
It is third week of September. What does that mean? That Montauk is hot? You think ? This stretch from now till about Columbus day is probably your best chance to get onto some insane daytime blitzes there and I know many of you have made plans to cash in your chips.

When you do get there, stop by Paulie’s Bait and Tackle. You will find a pot of coffee on at all times. You we’ll also find a knowledgeable and  friendly staff inside. And outside? You might find more then you bargained for…lol

There are always few fellows hanging on the chairs, shooting the shit and talking what, when ,where. The place is an epicenter of Montauk fall run and Paul is the ringleader. I know many of you are now in a full fall run mode. No sleep, no work, no honey-do…just fish. But crap happens and at Montauk it happens more than anywhere else. Busted rods, broken reels, lost plugs, ripped waders, lost Korkers. It is nice to know that you can pick anything you need within five minute ride and head back to the point and back into the action.

Many of you have Van Staal reels and yes, they are built like tanks. But they still need service or at times repair. Don’t send them to Tulsa, Oklahoma but instead either drop them at Paulie’s or ship them to him or River’s End in Connecticut. These guys have been trained to expertly service and repair your Van Staal reels. They can often fix them the same day if you are in the jam. In case of a guy like Paul at Montauk, this is his bread and butter. Other then few magical weeks in the fall when he is the God amongst crazy, sleep deprived surfcasters, he is struggling like the rest of us. Is this really any of your concern? Not really but establishing a relationship with a local tackle store goes a long way when you are in the jam and you need something NOW.

This is not only limited to Paulie’s. Many of our supporters, River’s End, Cow Harbor, LI Outdoorsman, East End Bait and Tackle, Saltwater Tackle, Fisherman’s Headquarters, all of them have been hit hard by not only the economic times we live in but ever-expanding regulations too. They have to compete not only with other tackle dealers but with internet retailers too. In some ways, you might think this is none of your concern, and in some ways you’d be right.

But in other ways you might be the only guy who doesn’t get a whisper “go to xyz, fishing is hot”. Because internet retailers don’t do whispering. Real people do.

Speaking of support…

There are lots of people who came on board to support Surfcaster’s Journal . Some have told us that they only advertise because they want to support the publication. Because it’s one of a kind. And they are surfcasters too.

I do have to single out one supporter for his vision and belief in what we were doing. Rob from LI Outdoorsman was a first tackle store to become a Surfcaster’s Journal supporter. He came o  board before we even launched our first issue, while we were still knocking around ideas. He believed in us and we will be eternally grateful.

Speaking of LI Outdoorsman, they are having a giant sale and bbq this weekend at their store in Rockville centre. If you are in the area, stop by and say hi

I tried to upoad their flier few times with no luck

also this from Bob Jones

Hi Guys,
Frank Pintauro & myself have agreed to put on a show of vintage NY lures from the 1940’s and 1950’s; to benefit the Water Mill Museum. We will be displaying choice baits from our collections.
The 3 day event will be held; starting 9/23/2011 and ending 9/25/2011. 11AM to 5PM each day.
The Water Mill Museum is located at 41 Old Mill Road in Water Mill, NY 11976.
Water Mill is about 45 minutes west of Montauk and you will pass it on your trip out.
Any of you who are going to be in the area, please, stop by. Frank is a leading authority on the history of NY baits and I will do my best to answer any questions.
Any monies generated will go directly to the Water Mill Museum to cover their operating costs.
Thank you. Bob

again, I could not uplod the flier but here is the link..sorry PC problems


6 comments on “weekend

  1. Bunufish

    The prices at Paulie’s are sweet. I won’t hesitate to purchase from them. Picked up a manual pick-up for my penn 704z, could not find it for that price anywhere. Actually, couldn’t find it and was looking for a few months now.

  2. Rich S.

    Stopping in to visit Paulie, Melnyk, and Jack, is half the fun of fishing Montauk. Great surf tackle shop that offers expert service, with a heavy serving of local color. i always find an excuse to spend a few bucks when I’m there because life without the local bait and tackle guys would suck, And times are tough.

  3. Robert LIO

    Hey Z thanks for mentioning our sale on the site we really appreciate it.We are proud to support SJ and what it has to offer for the modern surfcaster.I’ve been trying to hit the local beaches lately in between work and getting such friendly,positive feedback from the guys its always nice to know when all your hard work pays off.And in this time of such a fierce internet presence and the continued loss of that “hometown” feel it is good to deal with real local persons like yourselves and not just some nameless faceless e-commerce site.

  4. Robert LIO

    Oh yeah and fishing Montauk and not hitting Paulie’s for a cup of coffee and shooting the bull would be like fishing a bucktail without porkrind.He changed a pesky roller bearing for me on my VS that was driving me nuts during the night in like 10 seconds flat..Make sure you buy something when your there!

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