Cutty wrap up

To wrap up  the Cuttyhunk trip

Yes, we went back to the scene of the crime at Churches. I actually took a nap in the afternoon after we polished some prime meat. They woke me at 7 pm,all  already dressed and ready to go. I would have preferred to hit the south side one more time but I was tired of fishing alone and not catching. I joined them around 8 pm, and played with the camera a bit. Of course the bunker never showed but you knew that 🙂

By dark I was on the rock casting rigged eel until I heard that sound no surfcaster ever want to hear, sound of a rod snapping in two pieces during a cast. That was a first one for me. Rob and I walked back to the  house, grabbed a spare rod and continued fishing under the club while Tommy and Ray stayed in Churches. We didn’t do anything but they managed bunch of small fish later in the night.

So there you have it, the bunker blitz saved their trip although I decided to stay with camera..and a skunk. Not the first or last time I am sure.

Funny thing about a camera…I always say that we should hire an intern to come with us and just shot the camera. Maybe then my wife, after seeing me on video, will believe that I actually was at Cuttyhunk fishing. But I don’t mind capturing the memories. In a lot of ways I prefer it to fishing.

It took me a long time to accept it but now I am finally at piece with it. It’s not fair to ask your friends to be a video guy, to take pictures of your fish, to swim with you in the daytime so you can get some footage. You know why? Because your friends are surfcasters. They are on that rock to catch a fish. Usually you can’t even get them to pose with their own fish as they are worried about holding the fish out of the water too long. Never mind them taking a picture of you with your fish.

You have to want to do it, it’s a simple as that. And if you are unwilling to stop and take pictures while everyone else is bailing fish, you are in majority. After all, you didn’t take that rod to the beach to take picture, but to catch fish.

I am far from a person who accomplished all of his goals, caught all the fish he wanted and now wants to be  camera guy. I enjoy both things equally. And I think that is the key. Most surfcasters take a shot of something they like, a friend with a fish, a beautiful sunset. Most carry a camera in case they catch a monster, that way someone can take a shot of them. But they don’t enjoy taking picture. They don’t visualize the framing like they visualize the rip where their plug lands. I am one of those weird people who enjoys both equally. And sometimes, when your friends are really into fish, and they have a grin from ear to ear, I enjoy it more that catching fish myself. Go figure


Yup, that is a ZeeBaaS , caked in sand…and it was flawless after rinse. Story for another day

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6 comments on “Cutty wrap up

  1. cwfish

    Thanks for the read Z. I remember putting the camera in the bag saying I want to take a couple of pics of the fish we catch to show the co-workers and when the night is over and on the ride home we look at each other and say ahhh guess what we forgot to do. Then there was times I think the fish were camera shy.

  2. Jamie

    Thanks for taking pictures and writing stories. I enjoy them immensely. I also try to take pictures of my friends catching fish as they are great memories of our outings……

  3. mark m

    Just tuning in Z. Glad to know you enjoy taking photos. Keep on keeping on and just love what it is that makes the blood flow. Same goes for everyone out there, as long as it’s legal and doesn’t hurt others.

  4. TRisser

    Thanks for the read Z. I was hoping to get some insights about hot spots on Cuttyhunk for an up coming trip to the island but instead I got some insights about how to enjoying the sport in all situations. Thanks for the read and I’ll be packing a camera to play with.

  5. Grampa Greg

    Z, Did you make it out to the big cove on your last night? I was on the big rock and saw 2-3 lights come down the bluffs. I was solo and was hoping the lights would come my way. It was a very high tide and was a bit creeped out and I usually don’t get like that but I kept thinking about what happened to Al. The waves weren’t too bad but with the water height where it was I was getting popped pretty good in the waist. Then I was thinking about how the week before I had my right leg connected to a mid 20’s eye on that very same rock while I was all alone. Not fun. The tide was much lower so I wasn’t worried about getting knocked in then. God forbid that happened again I said to myself and swam back. I can relate to how you felt a few nights earlier.

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