9 comments on “Issue # 16 is here

  1. Chris A

    Z and crew. I just wanted to Thank You for a great Mag. This perticuler one has a lot of meaning to to me. I have been at this game for almost 8 years and in that time most of my fishing has been on the North Shore. Its always a great read.

  2. Chris S.

    The new format is more responsive on my computer, no lag when turning the pages. I like the in article video idea too. Everything looks better overall. Good work guys!

  3. CTMatt

    Thanks Mr. Frank Walls and your article…I took the plunge and converted my V3’s and so far so good. Takes a little finesse and I found tightning the studs with the sole already installed helps against warping. For $12 I think they will hold up fine vs pricey wearbars. If I am wrong I am only out a few clams.

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