Win some Crazy stuff from a Crazy dude on a Crazy cold day

I am not much of an ass kisser. For whatever reason, I never developed social skills to be a good bullshit artist and be loved by masses. Ask my wife if you don’t believe me. She said that I have the worst social skills of any man she’s ever met. As such, I generally turn down almost every fishing invitation, preferring to fish alone. I don’t know, socializing for sake of socializing was never my thing. I fished with Crazy Alberto twice in my life, and both times he spanked me. Which is fine to be honest. Yes, I always thought that he was an exceptional angler but never really thought that he was head and shoulders above all other “experts”.

I recently however had a change of heart in regards where in the food chain of top anglers would I place him. I spent few days in Florida and had a chance to bounce around some bridges and even do some kayaking. I do not understand how this man learned so many spots in a year he has been there. I don’t understand how he knows at what time, almost down to the minute when the fish will show up. It is beyond my comprehension why we are looking at thousand mangroves, all looking alike, and not holding any fish until he says “cast to that one” and we pull a fish out. I am still trying to figure out how he found a depression in the bay that is 10 miles long and only two to three feet deep. How he found a small 6 foot depression that had more speckled trout in it that I could have ever hope for…all without any electronics. I don’t understand how he found a canal in buckfuckville Florida, behind someone’s house where we watched giant redfish piled one on top of another. Or a pier were giant drum ,shark and snook patrol the shadows in mere two feet of water.

I know what it takes to get this knowledge. Actually, I know how much time it would take me to acquire it….but I only have one life to live. The fact that he managed to get so familiar with a new place, while having less free time than at any other point in his life is astounding. I did always thought he was an exceptional angler. Our paths didn’t cross that much as I was more of a surfcaster while he was strictly a big fish hunter. I turned down many invitatiotios from him over the years when he would tell me we would start at 2 am…on a weekday. But a month after fishing with him, I am still amazed on how his mind works.


In his honor, we’ll give you a chance to win this Tactical Angler lure and TA Clips that he designed and developed. Al picked one picture in this issue as his favorite, your job is to figure out on what page is it located. You know Al is also an outstanding photographer (one of his many talents). Give it some thought before you spit out a page #

Good luck and stay warm….my son walked from school today. Actually ran…and he came in the house yelling “God Bless you dad”. I said “What did I do?”. He said he froze his ass outside for 5 minutes and did not understand how I could work outside in construction all day in this weather. Stay in school kids 🙂  …and get an office job.


Every guy that responds with only “I am in” agrees to have SJ tattooed on his forehead


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145 comments on “Win some Crazy stuff from a Crazy dude on a Crazy cold day

  1. CTMatt

    Dang I saw the update late and there are a bunch of guesses lol. I need to get up earlier!

    AS far as the Droid my Samsung Galaxy Skyrocket seems totally fine. Tiny bit laggy but it could be the data amount.

    I would like to say I love Albertos sub darter and the smaller popper. Excellent casting/darter action is a long sweep. Popper makes the water look like its boiling when fished like a pencil. nice fat bottom…just the way i like ’em! lol

    Steven Cohen…I’ll be right over with my tattoo kit…HOOKED ON PHONICS WORKED FOR ME!

  2. Ken Nowicki

    I’m gonna take a guess at page 156. I know Al take a great many outdoor scenic shots… but I’m guessing that this one tugged at his historic heart strings a bit. Wish me luck!

  3. Michael Stefani

    I’m going to say page 69. Alberto has great shots and I wish I could find fishing areas like he does. Lets all have a great year. Thanks guys.

  4. woodwker99

    I’m torn between 46 and 53 I like the Ariel shot of cow harbor. also the fish shot on 53….. I’ll take the chance and call it 46. I’m in … and I already have SJ tattooed on my truck… my forehead might be next.

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