Better later then never..


Inshore Fly Fishing by Lou Tabory

I have no idea why it took me almost 20 years to get this book. All I can tell you, it should be a required reading for any surfcaster.

Forget for a moment about fly fishing, if you are not into it. The discussion on structure and how to fish it is worth more then any fishing book I’ve ever read. Period.

I am like a child as Christmas Eve reading this at LIRR this morning

Trust me, you wont regret it…..I bough it on Amazon for something silly like $4 last week ands started reading it last night…went trough first 200 pages by this morning.. I might be slow but I am not stupid. Get this and if you are green your understanding of structure will improve tremendously

Surf Rats Ball

My good friend and and insanely driven Montauk Surf Guide Bill Wetzel, has a website called Surf Rats Ball. Its been around for awhile now and it’s a subscription based forum on which Bill logs his reports every time he wets a line. The Surf Rats Ball is a  surf fishing site with no sponsors. Because  it is sponsor less there is no problem with reviewing products and letting people know how that product performs. Members get to read Bill Wetzel personal log which means about 1300 hours of surf fishing logged in per season. There are subscriber reports which he reviews personally so there are no spot burns. Tip of the week which runs from mid December to April, the rest of the time he is fishing.  More detailed information on reading the beach than any other publication on the market. Then of course they have their annual East Coast Striper tournament which covers the entire east coast and makes catch and release possible. Last year a 55lber took it from the Montauk suds, and in 2009 a 63lber took it. That is a testament to the quality of  surf rats they have on the site.  Following the tournament they have their annual shin dig where about $10,000 in prizes are raffled off to raise money for kids with cancer.  In addition there are articles, guided trip and plug giveaways, and everyday information not found elsewhere. The annual fee is $35, which is a little more than a spool of 300 yards of braid. Nice gift for yourself or a buddy

And last but not least…for those of you that are looking to buy a wetsuit but are unsure if the flotation properties are sufficient to keep your big fat butt buoyant.

Have we have a recommendation for you

You will never sink wearing this bad boy




unless you come in contact with sharp objects, that is


HO, HO, HO !

10 comments on “Better later then never..

  1. Chris A

    Surf Rats Ball When joining I had a better understand in every aspect of surfcasting like Zeno said form equipment to reading the beach to bait migration you cant be it…

  2. frank

    yes zeno….never having done much book reading about surfcasting,started fly fishing about 10 yrs ago and read tabory’s book when i started….ditto your recommendation..merry xmas…frank

  3. Lou

    Bill’s site is outstanding. No B. S. Just a bunch of great guy honestly talking fishing !!!!! I would recommend a suscription to every one. If that “significant other” needs a last minute gift this is it !!!!!

  4. achase

    First book I bought was yours. Opened my eyes. Second wave of books included Tabory’s. One of the best I’ve seen so far explaining structure.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Guys!!!

  5. CHIEF500

    Z, that was one of the first I ever purchased after reading some of it in the a local library. It is inbelievablely full of great information for a surfcaster.

  6. Mike

    I was sold after reading Zeno’s blog and then all the comments since …. I went online and ordered myself and early Christmas present. Can’t wait to get it!

    Merry Christmas to you all!

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