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Tune in tomorrow, but only our subscribers are eligible. Freeloaders no need to apply
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Awesome Z!!!
↓great bag! i own the 3 tube..Tom is a great guy who looks after his customers..
↓I like the large packet for water. I’m in for the prize.
↓You tease.
That is one nice surf bag.
↓Z nice bag where can I purchase one? No way I am lucky enough to win it. Thanks charlie
↓It must be the name Charlie.
↓I never win any thing either.
Love the bag and would love to have one.
Man thats a SHAWEET bag thanx for the chance @owning that Z….i love this site:)
↓sweet bag ! love to win it
↓Another awesome prize. It would be perfect hanging on my shoulder.
↓Thanks Z & SJ!
great xmas gift to give myself..thanx for the chance
↓Beautiful bag….Im looking for my lucky rabbits foot right now…Thanks Z an Tommy….
↓Great Bag!! for a nice Chanakah Gift to myself
↓Would love to have it on my shoulder… all finger crossed.
↓Nice bag!…Of course I’d want to win a bag like that! Thanks Z!
↓NICE! Thanks for the opportunity as usual.
↓wow what a great giveaway!!
↓Those bags are awesome! (what up Tom).
↓Z does it look like you could fit 4-6 riggies in that front pocket?
↓I’m in thanks z
↓I’m in. Rich
↓that look sweet
↓Nice bag, please enter me too.
↓great bag – and very nice to offer it.
↓Tuning in!
↓I’m in
↓Now that’s a man purse I wouldn’t be embarrassed to wear in public!
↓I’m in! Thanks!
↓I’m in awesome bag!!!
↓I’m in – thanks!
↓i’m in, thanks
↓amazing givaway. great shot at somthing i could never buy ! haha
↓I’m In! I could use that GRS too. Thanks for the chance and Happy Holidays to the SJ Staff!
↓Very cool bag…
I’m in !
↓Nice bag. By the way the links for the video and image are mixed up.
↓I’m in
↓Is it tomorrow yet? I’m in!
↓Nice bag i will be tuning in tomorrow i want in.
↓Nice piece. I would love to fill that bag with plugs.
↓I’m in
↓I feel great about a chance to win this… I need a surfbag, not a pin-cushion…
↓oh yeah, please enter my name in the drawing, thanks!
↓I’m in! Thx
I cannot remember my original handle name I created when I signed up. How do I find that out?
↓Thanks for the opportunity, Zeno.
↓I definitely want in! Sweet bag!
↓I feel greedy, but “I’m in”.
↓Thats awesome! My dad would love that cause he went out on the jetty once and his bag didn’t have holes in it and it got soaked. So this would be awesome!
Im in! Thanks!
↓Thats awesome! My dad would love that cause he went out on the jetty once and his bag didn’t have holes in it and it got soaked. So this would be awesome!
Im in! Thanks! =)
↓I’m in Happy Holidays
↓Would love to own one of these I’m in.
↓No “I’m in”‘s silly wabbits.
I’m in. I have yet to win any of the online giveaways. I got my fingers crossed on this one!!
↓I’m in!
↓Thanks CTMatt…I was wondering how long will it take for someone to say that
↓wow that thing is sweet!
↓Very nice. Thanks Z
↓nice bag like to have one
↓so I’M IN
↓I’m in
↓Wow nice!
↓I:M in
↓Im in, looks sweet, thanks
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in.
↓I’m in and thanks.
↓Count me in, thanks!
↓i am in
↓I am in . . . thanks for the chance.
↓that is one sweet bag im in
↓I’m in.
↓Count me in too, I’ve got my fingers crossed, would make a great early
↓xmass gift . Happy holidays to all
I’m in
↓Im in. Thanks
↓I’m in…..thank you for the opportunity
↓Whoa, is this how you do it? Let’s see…I’m in.
↓I thought I was in! I’m IN…Thanx
↓i’m in please. Thanks for the chance. Bag looks sweet…
↓Im in. Thanks