Happy Father’s Day

First of all, let me wish a Happy Father’s Day to all our blog and magazine readers. Enjoy the day with your loved ones. I know firsthand how does it feel to not have a dad around on this day and I know many of your miss your dad’s too, especially today.

I worked yesterday and came home and went to a friend’s house. After getting back around 2 am I packed my truck and headed to the beach. I managed to make it to 7/11 about three blocks away before turning around and going to bed. Some night the mind wants to but body is not willing.

After a very difficult Cuttyhunk trip last week were we literally just hanged around, waiting for water to clean up I needed something to shake my rod. Fortunately I found some fish locally during the week. But even here the water was off color. I think we all had enough rain.

This has so far been a very, very strange June. If you have been at this game for awhile you probably share my feelings that the month of June is probably your best shot at a big fish. Cape Cod, New York, New Jersey, in most places the month of June is usually the “cow month” and particularly around the period of new moon. But I don’t think it happened this year and I think Tropical Storm Andrea and the numerous stormed that followed it last week put a huge damper on “what might have happened’. Or what we expected to happen.

I am curious to see what happens going forward. I stopped by a local tackle shop yesterday and they told me that local weakfish bite has been pretty good. To be perfectly honest I completely lost the track of weakfish last month. The place I like to target need specific win conditions and its been either too windy or wrong direction or that darn pesky thing called work got in a way. Is any of our readers catching weakfish with consistency? I guess I just want to know if the bite is active or if its sporadic.

Ok, I took enough of your time this Father’s Day, go enjoy it with your families.

Happy Father’s Day to my pal “Fearless Ray”..a dude whose lure organizational skills are legendary


Happy Father’s Day to “Silver Fox”, the most dedicated surfcaster I know.


Happy Father’s Day to “Yo Dude’ ,THE creative force behind SJ Magazine, and the Director of all things Cool


And last but not least..Happy Father’s Day to Great White Hunter who is somewhere in Reno, Nevada today for a  bowling tournament. Or  at least that is what he told his wife 🙂

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8 comments on “Happy Father’s Day

  1. Rob k.

    a belated happy fathers day to all, for the emotions that tug at our strings for fathers that are no longer here with us – I feel that it has been replaced by the joy of spending the day with our children, life is a full circle.
    guess the cows that came into mtk missed the rain/dirty water memo the past 2 weekends 🙂 1- high 40’s 1- low 40’s surf caught. the mecca did not disappoint those guys.

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