Do you feel like writing?

It is about time to get up in the morning and feel good about being a NY Giants fan. Funny story…my wife was on the two months ago looking at stuff to spend money on. Hmmm, why does this sounds familiar? She asks, who is this guy Cruz from NY Giants? I said, no one other than your son’s favorite player in the whole world. This is before anyone knew who he was…but since my son blogs about sports for a year already, he knew and loved the potential. So she gets him an authentic jersey. Let’s just say kid hasn’t taken the thing off since Christmas…Cruuuuuuuuuuz

Sometimes we post entry on the blog, asking you about the stuff you want us to feature in the magazine. Today, we are asking for readers to get involved and pitch us the stories that they would like to write themselves. You might be chummy with a plug builder, you might know an old-timer that fished with Woolner. You might be a brilliant surfcaster who can take apart strategies and structure. Or you just might be a crazy tattooed dude that has an eclectic taste in music. I don’t know what rocks your boat but I always believed that you should always write with your heart ,and people will listen to what you have to say. We are open to any ideas. So pitch us your story at

For those of you who overate for the holidays, I feel your pain.There was a time when i was much lighter than today, and there was a time when i was much heavier too. I would  like to get the scale moving downward but the holiday buffet is killing me..


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9 comments on “Do you feel like writing?

  1. mark downey

    I live in Costa Rica but started surfcasting as a child at Hatteras NC. Anyway there is a world famous fishing spot in CR the Rio Colorado.I have wanted to fish there for a long time. One of the best places in the world for Snook and Tarpon. There are fly in fishing lodges there for a godzillian a day which I can not afford.No road access. I have recently figured out a surfrat way of getting there and fishing the beach at the river mouth. Could be great.Could be a bust.

  2. Greg Tucceri

    I had a fun doing it this year, didn’t think in a million years you guys were gonna but it up. I must say it was pretty cool when I did see it,and plan on doing it again next season with pictures to add and maybe some video with the camera I got over the holidays.

  3. Jeremy A

    Thanks Z. My sister is a writer by trade and lives on the Florida shore. I recently gave her my old penn reels and rods cuz she wants to surf fish! how cool is that. the last time I took her fishing she wore purple dish gloves to take the fish off the hook. anyway she hasnt had any success at all, and I cant go down and help her now. Im interested to see if she has any observations about starting out as a newb. I’ll let u know.

  4. Lucky Luke

    Cruz…I played him in college football when I played at stony brook…I kicked off to him…now he’s a nasty WR for the giants…he was nasty for UMass too in the college days

  5. Rich M

    xmas eve i took my brother inlaw to jets giants game hes a jets fan me giants anyway we had sick seat on home side cruz ran that 99yarder right past me as i was yelling in you face brother crruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the crowd went nuts ill be back for the next one four years from now!!!!

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