayak spot!
↓Used mine to gain high tide access the other day!
Man! Totally top notch stuff here guys. Thanks again.
↓just finished the current issue – again great stuff – love the Cutty article – thanks for making my day just that much better