I must have answered 50 to a 100 emails this week, all dealing with lost password, username or “why I cant view the journal past subscription page” question. And I answered every single one. Spent a good half hour on a phone with a fellow who needed a little extra help. It’s cool, that is why we are here for. But when people post on other sites that they are getting no response to multiple emails…I get very annoyed. Because you know me. Those of you who contact me can expect email back within 10 minutes. Now if you call me and leave a voicemail I it might be a week till I get back to you.

Dave suggested we do this so let’s get to it

Blog and Magazine, two separate entities.

Blog free. You can read, you can be amused, you can win stuff

Magazine $20. You can read more, you can be amused more. You can win more including a CTS rod. You might get a date with Kate Upton.

Just because you been on the blog for a long time it does not entitles you the access to the magazine. You have to subscribe by clicking here https://www.surfcastersjournal.com/amember/signup  if you want a full accesses to new issue and all the old issues.

So here we go, simple stuff

You MUST Log In order to read the mag. The way you log in is to click on MAGAZINE tab on top right then LOGIN. Then enter your username and password. Or you can click on this link and bookmark it https://www.surfcastersjournal.com/amember/login

Do not remember your password? You see the box that says “lost password”? Put your email you registered with and it will send you new password to THAT email address. Remember, we are not talking about the info you registered with on the blog, we are talking the email you used when you paid and created account with SJ. If you signed up at the shows, we sent you an email with your login/password the day after. 99% of people that contacted me and said “I don’t have it, you never sent it” were very surprised to find it in their SPAM/JUNK folder. If you have a Google Gmail account I can almost guaranty it’s in your SPAM folder. Look, it’s not a big deal to me to point this out but I figured I let you know before you send an email for help.

I understand that after two months some have forgot email, usernames or whatever. We can help. Shot an email to info@surfcastersjournal.com and tell us your email you registered with, or your full name and we will help you out. That is why we are here for.

Those of you that extended your subscription at the shows, you can log in, click on Main Page Button  and see that your subscription expires in 2015, two years from a date you originally signed up . We don’t send a special email for renewal to those who did it at shows. We just hook you up. Go check.

So, no , blog and magazine are not the same, they have different subscribers. Blog is free , magazine is not. To subscribe to the magazine and have access to all 18 issues and all the videos click here. https://www.surfcastersjournal.com/amember/signup

Use the password retrieval tool before you contact us. Because we are going to do the same thing after you contact us. There is no Wizard of Oz here..

You must, must  Log In first in order to view whole magazine. If you are using password retrieval tool, check your spam folders, you new password might be there.

If you contact us, we can reset your password manually. Just keep in mind that this will cut into our court mandated porn viewing therapy …Just saying..

If you subscribed at the shows and never got your log in info, please, contact us asap. We already set up all the accounts the day after the show. It’s possible we entered the wrong letter when typing your email and sent your activation email to abyss. We do speak Cringlish here, you know?

Anyway, that is it. Go hug your kid, watch a little March madness, wet a line in the salt. Whatever rocks your boat. I am going painting..can you say major brownie points?

You can never have too many of those

12 comments on “FAQ

  1. CTMatt

    Z/Tommy/Dave I can tell this is getting a bit frustrating for you guys, especially the “other site” stuff.

    I think you need a tab at the top of the blog or the magazine pages for “Are you new here?” or “lost password” or similar. Like a sticky of sorts. I know it is in the dropdowns in the top right already but if the info is clearly there you may have to give it a little more exposure at the expense of the nice streamlined look. I know you all have put hard time in but the noob googenheims that came here on the short bus need it laid out a bit different apparently. From Day 1 I found this format perfectly fine but it seems to be giving some folks a hard time. Including the creators! Just a thought. It sucks when the format works for a vast majority but you may keep getting 100 emails a week on something you have have to rethink a bit. Trust me…I appreciate the change in format.

  2. Jim J.

    I’ve got to say everything has been great it is not hard to follow and I’m a computer idiot only problem I have had is that I forget my password keep up the great work Jim J.

  3. Jerry

    Matt. We’re all new here. The mag is barely 10 weeks old. The password recovery function is RIGHT NEXT to the login GUI, enter a user name or an email address. Pick a user name min 6 characters then use the name of your favorite cat for a password. No KGB proof nonsense like uppercase then a number, ampersand min 8 characters, etc….. anyway, new rule. You’re not allowed on the beach in mtk after august if you can’t remember your password.

  4. tagman

    Uh, I got a question, how do I log into my account if I cant
    remember my password???? 😀 😀 ONLY KIDDING!!!!!!!!!

    Z, dont lose your mind over this crap. The journal is tops!

  5. Mike

    For those of you that have a hard time remembering user names and passwords. There is a PC/MAC product called RoboForm that can help. I have been using it for over 10 years with over 200 web sites without a problem. Just google RoboForm.


  6. brian

    I paid for a subscription @providence show sunday and cant use the code on the back wtf im not good on the computer took a long time to get this far

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