The new issue of your favorite surf fishing publication is here

And the new SJ website at is finally here. And new look for blog. We hope you like what we did.If anyone has any issues feel free to email me at

We worked so hard and so long, I don’t even know where to begin so let me make today’s blog really simple. If you want to skip over my crude childlike drawings, just go to and sign up. Tommy made a layout so simple…but here are some pointers

You will see that we have new website layout. The buttons are self explanatory. Except the magazine button, the main one, but we will get to that in a moment.

First, once you arrive at the you will find a current issue preview.

111111111Notice that arrow on the left pointing to the Full Screen button ? That is to enlarge the magazine on the PC or Mac. On the opposite side you will see arrows with which you can turn the pages. You can also grab a corner of the page and it will flip too.

There are eight videos in the issue but unless you stop and look, you might skip right over it. The first page, after you flip over the spectacular cover shot by ZeeBaaS Ron DiCostanzo is a spread by Tackle Direct…notice the video circled in the picture? Yes, that is an interactive ad


When you come to the end of the preview , you will come to subscribe page. Clicking anywhere on that page will take you to subscribe section.


This will take you to the page where you will create your account. Pick a name and password.


Once you are done with that you need to subscribe to the mag. Just click “Next” .This is self-explanatory. No more PayPal, no more headaches. We are using, the biggest credit card merchant in the universe. Enter your info and you are done.

Remember, you can always retrieve your info by going here and clicking on Lost Password


Now you are in the “current issue” section. You can view the whole 164 page magazine. On the top under Magazine heading there is an ARCHIVE button. This will take you to all the archived issues we did in landscape format. Yes, they are all waiting for you. And yes, you are automaticaly entered in “Win a CTS ROD OF YOUR CHOICE” giveaway when you subscribe

Ok, I am running out of time and LIRR awaits but then again, its 4 am and I am lucky to have a job..more stuff on mag coming up

23 comments on “The new issue of your favorite surf fishing publication is here

  1. noob googenheim

    Proud paying subscriber!
    Best of luck with this killer layout and format.
    I hope 2013 brings you guys lots of success!
    Actually happy to be home sick so I can screw around with this lol…

  2. oakhurstclay

    Zeno, just had a few minutes to skim through the magazine. Can’t wait until later when I have time to read the articles. Everything looks great!

    Steven Cohen
    Jersey Shore

  3. noob googenheim

    Cover to cover….an awesome undertaking SJ crew. Refreshing to read through Issue #1 and then this technological monstrosity and see the culmination of a lot of hard work. Thanks again.

  4. TedC

    LOVE THE NEW LAYOUT!! whoever thought up the “info” links that are shown is a genius! With a beautiful magazine like this, it is sooo easy to overlook all the handy links you guys put in. There is some real innovative thinking here… All those involved should be very proud. Can’t wait to read, and re-read this over the coming weeks!

  5. mark d

    could not subscribe. had the same problem last year when I tried to donate.payment site will not recognize my Costa Rica address. I was able to trick paypal into accepting my card last year and then donated but now I do not know what to do….help ?

  6. Tony Politi

    To all at SJ, did a quick run through last night, little reading, watched some videos, it was fantastic. Thanks for all you guys do and for truly doing something original in a niche that gets minimal coverage.

    Thanks again

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