Guest Blog from Anglelo Peluso : 2012 Youth Essay Writing Contest

By Anglelo Peluso

In today’s world rife with high-technology communication capabilities, email and texting have contributed somewhat to diminished writing skills among today’s generation of students. Remarkably, I’ve heard stories from corporate recruiters that have actually received resumes accompanied by cover letters written in “text-speak.” For example: “I hear UR hiring. Here’s some 411 about me. WBS. Ciao.” Back when I was hiring for the corporation I worked with during my business career that resume would have made a quick acquaintance with the trash basket. But some organizations involved with fishing and the outdoors have set about to do something to change that or at least make a small difference.

The Long Island Outdoor Communicators Network, On The Water magazine and the Coastal Conservation Association New York are jointly sponsoring the 2012 Youth Essay Writing Contest. The goal of the contest is to encourage essay writing as a means to introduce children and young adults to the core values, benefits, traditions and enjoyment of fishing and other outdoors activities, and to perpetuate and enhance fundamental writing skills among the current and next generation of America’s youth.

If you know a child who enjoys fishing and the outdoors and would like to write a story on a related topic, then this is the opportunity to combine those interests and take a chance on the essay winning one of a number of exciting prizes. The best essays might also get published in On the Water magazine. But there’s a catch.

To be eligible for the contest, an entrant must be a Long Island or New York City student currently enrolled in the 2012 calendar year class, and at any grade level 1 through 12. There are four eligibility categories: Category A (grades 1-3); Category B (grades 4-6); Junior Category (grades 7-9); and Senior Category (grades 10-12). Contest themes are: 1) My Favorite Fishing Story; 2) What Fishing Means to Me; and 3) How My Generation Can Help Conserve the World’s Fish Populations.

A distinguished panel of judges, comprised of educators, editors and award-winning writers and book authors, has been assembled to evaluate all entries. The contest will run throughout the balance of 2012, with submissions due no later than Oct. 31.

Those organizing the event indicate that they are seeking sponsors to contribute educational and outdoor-related items as awards for the contest winners. A number of leading recreational industry companies have already agreed to donate fishing tackle and other equipment and gear as prizes. An additional goal of the contest is to recognize the writing achievements of as many student participants in the contest as possible, so any and all donations will go a long way toward accomplishing that objective.

The Long Island Outdoor Communicators Network is a group of dedicated and professional outdoor journalists, editors, book authors, photographers, lecturers and videographers whose mission is to promote a better understanding of and appreciation for traditional outdoors sports. On The Water is the flagship publication of On The Water Magazine and Television, and is a highly respected and widely read regional fishing magazine with readership throughout the entire northeast. The Coastal Conservation Association New York advises and educates the public on conservation of marine resources and works to conserve, promote and enhance the present and future availability of these coastal resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public.

Requests for additional information or questions about the contest should be directed to the Writing Contest Coordinator, LIOCN, at: All entries should be submitted in a Word document format and transmitted via email to the address listed above

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6 comments on “Guest Blog from Anglelo Peluso : 2012 Youth Essay Writing Contest

  1. Dennis

    Good cause and wish you the best. Was thinking of having my son try to write something but I can’t submit a word document. I look forward to reading the winning entry.

  2. chuckg

    Writing skills cannot be overemphasized, the fact that one can relate a story, ideas, a viewpoint are indicative of a somewhat complete understanding of the issue. Next to cave writing and hieroglyphics, the written word has the ability and has had the most impact on human events since time memorial. This blog is proof of that power as it is read in every country in the world and has opened up a wonderful world of surfcasting to old and young alike. Keep up the good work.

  3. Brian K

    What a great idea to inspire young anglers to write about fishing experiences.

    WHAT A SHAME this contest is only open to a specific group of youths that must live in a specific location!!!??
    What about a young angler that just fishes in these areas. Lots and lots of young people “travel” to the New York bight area to fish. They experience fishing for many species of fish fresh and saltwater with maybe family, a friend, relative, mentor or just a youth group.
    I know it would probably create a LOT more work for the people that will judge this contest but limitting where you come from to participate in a writing skills contest might not be the best idea to give young people incentives to write about their outdoor experiences.
    This is just my opinion.
    Maybe consider other writing contest for other areas were young people fish or live or open it up to all.
    A great idea like this could take hold across many states, cities and demographic areas and give young anglers a chance to share their fishing stories.

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