This and that


First, we are going to turn blog outline blue in honor of the Giants and Patriots. It was a crazy Sunday but I guess destiny was calling both teams. I must add that a part of me feels for the 49’s and Ravens as they left all they had on the field. Congrats to all the teams.

The winner of free Choopy shirt, long or short and deliver when printed is….Chris G

Please get back to us and will put you in touch with Charlie from Choopy Lures

The winner of Lemire’s Plugworks, Goo Goo Eyes Swimmer is Barry K

Congrats , you have 5 days to send us your email address.

If any of you have any issues downloading any books from our site, please let us know and we will try to help you. We tested and retest yesterday and everything is working fine but we found out that some of you had an old OS on your phones that require you from downloading and such. In any event, if you have issues, contact us.

Show season is upon us, right now we are only committed to NJ Surf Day and Asbury Park Fishing Club Flea Market. This doesn’t mean we won’t attend other shows, it just means we won’t have a table. I believe NJ Surf Day is on 2/25 and Asbury on march 11th. In addition I will be making a rare appearance at Fisherman Conservation association in Staten Island on February 4th. This a whole day even and yes, Da Wife let me out of the house. But I have huge performance by my girl in the Tiles Center at CW Post that evening to attend ,so that will be some nutty day. You can visit FCA Website for more details I will also do a mini seminar for Mark at Cow Harbor Tackle in  from about 6 30 to 8 or so on 2/22…a secret topic..:-).  actually I will be discussing something I haven’t done before, fishing around slow water period.

And last and not least, Tommy will let you know when he is making new SJ gear and what designs he settled on. I have no idea about any of this, this is all Yo Dude

13 comments on “This and that

  1. Dave Whitney

    Z, are you going to the Tiles Center for the NYSMA show? These kids are the best of the best. Had 2 of my daughters go, couldn’t have been more proud.

  2. Gary R. Soldati

    Hi Zeno, looking forward to downloading your “Interviews with the Experts” to my PC. Not only do I find your writings informative, but I like your writing style and you are making “me” a better writer. If I have trouble with the download, I hope you will standby your policy of reading me a couple pages over the phone just before bedtime. Go Pats!!

  3. Ken F

    Congrats to the winners!
    Can’t wait for the mini seminar @ Cow Harbor Tackle Z!
    Also can’t wait to see what designs Tommy has settled on! The pics he put up on FB are looking good!

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