19 comments on “For your reading pleasure …ISSUE # 10

  1. CTMatt

    I usually freak when a giveaway or something comes out at the butt crack of dawn and i miss out on the fun until I get up…now I can savor this TONIGHT woooOOOOOOOT!

  2. Zeno Post author

    I don’t know dude..I am looking at it on my droid right now while I wait for my girl to finish music lessonl.works fine for me..what is the problem you are encountering ?

  3. jim

    I think that it is a shame that the video on Paulie’s of Montauk is now blocked as private. I was looking forward to watching and learning. It’s great Zeno that you put up the Veteran’s Day message- I guess someone forgot that in the USA people are innocent until proven guilty. I hope they reconsider.

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