Current Standings
1st place 47 inch Frank Murphy
2nd place 42 inch Brian Silva
3rd place 41 inch Frank Murphy
4th place 41 inch Sean Hughes

Current Standings
1st place 47 inch Frank Murphy
2nd place 42 inch Brian Silva
3rd place 41 inch Frank Murphy
4th place 41 inch Sean Hughes
Sponsored by ODM Rods, Super Strike Lures, Lamiglas rods and Surfcaster’s Journal.
The STRIPERTHON 2021 is open to all Surfcaster’s Journal subscribers with active subscriptions as of 5 PM at 6/11/2021. There is no entry fee, as a subscriber you are automatically entered.
Only saltwater striped bass may be entered into the tournament.
All fish entered into the STRIPERTHON 2021 must be caught in a surfcasting situation. A surfcasting situation constitutes contacting the ground, rocks, beach, or a dock with one’s feet. Any means may be used to reach these destinations, such as boat, ferry, swimming, or kayaking but the fish must be hooked and landed while the angler’s feet are in contact with the Earth or something permanently affixed to the Earth.
All fish entered must be caught using a rod and reel and a legal live (or dead) bait or lure.
All measurements will be ROUNDED UP to the nearest whole inch.
All qualifying fish have to be photographed with the CONTEST TAG and next to a measuring tape showing the entire length of the fish in inches visible in the photo accompanied by a SECOND photo of the angler holding the fish. This event is intended to be a CATCH AND RELEASE competition, remember all fish must be photographed alive. Minimum size 36 inches
The largest fish by length will win first prize, second-largest second prize and so on. In case of a tie, the first entry submitted will be placed ahead of a second entry of the identical size.
You must send us your entry pictures by 5 PM on Sunday, June 13th. Email pictures to with the email heading “SPRING STRIPERTHON 2021″. Include your name and phone contact.
Anyone caught cheating in any way will be disqualified, ejected, and publicly shamed. This means any photo editing, unannounced substitutions, entering fish caught by non-members etc, will result in disqualification. We reserve the right to disqualify any entries in which the measurements are not clearly visible without enlargement. The SJ tournament committee will have the final say in all disputes concerning the legitimacy of photos, size of the fish, and quality of the photo submitted. Photos entered without a CONTEST TAG shown will not be counted, no exceptions.
Your CONTEST TAG must be printed at a size of 6 inches by 6 inches or larger.
You are urged to take whatever means necessary to protect the TAG. Designating a page in your leader wallet is a great way to protect the tag. It is also wise to print several extras because water and paper don’t mesh well.
All anglers fishing in any STRIPERTHON 2021 tournament agrees to do so at their own risk. Surfcaster’s Journal, its owner, partners, sponsors or employees are in no way liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the act of fishing or traveling, walking, boating or kayaking to or from a fishing location. By printing the CONTEST TAG you agree to indemnify and defend Surfcaster’s Journal, it’s owner and/or employees against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs which may, in any way, arise from your participation in the STRIPERTHON 2021.
First Prize ODM Genesis rod
Second prize Lamiglas Night Shift rod
Third Prize Super Strike Lure Set
Fourth Prize SJ Gear set
All rod prizes must be picked up in person
Our newest podcast at ….new issue # 66 coming up momentarily
New Night Shift Podcast episode
We just dropped a new Night Shift podcast episode with Gary Soldati. Check it out wherever you get your podcast or at and don’t forget to subscribe so you can get a notification when a new one is published
Something new from us at Surfcaster’s Journal
In this podcast, I interview surfcaster and lure builder Chris Voorhies about his lures, plug making, and surf fishing.
(here is a short snippet)
Next Week Podcast Guest- Gary Big Water Soldati
Now available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
You can also listen to the podcast by visiting
My passion runs deep – deeper than the water I ply at night for a fish I’m infatuated with. Those stripes, the intoxicating environment – it owns your soul as it does mine. Whether you cast from a dock, a bank, sandy beach or you’re in a wetsuit pushing out to the furthest rock along the coast, it affects us the same. I push out into the darkness, out to a place that would terrify most, to tell the stories of some nights which I feel normal with. Often I feel like the “Tidy Bowl Man” but without the boat; waves and undertow spin me though a flush then a rinse cycle before I arrive breathless and pale atop my weed covered rock I call my friend. I’ve made it – my prized rock, pushing the limits of land into the sea. I wipe the salt water from my face with my wet gloves and regain my balance, my carbide spikes scratching a firm hold against the rising swell. Looking into the dark sky, the stars surround me, my audience of those who have passed on that shared our passion. I’m alive here, many times questioning why? It’s a question I know you have asked yourself as well. I set up and let my cast go out into the running tide with expectations of grandeur, but I’ll settle for a good hit or even a bump this first cast.
It’s the passion- that’s what it’s all about. Well, until I volunteered to pick up the torch formerly carried by Willy Young past President of The Montauk Surfcasters Association after his passing some two years ago, I continue that relay for fishing access. A relay that I pray continues and never ends.
My term after two years as President of the Montauk Surfcasters Association draws to a close. I now pass the torch to a new President of MSA. I learned quickly how to navigate the waters of politics and the policies of fishing access; the complexity of Village Township, County, State and Federal approach to access was incredible. Guided by a group of helpful attorneys specializing in the various Pattens, Trusts and Doctrines pertaining to our rights to access fishing along the shores of Long Island that lead the way to preserve what we have today. My passion for fishing drove my countless hours advocating. I’ve met some of the most sincere politicians as well as the worst when it comes to helping provide access for fishing. What I enjoyed most throughout my tenure was the relationships that Montauk Surfcasters Association has formed with those who are special and share our passion.
A great supporter of fishermen, maybe feeling our passion and our cause, has been a long time New York State Senator Kenneth Lavalle. Ken who is retiring after 40 years this year. Ken was always a phone call away when we needed him, always having time to listen and take action. Like myself he will be passing the torch to the next generations leaders.
Election time is here, time for us to step back and look at our choices. Like selecting the best lure, it’s time to select those in politics who actually have been there for us and those that have committed their support to the fishermen and access in the future, maybe even sharing the passion and actually being a fisherman. I know this blog reaches across the East Coast, across to Southern and Western Coastlines – but look long and hard at the choices this year, and do they believe in your passion? Will their policies and politics complement your view? Picture yourself standing on that rock gazing into the night sky. When I cast my vote, I’m I following those who stood on this rock long ago, and who would they vote for? Then vote with your heart for you will truly know the path that leads to great fishing. Most important – VOTE!